7) Long Time. No Talk. Pt. 2

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I made it to Harmonny Falls, immediately consumed by the comfort it brought. The sound of the falls calming my nerves and the scene looking as peaceful as it was always presumed to be. Shifting back in to my human form, I stepped in to the body of water that bordered the waterfall, liking how the cool water relaxed me. Swimming under and over the surface of the water and recapping on the incident that just happened.

I haven't cried in a long time. Not counting the time I used my powers to see what Chrone and my mother teamed up to do. This time was different. This time it involved Xavier. My mate.

The moment I saw him, I was some what drawn to him. I wasn't scared, skeptical, suspicious, or nervous about being near him. Although I didn't trust him right away, I was almost immediately interested in him. Almost. I brought my hand to my mouth tracing my fingers along my lips, remembering the kiss we shared that morning. It wasn't awkward. It wasn't a 'spur of the moment'. It was real, and it was genuine. I felt it and I know he did too. And now, look how we ended up. Separated. Because he was stuck in his traditional ways of a pack he was no longer a part of, due to the fact that I protected my brother when he tried to kill him; at least that's what I'm assuming he was attempting to do.

I let my body slowly sink under the water, trying to concentrate on the coolness it brought to the heated temperature of my body. Hoping to wash all the aggravation and stress away, until I opened my eyes and I seen a greenish, purple light glisten from behind the falls. I swam back to the surface to see if my eyes were maybe deceiving me and the falls' beauty tricking me, the light wasn't there. I ducked my head back under the water, and there it was again, glistening. I swam towards the waterfall. Once I got behind the heavy shower, I saw the small opening of a cave. Allowing my curiosity to take over, I climbed out of the water and stood just outside of it. I smelled nothing out of the ordinary as I lifted my nose towards the air to sniff out any possible danger. It seemed safe.

And then that's when I felt it. A small forcing, pull to go in, the greenish, purple glow coming from the darkness of the cave. It was so dark, not even the night vision that came with being a werewolf was of any use, leaving me to depend upon the only four other senses I could use; smell, touch, feeling, and my animalistic sense of instinct. I slowly made my way in to the cave, following the light that glowed inside. As I made my way deeper into the dark, I picked up on the smell of kerosine, and immediately after smelling it, two torches on either side of the cave lit up. Causing me to stop in my tracks. Only then, did I get a nervous feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. This may not be lady like of me, but, the feeling was so heavy, I could've took a shit right where I stood. But the pull that drew me in here in the first place grew. Turning around to leave, wasn't an option because all I'd do is turn right back around to see what was inside this creepy place.

I continued to walk, lighting another pair of torches on the wall. The further I walked in, the more it began to look like a hallway than any other cave I've seen before. I finally came to the end of the cave, to an area that looked like a circular room, five torches lining the walls of it. In the middle of this cave room sat a stone block about waist high. On top of the stone was a floating necklace with a silver pendant hanging from it, and a smoky white aura coming off of it. I studied the pendant, observing the way it was shaped. I've never seen nice pendant designs with diamonds in it, but I've never seen anything like this. This pendant was odd. It was shaped like an egg, and as I drew my face near it to get a closer look, it began to move rapidly, causing to jump back a bit, and then it came to an abrupt stopped, back to its still floating state. My heart beating fast. I could hear it thumping through my ears, but that didn't stop me from, moving closer again. Only this time, the little egg shaped pendant began to move, as if something was inside trying to get out. And as strange as this may sound, I felt like the pendant was calling out to me.

I raised my hand and slowly reached for it and the closer my hand drew towards it, it began to shake. My breaths started to come out shaky, and my body went numb and heavy as I was almost about to grab it. As my fingers were about a half of an inch away from the necklace, it looked as if what ever was trying to get out, was pushing out to my hand. Like it wanted me to grab it. The necklace shook harder, and I before I knew it shot in to my hand, so fast and hard, it landed me on my back, hearing the necklace clink against the cave ground the same time my back hit it. Knocking the wind out of me.

I coughed air back to my lungs as I looked around for the necklace and when I spotted it, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The necklace was slithering across the cave ground towards me like a snake. The pendant being its head and the chain the rest of its body. For some odd reason I wasn't scared, just...shocked. It's not every day you see a necklace come to life the way this one did. Or at all really. It's impossible. Right? I layed my hand on the ground palm up and the necklace slithered in to my hand. I brought up to my face to examine it up close and dark red markings began to appear around it. Dark red, like... Like blood. I wasn't sure if it was just the design of the pendant coming to the surface or if it was an encryption. All I know is, this is weird, your not so everyday situation.

Then, there it was again. The feeling of the pendant calling out to me. I hesitantly picked up the necklace by the chain between my index finger and thumb. Using my other hand to put it over my head. I put the necklace on with ease and gasped at the feeling that shot through my body. I instantly felt my body go cold, freezing cold and then hot. Uncomfortably hot, and being a werewolf our blood ran hot, but this heat was too intense. I began breathing hard at the rapid alternation of my body going from hot to cold. One second I was sweating bullets, the next goosebumps were forming on my skin. I felt my mental barriers open up, beyond pack link limitations, and that's when I heard his voice.

"I found you." It whispered slowly and almost menacingly. I knew that voice, it was his voice. It sent a terrifying chill down my spine and back up to the back of my neck and then an image of him flashed in my mind. He was smirking with a mischievous glint in his eyes and a dark chuckle sounded from the back of his throat. That's when I ripped the necklace from around my neck, throwing it to the geound, and darted out of the cave.

I shifted into my wolf, running through the forest, pushing my legs as fast as they could possibly go, towards Marcus' house. Dodging trees and jumping over boulders and fallen logs swiftly as I tried to run away from the taunting laugh that echoed over and over in the back of my mind. What the hell have I done? What did I get myself in to? This mysterious creep was supposed to be what I hoped was a figment of my imagination. Something I hoped my mind conjured up out of thin air because I was under stress, but he wasn't. He was very much real. I wished that I was dreaming, or in the middle of a nightmare, asleep in my bed waiting to wake up, but I wasn't. This was happening.

I reached the edge of the forest and found a large t shirt, putting it on with trembling fingers. Not caring who it belonged to. I needed it and I'm taking it. I darted towards the house and bursted through the door, quickly locking it behind me. All of a sudden, I heard shrieking scream and I was tackled to the floor.

"Oh my gosh Alaina where have you been?"

I was surprised to see who it was that tackled me to the ground for the second time this year. I thought I wouldn't see her again for a very long time. But she was here. Everything I was feeling from the incident at the falls earlier, was instantly forgotten and replaced with joy.

"Tally!" I shouted excitedly, throwing my arms around her, "What the hell are you doing here?"

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