5) Drained

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Last night's dream was very vivid. More vivid than any other dream I've ever had.


I was standing in the woods, a very peculiar part of the woods. But I felt like I've been there before. The wind was blowing heavily, the clouds were rolling. Thunder and lightning clashed angrily and the moon was full. So full I could feel its effect. Then out of nowhere a dark figure emerged from behind the trees. I was scared but I couldn't bring myself to move, I didn't want to for some odd reason. I wanted to know who he was, what he was about, and why he was here.

He slowly began walking towards me. Only then was I able to make out this tall figure. It was a man; he had a beautiful face yet very masculine. In dreams, it allows you to see a face and know who they are without picking up on what their name is. Well, in this dream, when the light from the moon touched this man's face, it resembled Chrone. But that's not who he was. My heart began to race as he got closer to me, allowing me to see just how tall and masculine he was; I literally had to tilt my head back to look up at him. Once he was directly in front of me, his body almost touching mine, he looked down at, right into my eyes. His eyes. They were strange but at the same time amazing. They reminded me of marbles, but instead that weird leafy looking swirl in it, it was like this electric bolt, staticy.

"Who are you?" I whispered to the tall man finally finding my voice. He smiled at me, showing his teeth, fangs elongated. "What are you?" Was my second question. He brought his hand to my face stroking my cheek causing me to jump at how cold his touch was, sending a chill to spread over the area of my face he was touching. "I've been waiting for you Alaina." He said before bringing his face to mine.

I shot up out of my sleep panting and sweaty. Freaked out, but relieved it was just a dream. Although I had known it was a dream before I woke up, I'm still glad that that's all it was. A dream. I looked over at my nightstand to see my alarm clock read 5:46 a.m. I calmed my breathing before getting out of bed to get ready for school. After brushing my teeth and flat ironing my hair, I rummaged through my closet looking for today's outfit. I've decided to put on something cute today. My gray tunic that had silver designs on it, some fish net leggings, and my suede black ankle boots with a silver charmed chain dangling over the of the four and a half inched heel. A light tint of black eyeshadow, smoky eyeliner, and grey mascara did the trick for today's make up. I decided to buy another set. Call me terrible. I through on my silver hoop earrings and chain as a last touch and headed for the kitchen for breakfast.

"Wow, where the hell is my sister and what the hell did you do with her?" Asked a very shocked brother of mine. "She's right here. I'm still the same person, so stop looking at me like I just got out of plastic surgery." I said rolling my eyes as I began making myself some toast. "So what's the occasion?" He asked me, grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl on the counter. "No occasion." I said shrugging my shoulders, "Just proving a point." I said smirking and spreading jelly on my bread. "H'm. Well tell me later on how that works out for ya." He said biting into his apple. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at his comment muttering, "Whatever." As he walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs sniggering.

Walking out to my car I began to get that same eerie feeling I had this morning in my dream with the tall man. Looking at my surroundings and opening my senses to everything; smell, sound, sight, but I got nothing. I hopped into my car not starting it up immediately, distracted by my own thoughts and wonders of what my dream might've meant. So far the only thing that creeped me out about it was the fact that he was going to kiss me... And I was looking forward to it. I quickly pushed that realization out of my head and driving to school.

Sure enough when I parked my car and got out walking to the doors, I did in fact turn a few heads. As much as I hated attention, I was liking it today. After all, that was some what my goal. I had to make a point, a very clear one. Turn a few heads with appearance and flirtation (something I've never done), not that I needed much effort to do so with my heat raging out of control. But there was only head I needed in particular to turn for me. Talon's. And from the looks of things, when he approached my locker, I succeeded.

Only Time Will Tell (Sequel to E.O.T.B.)Where stories live. Discover now