14) Catching up Pt. 1

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There were a million things running through my mind. Like the fact that I'm only a teenager and I've gone through enough shit to give me gray hairs of an eighty year old woman; my mate rejected for stupid reasons that I've yet to fully understand; my new friend is the son of the man who's been haunting me, who is also the brother of the man who promised my mom the world if she yielded my powers, but, in return backfiring by giving me James' powers. And let's not forget to mention that I am now becoming a vampire... Half vampire. 

Out of my entire existence, my whole life was nothing but crap. Is crap. I have yet to have one decent year. I thought my senior would be great, but that was obviously too much to ask for let alone too much to expect. Ten years ago I would have never guessed or imagined that this is where I'd end up. Sitting in Simone's... shop, house, what ever this is. 

"Alaina... Alaina.." Tally repeated as she waved her hand back and forth in front of my face. I snapped out of my thoughts and gave her my attention. "Are you okay? You blanked out for a minute." I nodded my head yes, I was at a loss for words from what Simone just told me. Who wouldn't be? I heard about vampires before, but up until about maybe a month or two, they haven't crossed my mind and now I'm turning into one... well half of one. Tally exhaled a breath, "So what do we do now?" She asked aloud to no one in particular. What do we do now? Hell, what's all this we stuff? What do I do? "There is nothing you can do." Simone answered, "If James hasn't found you yet, he will. And when he does he will complete the transitioning by drinking your blood and you drinking his, to make the bond complete. Until then, Alaina," she turned her attention to me, "you'll just have to ride out that transitioning." She told me. 

"What do you mean ride it out? Is it going to be painful or something?" I asked her briefly turning my gaze to Talon and then back to her. "I don't know about it being painful, but I know it will be hard. Talon can tell you about that." She said shooting her eyes to Talon. 

I stood up and looked at Talon and Tally, nudging my head to the side telling them it's time to go. They stood up and started to follow me out, but Simone stopped us. We all turned around to see what it was she had to say, "Tally we need to talk." Tally didn't say anything just stayed behind as Talon and I continued towards the exit, "And Alaina," Simone stopped us again, I turned around once more. "Remember what I said about those you meet. And you know what they say about keeping enemies close, I suggest you do that." Although I had no idea specifically what she was talking about, I nodded my head anyway, "Tally we'll be outside," I told her before turning back around and leaving the place to stand by the car.

Once outside I wasted no time of the matter. "Your uncle, Talon? Why didn't you tell me he was your uncle?" I damn near shouted. "I didn't think it would matter. I mean you told me he was dead so I didn't really see any reason to tell you that." He said back. "Yea he's dead, but that still would've been nice to know. I mean the man was going to use me to take over the world!" He exhaled a breath, "Look I'm sorry alright. I didn't think that would've been important. He's not here any more so I didn't think disclosing that information would matter. Even if I did tell you that, you wouldn't have found out about James being my father either." He reminded me after his apology, "I know." I breathed out throwing my head back, defeated at my own argument. Not that I was mad or anything, but the reminder wasn't exactly something to rejoice over neither.  Just then Tally walked out, joining us by the car.

"Is everything alright?" I asked her, as she neared closer. She didn't look bothered or anything. I couldn't really read her face, but she never really talked about her mother, so I'm not really sure if they had a relationship or not. Tally nodded her head, "Yeah. Everything is fine." She said giving a small smile. "Are we ready to go?" She asked, looking at both Talon and me. "Yeah, we are. Do you mind driving my car? I need to talk to Talon." I asked her as I handed her my keys.

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