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I can be like most of those teens girls, who uses words like "passionate" to describe the moment, "magical" to express the feeling, or even "blissful" to specify how high Xavier took me. Sadly, I am not like most teen girls and neither of those words describe the moment of the scent. Did he take me to extreme heights? Yes. Did I enjoy every second of it? Definitely. Did we go multiple rounds? Of course we did. I'm not talking three or four times, I mean we went until the sun went down. Why wouldnt we? Do I regret it? Ha! Hell no. But, passionate, magical, and pure bliss are far from what we shared.

I didn't ever so gently graze my lips across his. I attacked his mouth. He didn't run his fingers through my hair and slightly gripped it, he yanked it. There was no nipping, scratching, and placing. It was more along the lines of biting, clawing, and slamming. We both had teeth marks in unfamiliar places. Claw marks as if we just went to war. And don't get me started on the thrusting. There was blood shed, the sheets were soaked in it. The mirror to his dresser was shattered. His love seat sofa that sat beneath his bedroom window was turned inside out. And unfortunately, for his bed that is, it needs a new frame and headboard. Anybody who would've seen what a disaster we turned the room into, would've thought we were trying to kill each other, literally. But figuratively speaking, we murdered each other, sexually.

Honestly, I'm not exactly sure what I'd have imagined, or expected when the day came that Xavier and I finally mated, but I do know that out of all three times that I've had sex, this was the greatest. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Yes. I said three. I guess I have a little confession to make. After Alante recovered, i guess it's safe to say, we had sex.... Again. Shocking, I know. It sort of just happened. That's a story I'll save for another day.

It's strange though. As I'm laying here, all cuddled up with Xavier. I didn't fail to notice that neither one of us marked the other. We spent the whole day licking and biting, and not once did we bite the other where the normal mating mark would go. Somewhere between the neck and the collar bone to be exact. I noticed that every time we crossed paths with that area, we would both be tempted, but neither of us would give in. I don't know what was up with that, and I'm not so sure I even want to know. But I am wondering what everybody will think once we leave this room, I'm sure they all heard the audio show. There should be no doubt about that. All I know is, that the relaxed and content state I was in now, was about to be ruined because Naomi came walking right in.

"Xavier I hope you're rea---" she began to say when she walked in, but immediately stopped when she saw the image sprawled out before her. Her mood instantly changed; from flirty and seductive, to raging and pissed off. Not that I gave a damn. "What the hell are you doing in here?" She asked, almost yelled, right before a look of shock crossed her features as she observed the room. Not that I could blame her, I'm sure if I was looking from the outside in, I'd be wearing the same priceless face as well. "Get out!"

Xavier then woke up, while I just layed there and looked at her. "Xavier tell her to leave, now." She demanded. It's odd, because at this point, my blood would be boiling and I would be itching to drag her face through the glass of the shattered mirror, but I didn't. I was just as calm and cool as can be. "Leave." Xavier said, no hint of a tone of any kind. "You heard what he said---" she rushed out, but before she could finish and before I could react Xavier cut her off. "I wasn't talking to her, Naomi. Leave." He said again. If it wasn't for the circumstance of the situation, I would've laughed. Maniacally as a matter of fact, but I didn't. I didn't need to, but I will admit it was hard not to when she wore that emoticon expression ( 8-O ) on her face when he told her to leave. If it wasnt for my self control, I'd be crying right now. And the only response she returned was a scoff, an irritated growl, the loud clicking of her heels stomping out the door, and then slamming it behind her.

About 30 minutes went by since Naomi's pissy fit incident, and Xavier and I were still laying in the bed, silent, and just staring at each other. I even think there's a possible chance that we both were actually getting a good, clear look at the minor bruises we made to the other's face. I'm not sure if it was just silence or a silent conversation, but we both wore blank expressions. Neither of our face muscles moving or twitching, just still. I didn't even wonder what it was that was running through his mind. I enjoyed this silence. I didn't mind it one bit.


"Sire. The stone is reacting. What are your orders?" Kale, the general of my army informed me. I quickly stood up from my desk, "Good." I told him, "Round up all of your men, and send for Kearra." I ordered him. "And Kale." I called out to him before he could make it down the hallway, "Sir?" He asked expectantly, "Release Bane from his cage, he willbe needed. We're going to be running into a few encounters on the way. I don't need any problems getting in my way on this trip. Time is of the essence and I have any to waste. When we get there, I'm going to get what I came for." He nodded his head in compliance and went off to do as I instructed.

Not too long after Kale left, Kearra entered my office. "You sent for me Sir?" She asked.

"Are you ready? Do you have all your things packed? You will be leaving before we do, I need eyes on the inside, and I need you to make sure everything goes as planned for when we arrive." I said. She walked up to my desk, leaning on it with both her hands.

"Yes sir. I'm all packed up." She sighed, "Tell me why we need her again. We could just kill the bitch. She's not that important, when you have me. We did come from the same mother. Unfortunately." She said rolling her eyes and walking around my desk, wrapping her arms around my neck, and pulling me in for a kiss. Which I returned. I chuckled while breaking our kiss, "I already told you why. On top of that, she has alpha blood in her veins." I told her. "Yea, but you didn't tell me everything. I know there's more to it than that." She whispered seductively while running her finger down my chest. "The less you know, the better. You'll soon find out when we get there. You just make sure you get accepted in to Alante's pack and make sure everything is set for the planet alignment. We can afford any mistakes." I said releasing her and returning to the papers on my desk to clean up.

Kearra wanted a relationship, but what we had was only sexual. Nothing more. I had intentions for another and I needed her, longed for her blood and I was craving her body. The only way I could get close to her was in her sleep. If it weren't for my idiot of a brother, I wouldn't have found her. At least he was good for something. And untili had her, I needed my plan to work.

Sorry so short. :(

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