Chapter 28: Friend from the Future

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Erika's P.O.V.

It's been a few days since the crazy lack of Magic powers thingy happened. Paty is weak, really weak, magically, and physically. She couldn't use any spell, and she was tired and with constant pains. But, Jay is taking good care/advantage of her. She's weak so she needs constant attention, and Jay still have some nightmares, so now they're sleeping on the same room. Like old times. I don't know what they do during the night, but sometimes I hear Jay laughing, pouting, and whispering from both.

Lloyd and I talked about it before falling asleep, we talk about lots of things related to what happened during the Djinn adventure, and what can happen on the future. When I began to get worried, Lloyd hugs me, and whispers 'everything will be alright', and stuff like that until I fall asleep. He's the best.

Potato and Morro are doing great, they actually are able to interact like he was human, apperantly Morro found out a way to become physical enough so they can kiss, cuddle and stuff that with the 'Deep Stone' clothes they couldn't do. They are patient for Paty's recover, but I think Potato is uncomfortable, she's worried about Morro. Not like I can blame her, if Lloyd was the one turned into a ghost, I'd be stressed out too.

Cole and Zai are calm, taking their relationship a bit more serious everyday. Making plans for the future. The other day I heard them talking about possible kid names if they had one. Lucky for Cole I was me the one who heard and not Zane. I can't deny something, I'd loooove to see how that would end up like.

Zane and P.I.X.A.L. the pair of nindroids are simply the cutest thing, they are too self-concious, and whenever one of us find them kissing, they get flustred as hell. Even when the kiss was on the cheek. Paty usually is the one who finds them in this kind of moments. And I doubt is mere coincidence. She always, gives them a wink and a thumbs up.

Kai and Skylor, those two are the same as ever, Skylor always in charge of cooling down that hot-head. I think she's a pro on making everyone flustered. But the fact that Kai likes her, is something she always get advantage of. Buuut, it's amusing to see the tables turned once in a while. Kai gets her blushing hard if he knows how to, that's a quite interesting relationship.

Sensei Garmadon and Misako, they never changed. Those two are still an old happy couple, I hope Lloyd and I grow up to be like them. Still together, but I also hope that Lloyd never becomes a crazy drak master that desires power.

Speaking of power, I wonder how it feels like, loosing power, Paty is literally unable to use her magic. Any spell, but whenever I asked her about it, she shrugs, and changes the topic, she usually uses the 'teach me how to use your power' excuse. I give her a few tips about illusion, and then she ran to another room. It is... frustrating. She always was self-concious about her power, but now, it's like she is calm and normal as long as we don't mention her powers.

Anyway, things look like the things are doing great for us, we're all together. We have our beautiful home, food that is always a priority hehe... we have our powers, well most of us do... But we actually get to enjoy a normal life for once, Sensei Wu allowed us to take vacations, as long as we are ready to fight in case of an emergency.

No training, no bank robberies, no crazy all powerful evilness to defeat. It's our life, it's just us. We spent the last days to bond. We play videogames together, sometimes we let one of us playing alone against the CPU so the rest of us can cheer him/her. We watch movies, to see who can hold back better. If it is a sad movie, we see who is the last one to cry, and if it is a scary movie we dare everyone not to scream.

The undeniable winner is Paty, who falls asleep in the saddest parts, or yawns in the scary parts (not like that in real life XD :'D). She's pretty emotion-less since she came back. Not even the funniest things get her to laugh like she used to. Something happened during that year we thought she was dead, and she haven't told us. I want to ask so badly, but I must be a delicate topic, I can't imagine. Die, loneliness, and unbelivable pains to live again. No wonder she's like that.

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