17) Acceptance

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"Another day of school. You ready?" Tally asked from the side of me. I shook my head, "Yeah, I guess. But I just wanna sit here...five more minutes." I told her. She looked at me skeptically. "Are you sure you're okay? You've been acting weird all morning." She told me as she eyed me. I was about to answer her, but then Talon tapped on my window. "Hey." I greeted him as I rolled my window down. "Hey. You ready?" He asked me. What is with this 'am I ready?' bit? No I'm not ready for anything. "Of course."

"Bullshit!" Tally exclaimed, Talon and I both shot our attention to her, "You've been actin skittish all damn morning. You're so damn nervous about something I can smell it on you." She ranted. "What are you talking about I am not nervous." I argued. But I was nervous, very nervous. "Yes, you are, I can smell it." Talon said looking at me, "As soon as I stepped out of my car it hit me."

"Alright fine. I'm nervous, so what. I don't wanna be here," I said shrugging my shoulders.  

"Well what's going on with you?" Tally asked me.

I let out a shaky breath, "It's Xavier. He's gonna know some thing is wrong. He's gonna smell me and he's gonna know it. And I don't know what to do." I finally admitted. This is what had me scared. I couldn't even sleep last night, I was so nervous. "Well I don't mean to say this, cause I'm still rooting for you guys, vampire or no, but after every thing that's happened between you two, why does it matter if he senses how distant you guys are growing?" Tally asked, which made sense. Why did I give a shit? He rejected me. What I did now or what happens to me was none of his concern. Anymore.

"Because.... It just does. Then on top of that, I've been worried about me even smelling like a werewolf any more. Would any body else notice...?" I trailed off. "Nobody else would really notice unless they decide to bury their nose in your flesh or something Alaina." Talon explained. "You'll be fine." He assured me. "So then what do I do about Xavier?" He's going to notice and he will address it."

"If he addresses it, maybe you should tend to it." Tally suggested.  

"Tend to it how? Tell him everything that's happened?" I damn near shouted. Grabbing a few students' attention from outside. That's the last thing I need. Talon noticed the students looking, so he got in the car, getting in the back seat behind me. I let my window up so we could continue this conversation privately.

"If that's what it comes down to Alaina." She told me. "Are you insane? She can't tell him about this, it's dangerous enough being a hybrid." Talon retorted. But Tally didn't stop.  

"Sooner or later he's going to find out. Whether she slips up on hiding those bite marks or he just happens to see it cause all of a sudden he decided to mark her." She pointed out, looking at both of us. "And what are the odds of that happening? He rejected her, remember?" Talon said back. Thanks for that little reminder.

"What are the odd of it not happening? We're wolves, rejection doesn't stop a bond unless youre mated and marked by another wolf. She got but by a vampire, whose scent is not even noticeable. So she smells different, he won't really know why, and rejected wolves and wolves who reject, change their minds all the time. It doesn't happen to everybody, but it happens. If he wanted to mark Alaina because he changed his mind, he'll do it with or without her permission. He has a right to." Tally finished. Hr words scared me cause she was right. What if he did decide to mark me without my permission? Then what would I do? What would he do? "Says who?" Talon reciprocated, trying to carry the argument further.

"Says fate. And if that wasn't the case, she wouldn't be his mate." She said in return. He was quiet, and so was I. "Alright, you win. Alaina, you're just going to have suck it up and deal with it. If Xavier confronts you or something that's on you." He said defeated.

Only Time Will Tell (Sequel to E.O.T.B.)Where stories live. Discover now