4) Dilemma

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Tap! Tap! Tap!

I rolled over groaning and very annoyed, trying to down out that stupid tapping.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

There it was again, only louder this time. I growled I'm frustration. "For crying out loud! What the hell do you wa--" I froze when I seen who was tapping on my window. None other than Xavier. Standing outside of the passenger side of my car, he pointed to the lock. I don't know what drove to unlock my doors, but I did it. As he climbed in, I took the time to look around; for a moment I forgot where I was. Still at the school, and it was night time at that. How long had I been sleep?

"You do know it's dark outside, don't you." Said Xavier staring out of the windshield. I turned my head looking out of my window, cause if I look at him any longer, I will jump his bones in my car and ride him off in to the sunset. I sighed heavily, "Yes. I can see that." I said to him. We sat in what shouldn't have been an awkward silence, but we did. "I saw you talking to Talon. Wanna tell me why after I told you, you shouldn't." He said still looking straight ahead. "Wanna tell me why it bothers you so much?" I sassed back. "I already told you, he's dangerous." I scoffed he is unbelievable. "That doesn't sum it up one bit. Nor is that a good reason, especially of you don't tell me why he's dangerous." I said now looking at him, which I soon regretted. He was just sitting there in all his muscular glory, I looked at his biceps just noticing the tattoo, the tribal design and the way it traveled over his shoulder and disappeared to his back. I was so tempted to just... Ugh! I hate being in heat.

"I don't need a reason. You should just trust my judgement." He retorted. I huffed my breath and layed back on my seat, "Your judgement, huh?" I don't know if it was just me or my emotions but I did get a bit bold. "Either you can admit you're jealous or you can prove to me that he's dangerous." I looked over at him and watched him tense up. I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. "Stay. Away. From, him." He said, finally looking over at me. "I will. If you stay away from Naomi."

"Excuse me?" He said just above a whisper, narrowing his eyes at me. "You heard me." I said giving him the same look, "Ever since you rejected me," I hissed at him. He tensed up again, "She's just been flaunting her stuff, and by stuff, I mean you, in my face. Now, you want to sit here and make demands, I have a few of my own. Well, just one, her in particular. You want me to stay away from Talon, I want you to stay away from her." I watched as he clenched his jaw, looking straight ahead, having what looked like a mental debate. He couldn't possibly be actually contemplating this. I scoffed, "Well there you have it. You can't have your cake and eat it too baby. Sorry." I said starting up my car, "So do you need a ride or what?" I looked at him for an answer. "No. I'm going for a run." He said through gritted teeth as if trying to contain his rage. With that being said he got out of my car and shifted into his wolf that was the same as mine and took off.

I drove to Marcus' house just for a visit. I told him I'd tried to visit as often as I could and I haven't been there in a couple weeks. Besides I was already out and about so why not. I used the spare key he gave me to let myself in and to my misfortune, Naomi was standing there. Surprised and confused of me being there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked crossing her arms, "And how the hell did you get in here?"

I dangled my key in the air,"Spare key." I said smiling, "Oh and I'm here to visit Marcus."

"Are you sure you're not here to see Xavier. He did mention to me that he's trying to steer clear of you. I don't know how that's going to fly with you being here and all." She said smirking.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Yea that's too bad, actually. We were just at the school having a nice little chat." I told her before proceeding up the stairs, leaving her speechless. On the way up I ran into Yuri.

Only Time Will Tell (Sequel to E.O.T.B.)Where stories live. Discover now