Chapter 4: In the Memory of...

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Kai's P.O.V.

Poor Jay, I heard he had a nightmare. But when I asked he just avoid the question, or pretend he never heard me. But we got dressed, and walked to the cementery...

Once again, the memorial was leaded by Borg, I guess he have more... I don't what it would be... "coldness" to death. The rest of us wanted to say something. A "thanks", "we'll miss you", "rest in peace", or something but we didn't found the voice or courage to do it.

Considering that Borg, Ann and Dany were the only family she had, the place was quite full. There wasn't just us and them. There was a lot of people, probably because this days her story made quite popular. I wouldn't doubt that it was one of the elemental masters. Since none of us had the heart to talk, mcuh less write about it. Borg, despite his fame is usually someone discret.

The grave was decorated with white roses, and on the middle below her name, a pink rose and blue rose. And a fused one. I know it doesn't sound logic, but after an olde elementary school quality experiment, Jay made a pink rose, pink and blue. It was his gift, for her.

Skylor grabbed me by the arm. Since she is shorter than me I rested my head on hers, giving her comfort, but getting hers as well. I can see that the rest are doing the same, Zane have his arm around P.I.X.A.L., Zai is resting on Cole's chest, as he hugs her. Lloyd have his arms wrapped his arms around Erika's waist. Morro and Robyn are holding hands, and Ronin is rubbing the arm of his sister. Sensei Garmadon is hugging Misako. My sister is staring seriously to the ceremony. Sensei Wu is serious about it, but his face shows a certain sadness.

Jay is destroyed, he is squeezing the medallion Paty gave him like his life depends on it. None of us dares to talk to him, he is using all his willpower to hold the tears, and I fear that if we he tries to focus in something else, he will cry again. And if he is trying to be that strong, at least I don't want to mess it up for him.

As Borg said, since there was no body to bury, the memorial was quite short. The people began to go away, we were going to follow Borg to the restaurant. But I noticed that someone was missing... Jay. I sneak behind him, and I heard him talking to himself. Or... to someone else.

— My princess... why did you have to leave me so soon? You have no idea of how much I'm missing you. I will come to visit you tomorrow, and every day after that... —Jay sniffed, and let out a said chuckle— See what you made me do? I promised I wasn't going to cry...

A petal of Jay's rose flew away from the flower, Jay clean the little tear and I hugged him brotherly (don't be shippers >:T lol). We were getting with the others, and the petal that we saw flew away. It fell on Jay's left eye.

— It must be a signal... —P.I.X.A.L. said seriously— that good things are going to happen to you.

— I hope so...—Jay said.

Borg came in a big limusine, and he invited us to go with him. We accepted, it was the ninja team, and Borg's family. The little Dany who was drawing a girl, with brown hair, green eyes, and a pink dress.

— What are you drawing Dany?—Jay asked, not paying attention to the picture.

— Aunt Paty! I will send it to her, maybe she return from the better place uncle Cole talked about—Dany said happily as she hugged the Jessie doll that Paty once gave her.

— Oooowwww—Jay groaned, and hide his face with his hands.

— What's wrong uncle Jay?—Dany asked to him.

— Nothing... nothing...—he said, with a shaky voice.

— Please, I can help you...—the little girl said innocently.

— Please! I'm fine...—Jay said, raising his voice a little.

— Dany... leave the poor guy alone...—Ann said.

She rushed to her fathers arms. And asked him, what she did to make Jay sad.

— Nothing sweetie, he is just really sad—Skylor said.

— Why?—Danny asked.

— Your aunt and Jay were really in love...—Zai began.

— Like your mom and your dad—Robyn continued.

— And Jay miss your aunt very, very, very much  —Erika finished.

— But I saw her yesterday—Dany said.

— DANY!—her mother scold her.

That was... unexpected.

— Y-you s-saw her?—Cole asked.

— Not exactly—Borg said— She had a dream of her, she tuck Dany in her bed, and kissed her forehead...

— And she lulled me daddy!—Dany said.

— But her room has a sofisticated security room, no one was in her room—Ann said.

— But, her powers you don't think that...?—Zane said.

— That she is alive?—I concluded.

— No, we didn't want to tell it to anyone. But weird things are happening to her, last night... she was asleep, but not on her bed...—Borg said.

— What is weird about that?—Morro asked.

— She was floating at least 5cm above her bed—Ann said.

— That just means one thing—Sensei Garmadon said.

— Dany Borg...—Sensei Wu said softly— Have you ever heard what a ninja is?

— Yes! The ninjas are warriors that fight with honor with swords, shurikens, scythes and—the little girl took a deep breath, and stop breathing.

— What are you doing?—I asked. The little girl breath again.

— I wanted to turn red, like aunt Paty when she said "nunchucks"— 

— Because it was Jay's weapon, she blushed —Lloyd said amused.

— My mom and dad blush...—Dany said— When I see them kissing.

— Dany...—Sensei Wu said again— Would you like to become a ninja?

— YES! I WANT TO BE LIKE MY AUNT PATY!!—the girl cheered.

— Mr. Borg? It would be just on the weekeds. In a schedule that doesn't affect her studies. She is to young to have a proper ninja training, she would have something basic, mostly control of her powers...—Sensei Garmadon said.

— Please dad! I will be super good!—Dany begged.

I've never heard of someone so exited about training...

— Okay... In  the memory of my cousin—Borg said.

— Thanks dad! Thanks!—the girl hugged her dad.

The rest of the day we spend it on the restaurant, it seem that Paty was an admiror of this place. It was a calm. It was a wood cabin, and the surrounding was like being in a forest. But the food you could imagine they had it, and they spoke 2 fluenct lenguages. English and Spanish, no doubt why Paty like this place....

We were still depressed by her loss. But Borg seemed so determined on cheer eveyone up, that we end up smiling weakly to don't be impolite. He made a toast on her honour. We talked until  6 p.m. And since it was just Monday, Dany went to her home. And we went back to ours.

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