3) Nice To Make Your Acquaintance

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Lunch time came around and I'm not sure if it's me being paranoid or maybe I'm just crazy, because every corner I've turned today, Xavier was there. As soon as we walked into the lunch room, Xavier was there, only this time he wasn't glaring at Talon. His distraction was Naomi, giggling in his face while rubbing her disgusting fingers up his arm. He wasn't catching anything that she was throwing, but it just made my freaking blood boil. He's mine! Well, sort of.

"So Talon." I said getting his attention as we dug into our food. "Yea what's up?"

"Okay. I know you're a werewolf and all, but I know for a fact that's not all you are." I told him. That statement got his attention, because he looked dumbfoundingly shocked. "Look, I don't what it is, but I can smell it on you. And since we're hanging out, you might as well come out with it." I told him sticking a fry in my mouth. "I promise, I won't judge."

He sighed heavily and ran his hand through his hair, looking nervous and uncomfortable. "You don't have to tell me now, but in the last few hours, we've managed to become, kind of...friends. And if we're going to continue to be friends, I don't want any surprises. I've had enough of that already from last year, I'm not trying to relive it." I told him pleadingly. He nodded his head with a sympathetic smile, "I can do that Alaina. But I don't wanna talk about it now, at least not here. It's pretty complicated." He said, now fiddling with his fingers. "Alright that's fine."

Our little "moment" was short lived when an all too familiar voice broke it. "So, Alaina. Who's your friend?" Said Nelly as she sat down, smiling seductively at Talon. For the first time today, a small part of me wished he was my faithful mate, otherwise I wouldn't feel the need to vomit, but he wasn't so, the fact she brought distaste to my mouth was very well there. I didn't bother smiling or acting like nothing was wrong with this picture. "This is Talon. Talon this is..." I sighed impatiently, "Nelly." He made his mouth in the shape of an "o" and nodded his head. "Nice to meet you Nelly." He said awkwardly, but tried to hide it with his best smile. I didn't tell him about Nelly or anything that happened in my past... Yet. I'm still not ready to discuss it.

"So Talon is it?" She said batting her eyelashes and poking out her lips. It would be the perfect time to be struck by lightning. "What brings you here?" She asked biting her lip. Oh God! I beginning to wonder what's making me nauseous, her flirting or this heat. Maybe both. "Um, my sister and I, we're just looking for another pack."

"Really?" She fake giggled. "I haven't seen you around until today."

"I'm in Marcus' pack." He said to her.

"Oh," she said pouting her lips. "Well that's too bad, cause it'll be really cool if we could," she scooted closer to him. "Hang out some time." She whispered seductively.

And here comes my vomit. I shot up from my chair knocking it over and darting out of the cafeteria to the restroom. I heard Talon calling my name, but I couldn't turn around. Didn't have time to. I was leaning over the toilet when I heard Talon's voice throughout the restroom. I'm assuming he's standing at the door. "Alaina, are you okay?" He asked, sounding concerned. "Yea, I'm fine," I said my voice shaky, "I'll be out in just a--" I stopped mid sentence when I heard a second voice, a very pissed off second voice. Oh shit. I was about to stand up to go and try to stop what ever I thought might happen if I didn't, but my stomach still wasn't agreeing with me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Xavier said with venom laced in every word. But every word spat turned me on. "I'm going to school what does it look like? And my friend is sick, I'm making sure she's okay." Said Talon in defense. "Your friend?" Xavier asked, but not out of curiosity, more like disgust. "Yea, Alaina. She's my friend and she's sick."

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