Chapter 41: An Unstable Match creates a Perfect Love

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#Long #HolyShitNigga #StartsSlowButGetsIntense D: #Jaty thanks again for that ship name Erika ;)    Let's start...

Kai's P.O.V.

We left Borg Industries, we let Steph grab her stuff, and went to show Stephanie the Bounty. She certainly was an observant person, she figured out many things that we didn't told her. Like how would everyone's room looked like, based on our personality. Whatever she was doing, it was really impressive. If she wants to join, she'd be a great element for the team (Did I just made a pun without actually meaning to?...).

— And you can stay here...—I told to Steph, opening the door of an empty room.

It had what the basic stuff: a closet, a night table, and a bed.

— Of course you'll have to decorate it according to what you like—Lloyd added.

Now that I think about it, besides the single ones (Wu, Ronin, Nya, Mirayo and Justin), Paty and Jay are the only ones who still have their rooms, since the rest of us share it. Pretty much because she is the only one who wants to be alone, sometimes she just goes and sits on her bed and stares nowhere... I've seen her doing it, I would like to ask what is she thinking, but, I know some of the things she has gone through. And it makes me realize... I don't really want to know...

— Thanks, I'll start decorating —Steph said.

Steph and Potato got in the room, and in less than a minute there were giggles and other sounds that made clear that they were already working (moving the furniture attaching posters to the wall, and that).

I went to the deck, to train a little bit, when I saw Paty sitting on the Bounty's dragon head, with her feet hanging to the abysm, with a what? 500 meters fall below her? And she was just sitting there, without power that could help her survive...

— You may fall, you know? —I said, sitting next to her.

— I know, I just like the feeling of flying—Paty sighed— and I love the view.

— It's beautiful, like you —I said.

— WHAT?!

— You heard me, Cole is not the only one who sees you like a little sister—I said.

— What does that have to do with the compliment?

— That every big brother will consider the little sister as beautiful... But slightly annoying...

— Heeey... Kai, when you put your ego aside, you are pretty amazing—she said.

— Well, I am truly amazing!—I said playfully.

— Oh no....

— No one can be this cool and hot at the same time —I continued.

— I thought we were having a bonding moment here —she said amused.

— I mean, look at me world! I AM KAI AND I AM AWESOME! —I yelled.

— You ruined the moment Kai, why?—she asked.

— You're not mad, are you?

— No, but you could've added, I've got a great ash! (ass) —she winked.

After a few seconds of silence, she spoke again.

— I'm jealous of you, you know?

— Really? Why?

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