Dalton Imagine for Valerie

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"Valerie, watch out!"

Dalton tried to warn you as Dana nailed you with a snowball.

"Ow, Dana! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" You giggle, chasing Dana through the snowfall. Suddenly, you feel the strong arms of your boyfriend, Dalton, gripping you tightly.

"Look down," he tells you. You do as he says and realize you're standing on the barely frozen lake.

"Step carefully back towards me. I've got you." Cautiously, you make your way off the ice and wrap yourself in Dalton.

"Thanks, Dal."
"You're welcome," he says as he plants a kiss on your forehead. You continue the embrace until you see Cole creeping up behind Dalton. He puts his finger to his lips, signaling you to stay quiet. Not wanting to betray your boyfriend, you shriek.

"DALTON, MOVE!" You whip around just in time and Cole's snowball hits you in the back.

"OH, NO! I'M HIT! Dalton, I love you, Baby! Don't miss me...I'll always be with you..." You melodramatically fake dying. Dalton plays along.

"Cole, you asshole! You killed my girlfriend! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!"

You laugh furiously as Dalton takes after Cole with lightning speed.

"I WILL AVENGE YOU, VALERIE," Dalton yells primally.


Both Gabe and Dana are cheering on your boyfriend as he continues to chase after Cole.

"RUN FASTER, COLE," Will awkwardly shouts. You all turn and stare at him before laughing even harder.

You decide to peg Gabe with a snowball and he attempts to get you back. Quickly, you find a snowbank  and run behind it, shielding yourself. When you've finally made enough snowballs and there are no more flying in your direction, you stand up.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH," you yell out, hurling snowballs in every direction. In just a few seconds, your body feels ice cold. You've fallen into the frozen river. It only takes one minute for you to lose consciousness.

When you wake up, you're in Dalton's bed. Your wet clothes are laying on the floor and you've been changed into a TCU sweat shirt and matching sweat pants.

"They're my sister's," Dalton says softly, sounding sad. You notice this and ask him about it.

"Are you okay, Dalton?"

He looks at you with a very sad and depressed face.

"We need to talk." Of all things he could've said, he chose these. You feel the tears welling up in your eyes, Worried he's breaking up with you, you find some inner strength and respond.

"Okay, about what?" He doesn't say a word. Instead, he simply lifts the bottom of the sweatshirt up revealing your scars located on the left side of your stomach. He softly runs his fingers over them and his eyes become glossy.

"They're fresh. We've been together for almost a year now." He takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Are you unhappy with me? Why didn't you come to me?"
"I thought you'd leave me or think I was pathetic. I thought you'd-" You choke up and begin to cry. He cries with you, holding you not too tightly, but just firm enough.

"Please just tell me why you did it."
"Because I didn't feel worthy of you. I didn't think I was good enough. Your fans weren't exactly helping. Neither were the people at school. I was punishing myself for not being perfect for you."

He tilts your head up and kisses you.

"Valerie, you are the perfect girl for me. Not to quote my band, but everything about you really is perfect. Even your flaws are perfect. You're amazing in every way. It shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks. I love you, my darling. Promise me you'll stop?" He takes your hand in his.

"I promise," you say as he kisses your scars, cuddling into bed with you to keep you warm. He pulls you into him and you both fall into a lover's dream.

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