" Killer Style. "

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I decided to leave, get away from all of my troubles. I headed over to the station seeing Pacifica sitting down in a chair alone. Her eyes were worn out and she looked dead. I patted her back and smiled a little, giving her a hug.

"How about we go to your favorite place?"

"The mall?" She asked, than letting out a sigh. "Sure, I need funeral clothing anyway."

And with that, we walked out and headed to the mall.


Walking inside, people stared at us. They must have seen the news, and were shocked. It was mixed with confusion, condolences, and so on. I looked at her and whispered to ignore it, as we walked into forever 21. I didn't realize how late it was until we paid.

"The mall will be closing in two minutes, please vacate the area." A loud voice said among the speakers

"Let's go Pacifica." I said grabbing her arm.

"Wait I have to use the bathroom real quick." She said, and with that, we went to the bathroom.

"What if they lock down the place and we're in here and get in trouble by security?" I asked her.

"Psh." She laughed. "They don't have security."

My heart dropped. "They don't?"

"No!" She said walking out of the stall. "Even if they did the police are too stupid in this town." She tossed a lock over her shoulder.

"We can just break out." She smiled.


A loud noise of metal falling was heard. "What was that?"

"Probably just people closing up shop." She shrugged washing her hands.


An even louder, more layered one fell.

"What about that?"

"Y/n!" She said angry.

"Okay, okay." I raised my hands in defense as we walked out.

The mall was pitch black, all the stores were still open though. The doors had shackles on them and the only music playing with jazz music over the speakers. "This is creepy... Didn't everyone leave?" I whispered.

"Yeah.. Let's get out of here." She gulped.

"Let's play a game." The speakers said in a loud voice, disguised with an anonymous voice, like the ones used to hide your normal one.

"What the fuck?" Pacifica said, and with that, large metal coverings covered the only exits, keeping out any looking from in or out of the mall.

"Hide and seek; a game loved by children. How about we play that? You have twenty minutes to hid or I'll kill you." Said the voice with a laugh.

"Cut the bullshit!" Pacifica yelled. "We aren't playing with any pranks."

"Pranks? Dear, why would I prank you? Oh right, I did." It laughed. "Waddles! Well that was the real pig but it did give you a fright. Have fun." The speakers returned to jazz music.

"This is fucked up." I said.

"Well come on, we have to hide." Pacifica said.

"Is there a weapon store?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said and started running, myself following her.

I started to think, maybe this is the same guy that texted me. What does he want from me? From us? Was this the same guy who killed Pacifica's friends? I mean she's a jerk but she doesn't deserve this.

"Found it!" She said running to it. Inside the shop had the wall lined with swords, guns, knifes, and lighters. We both took guns, and left with them. I also had a pocket knife, hiding on my pocket.

"Five minutes!"

"Shit." Pacifica cussed out. "Over to Montre moi." She directed. "It's a fancy French store that just opened. I love it." She said showing off her outfit. We ran and hid in the dress section, by the long dresses.

Tap, tap, tap.

Footsteps. My heart dropped, I turned on my phone and saw no service, so we are unable to contact any help. The person flipped over dress racks over and over again. Making their way to us. Finally, they turned flipped ours.

I held up my gun and pointed it to the person.

"We finally meet." I said.

"Correction, met. You've met me before." It said, voice still disguised.

I looked over the person. They had a white mask with only the eyes carved out, but they were black so I couldn't see the person's eyes. They had a dark blue hood on, that covered their head and a matching cloak that covered their body.

"We have some questions." Pacifica said.

"You get three."

"Okay one, did you kill numbers two and three?"

"Pacifica, you know their names. You know a lot about one of them. But yes, I did."


"To see you suffer, you deserve it. You both do."

"Are you actually going to kill us?"

"Want to test me? By the way, your guns aren't loaded. I'm not an idiot, I'm smarter than the both of you."

And with that, everything went black.

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