21) There's No Party Like A Crashed Party (cont...)

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Although James' presence was more than real, it still felt like one of my all too familiar nightmares. I felt light headed and sick to my stomach. Bile damn near made its way to the back of my throat, due to the fact that there was an internal, emotionaly battle between my wolf and I about James being here. She somewhat had a liking to him being here, but, as for me, I didn't. At least that what I kept telling myself.

"You need to leave, now!!" Xavier growled, balling his hands in to a tight fist.

James chuckled aloud, enough that it echoed around the room. "Oh it's no problem, I'll leave," he stated as he walked up to Xavier. "But only after I collect, of course," he looked over at me, "then I'll be out of your hair. Knots tightened in my stomach. Talon came and stood by me, pulling me behind him. 'Don't run'. I heard his voice in my mind. I looked at him as if he were crazy. Scratch that he was crazy. What does he mean don't run? 'I can't protect if you make it easy for him'. I swallowed, hard.

"What a shame." His face grew evily dark, then before you knew it a battle in the dance hall broke out. Starting with Xavier and James lunging at each others throats after shifting. Several other wolves from James' pack came out of the dark room they entered from. Everybody from my pack shifted and joining the fight against James' pack. I was getting ready to shift as well, until Tally grabbed me by my shoulders and jerked me around, making me face her. I didn't hear what she was saying, my mind was preoccupied and distracted by everything else happening around me. My blood ran even more cold when I seen James fighting his way through my pack with no problem, all the while keeping his eyes on me. Tally shook me back to life.

"Alaina, are you listening to me?!" Tally was yelling, "You need to go now!" Tally had shouted, as she glanced over her shoulder. James was getting closer; tossing wolves around and of his way like rag dogs. Talon and Zay had shifted, lunging for James as well, giving Tally and I ample time to make our way to the exit in the back of the dance hall, only James was too quick. He appeared like vapor in front of us, blocking our only way out. James started toward us and before he could reach out for me Tally raised her hand, flicked her wrist at James and he went flying through the air hitting the wall, but then she shoved the hell out of me, making me crash into the exit doors. I looked back at her, confused.

"Alaina get out of here now!" She yelled to me right before James reappeared in front of her, grabbing her by the neck and raising her in the air off her feet.

"If I'd have known that I'd be running in to a witch, I'd have come a lot sooner." I looked to see where Zay and Talon were, but they were dealing with multiple wolves from James pack. I went to run back, to help Tally, but she had raised her hand up at me. I couldn't move. 'Get out of here.' She said in my mind, as a tear rolled down her cheek. I looked around the room spotting Zay and Talon with their hands full. I tried to go and save Tally from James' grasp, but Tally raised her hand at me. I couldn't move. I tried to shift, but I couldn't do that either. My stomach turned and my heart tightened at the sight before me. James had brought her face down to his. While Tally held her mouth oper, gasping for air, James began, to what looked to be, sucking the life out of her. Tally's body went limp, her hand fell, releasing her hold on me, the life left her her eyes, they turned a glowing white, then he tossed her to the side like garbage. He slowly turned to me, cracked a smile that quickly turned in to something more sinister.

I stumbled out of the doors and wound up in the school's parking lot. I didn't know where I was supposed to run to, but I found myself running in between rows of cars. Besides Tally's car was on the other side of the school. I heard the exit doors squeak in the distance behind me, so I took my choose off. I peaked over the hood of a car. James was talking to one of his men it looked like. When he turned his attention away from the lot, I took my shoes and threw them away from where I was. I've managed to hit a car with an alarm, that caught James' attention. He sent his guy back in the school and made his way over to the car. While he made his way over to the car, I began slipping out of my dress. Since I took my shoes off, it would be hard to run with my dress dragging on the ground. I left my dress where it was and made my way to another row of cars away from where James. At least where I thought he was. Hoped he was.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You know better than to run from me." I heard his voice near by, but he was no where to be seen. "You know I love me a good game of hide, and seek."

The chill of the night air along with the sound of his sinister voice made me tremble. I picked a random car in the rows of cars I was in and crawled under it.

Now, here I was, cold, my hair was sticking to the sweat of my face, I was beyond scared as hell, terrified was more like it, and damn near naked, under a car. I mean I had on a haltered night gown over my bra and boy shorts, but I still felt naked. All of a sudden, it grew eerily quiet, and when I heard footsteps slowly approaching, my heart started beating rapidly inside of my chest. For a short moment, and only a moment, this reminded me of those cliche horror movies; pretty girl who is obviously dubbed the survivor at the end of the movie gets herself in a sticky situation that she can't get out of unless she buckles down and fights for her life.

Yeah. That was me, right now. Only I had no fighting chance. If Xavier or anybody from my pack, including Tally who was half witch, couldn't take him on, I know for a fact I couldn't. Even if I shifted into my wolf and tried, I would horribly fail. My wolf has corrupted, therefore I don't trust turning would get me out of here, only caught.

The footsteps had stopped, causing me me to hold my breath. I was too scared to breathe. I looked around the car and I didn't see him anywhere. I held back a whimper as tears began to form. I called for my brother, then Xavier, Marcus. But I got nothing. I didn't even feel connected to them anymore. My body tensed as I felt the hairs on my back and neck stand on end. I looked around again; both sides of me, nothing. Behind me, nothing. I slowly started breathing again, until I felt warm breath on my face. I jerked my head around and there he was, directly in front of me, his face was so close to mine our noses could have touched.

The last thing I remember seeing, before it went dark, was his face, baring fangs, and electric eyes, and hearing myself scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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