Chapter 15: Friendly Conspiration

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No P.O.V.

Zane, Zai, Erika, Robyn and Cole are all focused on designing a perfect plan to bring the little broken couple back. Yet they couldn't think of a perfect plan, not even with Zane's robotic brain.

— What about a secret admiror letter?—Robyn suggeted

— That might work...—Erika said.

— No—Cole said.

— Why not?—the 2 girls asked.

— I think they'd know it was us—Zai explained.

— Thanks babe—Cole smirked.

— Besides Paty is paranoic in the bad way with secret admirors...—Zai concluded. 

— A blind date?—Zane asked.

— Paty would never accept to date someone she doesn't know—Zai said.

— How are you so sure?—Robyn asked with curosity.

— I may be her friend and roomie just 2 weeks before the rest of you, but we were classmates. I saw what happened when she began dating Henry. It all began with a secret admiror, then a a secret date, then his secret viloent personality. She'd never accept—Zai said.

— Okay, okay Zai, no secrets—Erika chuckled.

— Remind me why the others aren't helping—Cole said.

— Someone needs to protect Ninjago, and in Lloyd's case. Well, someone needs to keep and eye on Paty in case she faints form training—Zane said.

— Point taken...—Cole chuckled.

— Making them jealous?—Zai suggested.

— That didn't went so well last time—Erika said.

— Right...—Zai said.

— And if we simply showed them what Zane found—Robyn said.

— No thanks.... I enjoy living—Zane said.

— Then how are we supposed to bring the blue jay and pinkie toe back?—Cole asked.

— What the fuck with those names?!  —Kai yelled.

— How did he...?—Robyn began— No, he's actually right.

— Oh, hehe, the pinkie toe thing came because she wears pink, and she seems smaller lately.

— And for lately you mean this last week, since the last she was still 'dead' right?—Erika asked.

— But Cole's right, around the time we defeated the Cursed Realm, she was Jay's size, now she is like half of his head shorter—Zane pointed out.

— Perhaps her body didn't changed, we grew up. But she didn't—Cole said.

— ...Change... Change... COLE YOU'RE A GENIUS!—Robyn squealed.

— I am? Well thanks potato... But why?—Cole asked.

— She didn't changed, so her sense of humor didn't changed either —Robyn said.

— So?—Erika and Zai asked at unison.

— So we know how to make her laugh—Robyn said.

— Are you thinking what I'm thinking?—Cole asked .

— I think, no—Zane said.

— Remeber what he said the first time Jay said she like her?—Cole asked.

— Oh!—Zane said.


It has been one week since the mistress of illusion joined the team. And the 3 girl seem to get along like sister, perhaps, even better. Acutally whilen the 3 girls chatted happily, the guys were in some weird contest of 'who could make Jay blush harder'.

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