2) Just A Rough Start

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If getting rejected wasn't the worst, this weird fever I was coming down with, was. Everyday was something different. Nausea, light headed ness, slight headaches, hot flashes to cold flashes, and a whole bunch of other weird crap has been happening since the first day of school that I can't explain.

"Alaina I think you should really see the pack doctor," Alante told me looking at me as if I had something weird on my face or something. Yea, like that look would get me to the hospital any faster. "No! I don't want to go to the doctor, plus I'm fine." I snapped at him. That's another thing, my attitude hasn't been the best either. "It's not a matter of you wanting to. You need to. You look like shit Lai." He commented. But he was right I did look like shit, more and more everyday. But that didn't stop my protest. "That may be true, but keep in mind I'm starting the year alone, my best friend is gone, and my mate rejected me, might I add he is at the school around every freking corner." I blurted out. I was breathing hard with irritation, I had to sit down and calm down. "Yea. You're going to the doctor." He said plainly putting his hands in his pockets. "No I am not. And you can't make me."

"Hello Alpha. Alaina." Dr. Glen greeted us lowering his head out of respect. "What can do for you today?" I glared at Alante, this was all his fault. I didn't want to be here, but he dragged me here kicking and screaming, literally. "Alaina's been very feverish with an assortment of symptoms. We wanted to,"

"No! You wanted to." I said cutting him off.

He sighed annoyingly, "Ok. I wanted to find out what's going on with her. She's been very moody and sick looking, can you help us out?" He asked. "Just step into the examination room and we'll take a look." We followed the doctor in to the room. I hopped up on to the table waiting unanticipating this visit. The doctor ran all the procedures; the Popsicle stick down my throat, the stethoscope, eye and ear check, and then the temperature check.

"Well." He started, as he put the thermometer back in to the drawer with other medical supplies. "You are running a high temperature, but you're not sick...yet." Alante and I both snapped our heads up looking at him expectantly. "What do you mean.. Yet?" I asked him. Now he had my attention. "You're in heat. If you don't do something about that now, it could get worse." He explained to us. "Well, what do you mean by worse?" Alante asked him. "It won't get worse critically. But the fever will get worse. You'll break out into a sweat and your mate won't even have to be near. You'll become sensitive to the touch, where you'll feel as if your skin is on fire. And you'll be on edge 24/7." He explained again. Alante and I both were speechless, especially me. How am I supposed to fix that when Xavier said and I quote: "I want nothing to do with you." Unquote. That was going to be impossible. "So there's no getting around this without doing anything about it?" I asked hopeful. To my dismay the doctor shook his head no, "If you don't so something now before it gets worse, there's a possibility you'll partner up with someone who's not your mate out of desperation, and even then that won't be enough. It has to be with your mate." He said before exiting the room. I sighed deeply, putting my head in my hands. "What am I going to do?" I asked aloud. "I don't know what to tell you baby sister." Alante said rubbing arm trying to comfort me. "Come on we should head home." And with that he helped me off the table and we mad our way out of the hospital.

Laying on my bed in my own thoughts trying to figure out how I'm going to survive the school year, the sexual frustration, and sexual need of my ex mate, my phone rang. To my excited surprise it was Tally calling me. "Hey best friend whats up?" I spoke cheerfully into the phone.

"Hey Alaina how's it going?" She replied back. "Not so great. What about you?" I asked her.

"Bored out of my mind since you're not here, but other than that everything's pretty cool. Why not so great?"

Only Time Will Tell (Sequel to E.O.T.B.)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα