12) Surprise, surprise Pt. 1

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The week that Tally started school flew by faster than I had expected, and although I had been happy and excited that she was going to school with me again, i couldn't help but feel irritated and tired. The week after that was also a blur.

I smiled when I needed to and engaged in conversation when spoken too, but other than that, I always separated myself. Lost in my own thoughts and spacing out. Now I find myself not even hanging around anymore, like I would have wanted to. now, I just want to be left alone.

 Ever since the night... well morning, I had spoken to Talon about my nightmares and my vampire encounter, we haven't really hung out. I thoguht maybe it was because Tally came back and I was hanging out with her and Yuri, but now I'm not so sure. Nelly and Naomi distanced themselves from me since the night I came back with Marcus from seeing Simone. But that didn't really stop them from glaring at me, and normally I would retaliate with some rude remark, but lately I haven't been up to it. And Xavier still looks at me with this confused look as if he's trying to figure me out. That's the verdict I stuck with. Talon said my scent changed since James bit me, so Xavier is trying to figure out what's different. I wanted so badly to tell him what it was about me that changed, but I couldn't do it.

I've been reduced to wearing my hair around my face and neck all the time.

And I've tried countless times to get rid of this necklace; burying it beyond our territory, throwing it in the lake of the falls, burying it in the dirt of the lake of the falls, tossing it out the window while driving down random dirt trails, but none did the trick. I would still wake up in the morning with it clamped around my neck. I even tried destroying it with a hammer, but all I got was a shattered hammer in return.

Before I know it, I find myself ditching school, and on my way to Simone for more answers.


Ever since Alaina and Marcus came back from where ever they went, she's been looking real glum. She's been coming to school walking around campus like a zombie. She looked as if she was hardly getting any sleep. The few times I had tried to talk to her, she would just nod her head, shake it back and forth slowly, or just shrug her shoulders; all the while staring off in to nowhere. She wasn't herself. Even her friend Tally asked me what was wrong with her and I couldn't give her an answer.

I was sitting in my second period taking notes when somebody, 'Psst Talon." whispered to me. I looked over and it was Tally, getting my attention. She had handed me a note.

'Where is Alaina? Did she show up to school today?' Was what the note read, and right after I read the note, images began to flash in my mind. I saw Alaina driving her car, crying. And then I saw a women talking to Alaina, she had Caribbean accent. Maybe Jamaican, I don't know. Then a sign that read 'Welcome to Death Valley'. After the image flashes stopped, I had a sense of deja vu. Like I've seen that woman before. I just didn't know where.

As soon as the bell rang, and Tally and I gathered our stuff, I grabbed her hand and led her to the school's parking lot. "Talon what's going on?" She asked me, with a look of worry on her face. "Get in the car, I know where Alaina is." I told her. She didn't ask any thing else, she got in the car and as soon as she shut the door, I took off. "Where is she?" She asked, looking at me expectantly.

"She's heading to some place called 'Death Vally'," I told her and when I looked over at the, she wore this look as if she knew where this place was. "Do you know of it?" I asked her. Cause if she did know , she could tell me how to get there/ She nodded her head yes. "Do you know anybody there?" I asked her, and again she nodded her head yes, "Yea... my mom lives there." And then she relaxed in her seat as she got this clouded look in her eyes, all the while giving me directions to where we were headed.

It was about 12, 1 in the afternoon when we got here. We didn't know exactly where we were going so we just drove around town.

"Wait, wait. Stop!" Tally exclaimed, leaning up in her seat and looking out of her window. I immediately stopped the car. "That's Alaina's car, right there."

Alaina's car was parked in a narrow alley way. I could see through her untinted windows that she was still in the car. After I parked the car across the street, Tally and I wasted no time jumping out and walking over to her parked car. We peered into her window and she was just sitting there; eyes all puffy and red, staring straight ahead. Tally reached for her door and opened it, earning us a blank, but surprised looke from Alaina. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked looking at us both confused. This isn't the state i want to see her in, but any expression on her face right now, is better than no expression at all.

"Girl, what are you doing here? Why didn't you come to school?" Tally asked her in a soft almost hushed tone. Alaina's eyes began to water as she averted her gaze to her hands in her lap as she fiddled with her fingers. "I needed answers." She said as she sniffled. "Answers for what, Lai?" Tally asked her as she leaned against the open car door so that she was facing Alaina, grabbing her hands to get her attention again. "I don't know what's happening to me." Alaina said as she began to softly cry, "I didn't know where else to go," she sobbed onto Tally's shoulder as she leaned in to Alaina for a hug. "So why come here?" Tally asked, gripping Alaina by the shoulders now. "Simone is the only person who can probably help me right now." She said in a whisper, tears still falling. Then Tally got that look again, but it vanished as quick as it came. What was that about?

"Do you want us to come with you, Alaina?" I asked her. She looked up at me and slowly nodded her head 'yes'.

As we followed Alaina through the door in the alley way, I couldn't but notice Tally's heart had picked up pace. Her breathing was steady and even, but her heart was beating hard and rapidly. When we walked through the sheer cloth hanging from the door less frame, all the scented candles, incense, and herbs, along with an assortment of fragrances hit my nose. Hard. With me being half vampire, I could damn near taste them, giving me another sense of deja vu. I've seen this place before, but I can pin point when or where. Or maybe it's just one of those common places I don't know. Then I heard that woman's voice from the images I got earlier at school.

"Alaina what brings you back here--" she trailed off once she enterd the room and her eyes fell on all three of us. "Simone, these are my friends--"

"Talon and Tally." She said cutting off Alaina, while she stared hard at Tally. How she knew our names, I have no idea. Now, Tally's breathing was uneven and shaky. "Yea. How did you know our names?" I asked her confused.

"Your father was a loyal customer a while back." She said glancing at me, while my eyes widened a bit in surprise. She knew my father?

"And as for Tally." She said turning her attention back to Tally.

"She's my mother." She said barely above a whisper, but loud enough to be heard. Alaina and I both shot her a shocked and surprised glare, she nodded her head, "Simone is my mother." She repeated again as she looked at us both reassuring that what we heard was right.

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