Chapter 11: Not well

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Jay's P.O.V.
She is with me, again. As soon as we got in the monastery she fell asleep again, well, we got in my bed and she fell asleep. I saw her cuddling agaisnt a pillow when I return from putting my pijama on. The night was really warm, and my pijama was for winter, so I decided to take my shirt off. I noticed that I was still wearing Paty's medallion. The gem was pink again instead of blue, I tried to understand why...

"Perhaps it recognize that it's legitim owner is still alive" I concluded.

And if it's like that, the best thing to do, is to return it to her. I sat on my bed next to her, and carefully so I wouldn't wake her up, I placed the collar around her neck. I glowed in a shine pink light, and it turned back to normal. I lay down next to her, my chest against her back, and with the smell I fell asleep.

— You always saved me... Now it is my turn to save you... —Paty said.
She closed her eyes, and her body lost all the strenght. I touched her chest, trying to find her heartbeat, but there was nothing.
— No... Wake up... Wake up!! Please... I need you... —I sobbed.
A tear fell down my cheek, and it fell on her medallon. It glowed so did Paty, and her body disappeared, she banished, she became light. Paty's... well... my medallion lost it pink color, and turned transparent, it glowed again, but in blue. It accepted its new owner.
— She is... Sh- She's gone...—Sensei Wu said.
— Where's aunt Paty? —the little girl asked.
— She.... she is on a trip Dany —Zane said.
— Oh... When will she return? —Dany asked.
— She won't, she is in a better place now —Cole said.
— What better place than where her family? —Dany asked.
—...This was MY decision. I want to do this, you guys always protected me, you sacrificed a lot for me. No Henry, no Overlord, NO ONE can deny that I owed you a lot. You always save me, some of your earlier than others... But I wanted to say... thank you. For always being with me, I owe you one, for being a part of my life..........
— Jay... I guess it isn't necessary to say that I will miss you the most. You were the only guy that I ever trusted to give him my heart. You are my one, and only. Thanks for everything you ever did my explorer, my knight, my superhero, my ninja, my boyfriend. You opened me the doors of a world I always thought it was a waste of time, and proved me that love was actually something beautiful. Thanks for making me fall in love with you.
The grave was decorated with white roses, and on the middle below her name, a pink rose and blue rose. And a fused one. I know it doesn't sound logic, but after an old elementary school quality experiment, I made a pink rose, pink and blue. It was my gift, for her.
— So you didn't died? Was it all a cruel joke? —the girl asked.

I woke up, and I was alone. Wait what? No, sign of Paty, I checked my phone. 5:30 a.m. I felt rage, like never before. I hated every single second I spend with her. Every single thing that made me love her, made me hate her. I walked outside the monastery, to the cementery, and to her grave. Nothing seem different, she was dead. And I didn't care.

— Why are you doing this to me? Huh?! WHAT DID I DO TO YOU TO GET THIS TORTURE?! WHAT YOU... you... YOU BITCH!—I fell on my knees, and began to punch her grave— I hate you! You hear me?! I HATE YOU!

I couldn't hold the tears much longer. Fortunately it was still to early for someone to be there. So I made my power dragon. I couldn't see clearly, I clean my tears and flew to the monastery. I crashed against the Monastery's roof. It hurt, but I didn't care. I climbed down, and walked inside as quietly as I could. But with I really wounded, so Cole heard me, and he help me, I thought he was taking me to see Sensei Wu, Sensei Garmadon, or Misako. But he took me to the kitchen.

I saw her, it wasn't a dream. Paty is alive, which made all the hate I felt for her since I woke up.... increase ten times more. She was wearing Zane's pink apron, cooking waffles, scrambled eggs, and bacon.

— Morning sleepy Jay, I... AH! —the pan she had on her hand, fell in the floor— WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!

— Nothing—I said, I really don't want her close to me.

— Jay, you look like you crashed agaisnt a roof! In attack on titan...—she said (get it aot fans? you know... Eren he crashed agaisnt 30 roofs.. uh no? ok).

— Thanks—I said sarcastically.

— Fine don't tell me. I'll just heal you—she said.

I don't know how she managed to know that my left arm hurted the most. But as she knew it, she grab it, and began to cast a spell to heal it. I jerked my arm away from her touch.

— Jay? What's wrong honey?—she asked.

— I don't need your help. I don't want anything from you!—I snapped.

— WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!—Erika gasped out loud.


— Baby, let me heal you... please—she said.

— NO, stay away from me—I said, crossing my arms agaisnt my chest, despite the pain.

— Jay, did I do something wrong?—she asked.


— J-Jay—she was about to cry.

— Just stay away from me—I said.

She shook her head and stromed out of the kitchen. Everyone was staring at me with surprise, and anger, except for Nya who was smirking in the most seducting way she could. But now it doesn't work with me, I had enough of love, it is just the worst torture on the world, and I already suffered enough. I rolled my eyes, and got back to my room.

Zane's P.O.V.
Jay's attitude was rather unlike him, but he made clear that he meant what he said, so I went to see if Paty was alright. She wasn't on her room as I would expect, she was on the training room, punching a punching bag. She kept cursing and destroying one punching bag after another one. Until she noticed that I was staring.

— Hey Zane—she said, still focused on her punches.

— Your fists are bleeding—I said calmly.

— I can see that, I just don't care about me—she said punching it again.

— Because Jay hurt you?—I asked.

— Because he was right—she punched it again— I left, I let him down.

— Sooo...

— I was too weak to return soon, and even weaker to prevent leaving in the first place—she said, and destroyed the punching bag, but she didn't grabbed another one.

— You're back aren't you?

— Does it matter? I left, I failed to all of you...

— You were able to return, not everyone does that, you made Morro human again so he could be with Robyn once again. And you restored me back to my original shape.

— I still could've done more, but I was too weak

— Was? So now you're not

— Now that Jay hates me, there's no weakness in me. I lost the love of my life. Nothing holds me back.

— Why are you so sure of that?

— It's just elemental, you can take care of yourselves, you don't need my constant protection... You don't need me.

— But we need you.

— This year you were doing well without me...

— We weren't well, we missed you, because we need you...

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