Chapter 50: The Deadly Duo Arrives

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Zane's P.O.V.

I sensed danger coming from the Bounty, very unusual, I knew Robyn, Jay, Morro and Paty had disappeared today along with Sensei Garmadon, but I never sensed anything off with that. This sensation of a threat was sudden. I rushed to the kitchen. And understood everything.

— Henry, we meet again —Paty said.

On the door that gave access to the Bounty, Paty's ex boyfriend was smirking at her with a threatening glare. Instinctively, Paty put her arm in front of Robyn, as a barrier to protect her.

— Aw what's wrong babe. Didn't you missed me? —he said.

— Yes. I do... —Paty sighed.

Paty shot a ball of Magic energy, he moved a bit to the left. Making her miss for a few millimeters.

— ...but my aim is getting better —she glared at him.

— Such a rough attitude for a fine lady —Henry chuckled.

He began to walk towards the 2 girls, Paty didn't moved her arm, still protecting Potato. I sensed a bit of fear between the 2 girls, and despite she had the most threatening glare, Paty was considerably more scared than Potato. But I knew a sudden move would most likely make things worse. So did Morro and Jay, not even Ronin was moving.

— She asked you to stay back —Potato said, holding a dagger on her hand pointing towards him.

Henry's expression changed to a more curious and calm one. He smiled.

— That's a nice knife you have there, kid —Henry said— Good enough to make someone loose a limb. Paty why do allow kids playing with such dangerous toys, your daughter could get really hurt.

— She's not my daughter, and you know that, bastard. She's my sister —Paty said.

— Ahhh, your sister, if I don't remember correctly, your REAL sister was sacrificed to my master, who by the record YOU DESTROY —he said raising his tone.

Paty clenched her fists, refusing to look at him.

— He wasn't destroyed, he's... MPPPFF—Jay began.

Morro covered his mouth.

— What did he say? —Henry asked, turning to Jay.

— And by the record kiddo, THIS is good dagger —he told Potato, pulling out a dagger with some weird designs— Good enough to kill a man.

Paty turned pale, white like the snow. Henry was walking towards Jay, with a mortal dagger.

— Girls! Over here! —I whispered to them.

— Protect them Zane. I'm counting on you —she mouthed.

Suddenly Paty pushed Potato and I caught her, right before poofing away. Potato wrapped her arms around me, and I hugged her in a protective way.

— What's going to happen to Morro? —she asked.

I could sense Potato was frozen due to the fear so carried her in bridal style and walked towards my room.

— They will be fine, now we need to keep everyone else safe —I said.

We walked into my room. And let Potato rest on our bed, as P.I.X.A.L. checked her, in case he got hurt. I went to my computer and hacked into the audio system of the rooms, except the dinning room.

— Everyone, come to my room now, there's an emergency —I said.

In less than 20 seconds everyone was here, well, besides Morro, Jay, Ronin, Paty and Henry.

The Destiny of the Pink Ninja 2: Destiny DefiedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz