Chapter 5: Night Story

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Sorry I haven't update. My teachers are Skypirates, they want to break me, get me to my limit :( next week I have my exams so I might not update until this weekend and no more until the next weekend. Sorry *hides under the bed* don't hate me.


Cole's P.O.V.

It's been 3 weeks since Paty's dead. The little Dany Borg has been waiting for the weeked, and on friday she could barely fell asleep. Jay has been avoiding her the whole day. Doesn't matter how hard the kid tries, Jay won't look at her. Until tonight.

— Jay, you need to make her sleep—Sensei Wu said.

— Why me?—Jay whined.

— Because, the rest of us took care of her the whole day. It is your turn—Zane said.

— Fineeee...—Jay groaned.

He left the room cursing for himself to the temporaly assigned room of the next master of magic.

— Did you instaled the camera?—I whispered to Zane.

— Ready and already recording—Zane whispered back.

We sat on the gaming room, staring to the screen, we could see everything happening on Dany's room. She was already tucked in a bed, hugging the Jessie doll that Paty once gave her.

— Hi uncle Jay—the girl said cheerfully.

— Hi... Dany...—Jay said— What do you want to do?

— I wanna hear a story!—the girl asked.

— Which story? Did you brought a book?

— No, I want to know the story of aunt Paty!—the girl cheered.

— WH-WH-WHAT?!—Jay gasped.

— Her love story with you!—the girl asked with puppy eyes.

— NO!—Jay said.

— ...........Uncle Jay..... why do you hate me?—the girl asked.

Jay will never admit it, but as ours, his heart melted like butter with that question.

— I don't...—Jay let out a long, and loud sigh— Everything began a long time ago, in a park, I was 8 years old. I was loosing time, not doing anything interesting. When I saw the cutest girl in the world. And you may not believe it, but she looked EXACTLY like you...

— That would explain a lot...—I said to myself.

— She did look like me?—Dany asked.

— Exactly like you, but she was 7 years old. Anyways, we both fell, but she literally fell. I clean her knee. And we became friends, we played during 1 week, and we didn't saw each other in GOOD while.

— How long?

— Like 7 years... (they met 9 years ago, and Paty was a ninja for 2 ;) in case someone confused).

— Wow...—Dany said.

— Uh-huh. When I met her years later, she was in trouble, chased by a bad guy. I helped her, well the guys and I helped her. She was an elemental master, a powerful master. She had a lot of power to control, she had to learn what to do, and chose her side on the balance of good, and evil.

— You fell in love?

— I fell in love, but not because she was powerful. Not because I find her cute, or funny, adorable, charming or... —Jay stop to see the little Dany with an annoyed face.

— Uncle Jay I get it, you think she was cute...—Dany said, annoyed.

—Well that too. But I fell in love because she was nice with me, always on my side, didn't matter if I was wrong. We could be discussing about the color of the sky I could say it was red, and still she would support me. She always knew how to put a smile on my face, no matter how hard things were, she was there for me. That's why I fell in love with her.

— And did she fell in love? With you?

— I hope so...—Jay said— I tried to protect her the best I could, she was my world and my only love. She helped me in my worst days when a girl made me really sad. I got over that in no time thanks to her. She was my angel. I miss her so much, but I'll never see her again...

— Because she died? —Dany asked.

— How did you...? —Jay asked.

— I'm young, not stupid. I heard my parents talking about it—Dany said— I never say anything because I know they don't want me sad, but I understand what happens around me.

— Yes she died...

The next day

We were staring at how Sensei teach Dany how to control her power.

— Dany Borg as the next master of magic, you must learn how to control the big power your aunt bequeathed you...—Sensei Wu said.

— Yes Sensei—Dany said.

— Even she knows what bequeath means...—Jay groaned.

— Given, uncle Jay—Dany said.

— Huh?—Jay asked.

— That is what bequeath means, "given". Paty told me—Dany said.

Jay was a bright red. Now that he mentions it, Dany and Paty do look like each other. Suddenly, someone poked my side.

— Stop poking me already—Jay protested.

— Me?!—I asked— It's you!

— Guys! Stop poking me!—Kai said mad.

— This isn't funny!—Lloyd pouted.

— Guys, I understand your playful...—Zai began— but don't poke us.

— I'm not!—we all protested.

— This is... weird—Robyn said.

Even Sensei Wu felt it. We all stared to Dany, who had her eyes shut in focus. She wasn't... was she?

— Guys! Paty is...! Gah!—Ronin stormed in the room, but something interrupt him— Who poked me?!

— Morro? Are you doing this?—Lloyd asked.

— No, I actually felt it too—Morro said.

We took our distance between each of us. Zane was the next to be poked, we tried to grab what was poking us, there was nothing there.

— Dany!—I tried to just call her, put the poke surprise me.

— Yes?—she asked, and jumped in my arms.

— ............................—no pokes, to anyone.

— Your powers are working, but you still can't control them—Sesnei Wu said.

— Yes... I mean... Hai Sensei—Dany said.

— There's a long path to teach you how to use your powers...—Lloyd said.

— I will do my best... I don't want to let anyone down.

Jay began to choke and cough.

— Even in the way you talk... you're like her... —Jay said.

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