Chapter 40: Unfinished Businesses

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No P.O.V.

It's been 13 days since Paty disappeared. The ninjas were looking everywhere, one would expect that finding a girl with a pink and blue locks on her hair would be easy.

Think again.

Ninjago is big, and no matter in which town, village or city the go, Paty is nowhere to be found. For a second, they thought of the possibility that she left the Realm. But that is impossible. The Realm Crystal was on Sensei Wu's meditating room, and he was there the all day, when Paty escaped. Despite there are many other ways to get to some other Realms, Paty has no idea of where to get it Traveler's Tea and she's too weak to get to a place like the Wailing Alphs. They've searched all over Ninjago, but it was helpless. It's like she had vanished.

Besides, now that she's human. She has no reason to abandon Ninjago.

The ninja team has been looking everywhere, asking to everyone if they haven't seen her. Borg set the (reformed) nindroids to seach for her all over Ninjago. But not even them can find them. Borg said some prototypes disappeared the night Paty escaped. It wasn't hard to figure out what happened to them, especially when all the missing ones were projects Paty abandoned, to become a full time ninja.

It's odd how the balance is so easily altered when one of the ninjas is missing. The Bounty becomes considerably more quiet. Nothing is the same without the whole team. Like Sensei Garmadon said, "it's funny how something as delicate as balance can have so much influence on our lives".

Jay is completely different, he's silent. He spends the whole day with earbuds, listening to music. Or watching his old videos and photos, some he has with Paty, both acting like dorks. He talks to add a comment or answer to a question, but most of the time his mind is somewhere far away.

The Ninjas were on the Borg Industries' 100th floor, at Cyrus Borg's redesigned office, trying to figure out where to look next. The office had the old super computers, but now it had a whole section for Danny, with swings, and slide, and toys. Besides there were like a living room with a tea set, for Sensei Wu's luck; probably Ann's idea (Ann is Borg's wife). The ninjas were sitting on the couches, of the living room, and Borg, well, he has his mech limbs.

— What if she was captured?—Kai said.

— She is too smart, she got her communicator, with her, she would have sent a message —Borg said.

— Well, what is she went to hide in a dangerous place, and she got hurt? —Lloyd asked.

— She is well aware of her condition, she wouldn't have got herself in a dangerous position —Justin said.

— Please stop asking like you know her —Cole said angrily— You don't know her.

— At least I understand her!

— You understand her POWERS not the girl who has them! —Morro said.

— At least I don't make her feel like a phenomenon! —Justin said.

— At LEAST we make her HAPPY! —Zane said.

He was pretty angry, he didn't yelled, but his face was red in anger.

— ...Mr. Borg, how's your daughter? —P.I.X.A.L. asked trying to ease the tension.

— P.I.X.A.L. stop it with the formality, we're family —Borg said with a warm smile— she's fine though. She went to a friend's house.

— Really? —Erika asked— isn't she a bit young?

— A little bit... But she's smart, and I gave her a cellphone—Borg said.

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