6) Long Time. No Talk. Pt. 1

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"How in the hell did you let that happen Tal?! You could've gotten us in deeper shit than we already are." Tonya, my little sister yelled.

Yesterday morning at school was close. Too close. I planned on telling Alaina about what I am. What we are, but I didn't expect to slip up and allow what had happened to happen.

"I don't know Tony. It just happened. One minute we're sitting there having a decent conversation and then--- I don't know, okay." I defended. I haven't exactly had practice in controlling my eyes lately.

"Look. Just try to control yourself. Whatever it is you let get to you for it to happen. Just don't let it happen again." She let out an exasperated sigh as she ran her hand through her brunette hair. "Cme on let's just get to this meeting Marcus is calling and get it over with, without drawing too much attention. Alright?"

I nodded my head. I honestly don't know what got in to me earlier. If it weren't for Xavier showing up when he did, I still would've been sitting there. I felt pretty normal and calm. I dont get nervous often. I wasn't angry, and I certainly wasn't horny. So what could it have been? It has never happened before around any other female and now that I'm around this Alaina chick, it all of a sudden happens. I'm not going to stop hanging out with her because of it, but finding out more about her may give me an idea.


School was long and miserable as always. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night. He was there again. Although, I only see this guy in my dreams, or nightmares, I am now convinced that he has got to be real. Last nights dream was different though. He kept repeating the same thing over and over again while tracing his finger back and forth across my chest, never taking his from it. I don't know what he was saying cause it was in a different language, but right before my dream ended he told me 'I had something he wanted' and then asked me where it was. But I had no idea what he was talking about and I woke before I got a chance to ask. I feel crazy thinking about communicating with a man I've never met before except in my dreams. But I haven't told any body about it, nor did i plan to, so refraining from saying out loud to somebody else makes me feel less crazy.

On to other issues. Talon wasn't at school today and neither was Xavier. Xavier wasn't my concern at the moment though, especially with the whole Naomi situation, that wasn't new. That. I expected everyday almost. Talon, however, decided to not come to school the day after that weird situation with his eyes happened. Not only that, but he walked off pretty fast when Xavier showed up. Maybe, he walked off because of Xavier. I don't know. But the first run in he had with him, he stood his ground. So what made yesterday different, unless he knew what was going on with his eyes and he was trying to hide it.

Marcus and Alante were holding a joined pack meeting, which I'm on my way to. I'll jut find out when I get there what exactly Talon is hiding.



I spotted Yuri in the huge crowd of people standing with Paul and Preston talking. I made my way over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey Yuri." I said giving her a hug when she turned to me, "Hey!" She squealed hugging me back. We pulled away and right before I was about to ask her what the meeting was about, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me in a tight bare hug. "Long time no see kid. No visit?" Said Preston releasing me as I regained the breath that was squeezed out of me.

"Not even a call. Is that how you feelin bruh?" Asked Paul taking his turn in suffocating me.

"One. Put me-- down--- now," I barely breathed out, and he did with a a playful smirk on his face. I punched him in his arm and he laughed it off. "Two, I do visit. It's not my fault you two are no where around when I do." I told them. "Well, short shit, you dont visit enough. And we do be around, we're just busy." Preston playfully defended.

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