8) Today Must Be A Present

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I could've sworn I squeezed the life out of Tally when I realized she jumped me. I missed the hell our of this girl. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked her surprised that she was here. "I thought you were staying with staying with Zay. What happened? And why didn't you tell me you were coming? You could've called." I raced out. I've been dreaming for this day to one day come along, and here it was so unexpected.

I stood up, helping her up too. I noticed Alante and Marcus standing there with a knowing smirk on their faces. Yuri grinning happily from ear to ear and Xavier just standing there beside Marcus with no clue of what was currently going on. He was just an innocent bystander at the moment. "Well, I was with him and then ya know... He just got so tired of me wanting to fuck him all the time, cause ya know, I had nothing better to do. I was so bored. So he sent me back. He said I was cutting in to too much of his time with my physical needs." She said giggling. I laughed. Not only at her story, but the looks on the guys' faces; pure Kodak moment. I just wish I had a camera on me.

"And what about you? Where have you been? I've been waiting for like an hour for you to show up so I can surprise you." She complained. "Oh, I was just--" I paused. Remembering what it was that I was doing that I didn't come home right away. I couldn't tell anybody that story. "I just went for a run." I quickly covered up. Tally was my best friend, I'd have to save that conversation for another day, when Marcus, Alante, and Xavier weren't in the room. And for a split second I had almost forgot, "But anyways have you met Yuri?" I asked her.

"Yea we met, while you were out and about running around." Yuri answered still smiling brightly. "Cool, now that that's out the way. We have a lot to talk about, come on." I said grabbing her hand and Yuri's, skipping up the stairs to the room Marcus saved for me. After making it to my room, we all plopped on my bed, as I proceeded to tell Tally and Yuri, once again, about the whole situation with Xavier and me meeting Talon. The fight I almost got in to with Naomi at school. And my embarrassment during the pack meeting. Which left Yuri with a reminder and Tally ticked off. For Xavier's behavior and Naomi. That little bit only had us both agonizingly wondering why Nelly had to have a freakin sister.

We sat up in my room laughing and talking for hours, deciding that we'd just slumber here for the night since it was already dark, and not only that but we wanted to hang out and talk still. Apparantly my mate situation was still the topic of the hour. They both gave me the same suggestions of using Talon to get to Xavier. As far kissing and touching goes. But that was not happening. Talon was cute and all, but I didn't see him as more than a friend. Maybe a couple incidents of harmless flirting but that's it. Nothing more. I've also come to find out that starting next Monday, both Tally and Yuri were starting school. Which made me happier than ever because I wouldn't be at school by myself anymore. So aside from everything that happened earlier during and after the meeting, my mood and spirits seemed to be lifting. Slowly but surely lifting.

It was after midnight, around two in the morning maybe, when we all decided to go to sleep. My bed was big enough to fit five bodies, literally, so we all crashed in my room. Immediately dozing off once the lights went out.



I woke up around four in the morning, drenched in sweat and a dry throat. I sleepily rolled out of bed and left the room for the kitchen, where I know there was cold water bottle in the refrigerator with my name written all over it. I made it to the kitchen only to discover that I was thirstier than I thought I was. I ended up drinking about five bottles of water, but I was still thirsty and I was still incredibly hot. I didn't bother drinking any more water cause I was full off the liquid and I'm sure I'll kick myself in the butt for setting myself up for the back and forth trip to the toilet that was soon to come later. I started up the stairs, when I felt like my skin beginning to crawl and my stomach was going up in knots with each step I took up the stairs. Then I realized that it was my heat flaring up again. Man I hated this. I heard a group of guys, descending the stairs, and talking not paying them any mind until one pointed something he smelt, earning agreement from the other guys. And I knew they were talking about me. I heard their foot steps racing down the hall and more stairs to get my scent. So I did the first thing that came to my mind. I took off down the hall of the level I was currently on and found a random room and went in it. Closing and locking the door in the process.

Stepping away from the door to get my scent away from the hallway. As I waited until the coast was clear to go back out in to the hall way, I took the time to take a look at where I was hiding. I was in a bedroom. I didn't see any personal items set up around the room, so I'm assuming and hoping that it's safe to say I was in a guest bed room, but there was something off about this room. I just couldn't quite put my finger on it. Until the answer came walking out of the bath room, fresh out of the shower, with the towel wrapped around and hanging off his hips. Om my God. This is not happening to me. This can't be happening. What are the odds that the room I took refuge in was Xavier's? The ugly game of fate and destiny just do not play fair in this situation. "Alaina. What are you doing here?" He asked smoothly. He didn't look mad. He wasn't shocked or surprised I locked myself in here. He just looked calm and curious as could be; as if he wasn't standing there, wet and in nothing but cloth.

"I-I was j-just um, trying to find-" I stuttered out but turned my attention to the door when heard the group of guys in the hall way.

"I think the smell is coming from in here." One guy said.

"Is it locked?" Another voice asked as the door knob of the door began to rattle. Xavier walked over to the door yanking it open, he didn't have to say anything for the guys to take a hint and take a hike.

I grabbed on to the dresser, leaning on it for support. I felt like my legs were about to give out on me. The flare of my heat coursed throughout my body again and ending at the area between my legs, only this time it was hotter than the first wave. That's when I felt my wolf scratching beneath the surface of my skin to be set free. I placed my palm on my head as I began to feel light headed. "Alaina are you okay?" Xavier asked as he stood in front of me. I didnt answer him. I just looked at him, cause if I open my mouth to say something, my physical reflexes will probably take action. My heat was becoming so intense I felt my pupils dilating. Xavier stepped closer to me this time, a look of concern expressed on his face. My breathing became heavy and my senses were filled with nothing but his scent. My lids fluttered close, enjoying his musky, masculine smell. "You smell so damned good right now." I lowly whispered through gritted teeth.

My eyes shot open to see he was looking confused, but realization slowly crossed his face. But before he could fully realize what was happening, I pushed myself off the dresser, tore the large t shirt off, and pounced on him with so much force I made him fall back on to the bed. My wolf has taken over and my strength was at full capacity right now. I snatched the towel off of him as I straddled and attacked his lips with mine. There was no stopping me at this point, and the best part about it is, he didn't try to stop me.

Only Time Will Tell (Sequel to E.O.T.B.)Where stories live. Discover now