Chapter 34

803 34 23

Christmas Eve — 2015
Your Perspective

I woke up on the floor, my foot tangled in the bed sheets. My hair was messed up, and makeup smeared. All I remembered was leaving last night really late, and coming back only to forget to wash my face. I shrugged it off though, and got up, tripping slightly.

"Y/n!" Pacifica slid into my room. She looked at me, excited, but then cringed once she saw me. "I'm not gonna ask. But hurry up and get ready! It's 3 in the afternoon!" She shouted at me through a mega phone, which she casually liked to carry around. "Now!"

"Geez...I slept a lot..." I said jumping at her last comment. "Fine, fine, just get out." I sighed as she nodded walking out, shutting my door. I turned around only for her to run back in. "Also, put a dress on, please, remember the Christmas Eve party is tonight. A Formal party. " She said.

"Alright." I sighed as she finally left. I hopped into the shower, massaging the shampoo into my h/l h/c hair. I rinsed it, the fog filling up the bathroom. I used like half of the conditioner bottle into my hair, because hell this hair won't be neat without it. After finishing washing myself, I stepped out of the shower, shaved, and dried myself off.

I quickly put on makeup. I went for a simple, but formal, look. As in, black cat winged eyeliner, with an alinement of silver, and a shading into the crease of my eye with copper. I had mascara on, and as Pacifica always insisted, false eyelashes. She thought it looked better, but it takes for fucking ever to do.

I did the usual, contouring, foundation, concealer, etc. I was still debating on weather or not I should have lipstick or lipgloss. I shrugged it off and put on dark red lipstick, fuck having to wear lipgloss on my lips. That shit is sticky. After that whole 30 minute procedure, I fixed my hair into a nice braided bun.

I decided to sit down for a little bit, scrolling through Instagram, before Pacifica yelled for me to get ready faster. "Fine!" I screamed back as I quickly pulled on a skin tight, long, dark red dress which fell to the floor and had a small rip that went up until my knee. Don't worry, it's suppose to be like that. "Don't forget tights." Pacifica shouted down the hall.

She wanted everything perfect, who blames her. After putting on tights, some jewelry, and heels I left my room. It was now like 7:00, the party had started and everyone was about to eat. I ran downstairs, almost falling like 5 times. People smiled when I walked down, and I awkwardly smiled back.

I sat at my seat, as Pacifica rose from her seat. "Attention 30 hot people and 4 ugly ones. If you can't pick out 4 ugly people, you are one. Anyway, you filthy animals can eat down." She smiled sitting down as people applauded her. God. I would have had food thrown at me if I said something like that.

2 hours later.

People where dancing in the main hall, ballroom style. As in, hands on hips, hands on shoulders, kind of thing. I bumped into Dipper, who surprised me at being there. He wasn't the type in my opinion.

"Hey Y/n.." He smiled and laughed softly. "You look amazing."

"Thank you," I blushed.

"" He said awkwardly holding out a hand.

I playfully hesitated. "Hm..I don't know dipper..." I said as his heart sank. "I'm just messing with you, so yes, I'd love to."

He smiled and nodded, walking me to the dance floor. He put his hands on my hips, and I wrapped my hands around his neck. We danced, finding myself to apologize whenever I stepped on his food, which was a lot.

I had Wendy in the back of my mind. I didn't like how she interacted with Dipper. Why am I so jealous? Is this normal? Am I sick? I just get a pain in my chest whenever they are with each other.

Wendy, all of a sudden, walked in. She smirked, her hands behind her back, but something was off. Her eyes, instead of green and white, they where black and yellow. She moved her way to us, Dipper pulling me closer, like he saw this before.

" could you.." He sneered.

"Anything for you.." She smiled. "I just need her out of the way.." Wendy smiled as she pulled an axe out from behind her.

"We can be together forever now Dipper!" She laughed as she took a swing at me. I dogged it, stumbling back.

The crowed backed away, leaving a giant circle for us. People started leaving, quickly, stumbling to get their phones.

"Come on Y/n! It's better in hell than here!" She shouted as she ran after me.

I screamed as I ran, stumbling and rolling on my ankles because of the heels.

Dipper, was running after us, attempting to restraint her. People called 911, requesting police service. I fell down, and Wendy leaned over me.

"It's all over bitch." She laughed, and that was the last I ever saw that night



Jk I got you there didn't I?
~Lapis Lazuli.

Merry Christmas Eve.

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