First Day Of School Part 2

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A.N. I was going through and editing when I saw there was a whole part missing! Well, here it is!

"Welcome to creative writing." my teacher, Mrs. Water said once the bell rang. "I'm sure many of you took this class as an easy A. But, that won't come unless you're truly dedicated to writing." She looked around the class, the room was filed with students. Many of them rolled their eyes at what Mrs. Water said, but I just nodded. Writing has always been something I loved so I was dedicated. Although I loved writing when my bio mom was alive but after her death my love for writing intensified.

"Today I want to get to know you and your writing style. I want you to write a fantasy of yours. We all want something to be different in our lives, so write yourself living that." Mrs. Water gave the class the assignment. "Work on it today during class and turn it in at the end of class." Someone raised their hand and Mrs. Water motioned for them to talk.

"How long does it have to be?" the girl asked.

"However long it needs to be to be finished." Mrs. Water answered and I almost laughed because it was such a typical answer.

I was surprised by the assignment in all honesty. I knew there was a lot about my past that I wanted to change, but my present life was pretty great. I loved Shay, Colette, and all the kids. I didn't want to be known as the orphan but in the end I knew it was the only thing I would change. So, I sighed and started writing. I wrote and when the bell finally rang I jumped. I had been so into writing that I hadn't noticed how much time went by. I completed the last sentence and got in line behind a few people to hand in my paper..

"Aspen?" Mrs. Water stopped me as I handed her my paper.

"Yes?" I replied.

"What were you writing about? It seemed intense." she asked motioning to my face. I wiped it and found my face was wet.

"Um, my biological parents." I told her in a low voice. Mrs. Water nodded and motioned for me to leave. I hadn't realized that I had been crying in class.


"So, why doesn't everyone sum up your first day of school?" Shay asked as we sat down for dinner. "Emmi why don't you start?"

"It was great! My teacher is really nice and I made a new friend. Her name is Abbi, she's a dancer!"

"Great! Avia, how about you?" Colette asked.

"It was so good!" Avia started in a sassy voice. "Brailee and I are in the same class and I love playing at recess."

"Fun!" Shay laughed. "Gav, how do you like being in the top grade?"

"It's good." Gavin smiled. "I like the kids in my class and we played football during recess."

"Awesome. Aspen? How was your day?" Colette asked.

"It was fine." I shrugged. "My homeroom teacher doesn't believe YouTube is a real job and probably hates me. But I love my creative writing class and my other teachers seem okay.

"How could your teacher hate you?" Emmi asked confused. I say Shay and Colette exchange a look, obviously worried.

"I'm just kidding Em, I don't think he hates me." I smiled.

"Did you write in your creative writing class?" Shay asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "We had to write ourselves living in a fantasy, something we would want to change about our lives."

"What did you write about?" Avia asked leaning to me.

"Uhm. I really don't want to tell." I shook my head. "Sorry Av."

"Please. Come on!" Avia pleaded with me. Emmi chipped in with some puppy dog eyes and Brock started chanting "Tell!"

"You can tell us anything you know." Shay smiled.

"Okay." I said uneasily making everyone else go silent. "I... well. I wrote about my bio mom and dad being alive." I regretted telling them the second it came out of my mouth. Why didn't I just come up with a lie? Brock and Daxton obviously didn't understand but the girls looked like I had just killed one of the kittens. Gavin wouldn't look me in the eye and Shay and Colette looked like they wanted to cry.

"C-can I be excused?" I asked trying not to cry. I jumped up as soon and Colette nodded and ran to my room. I didn't want to disappoint them but isn't it obvious that I would wish for my biological mom to be alive. I felt horrible, I needed someone to talk to so I texted Josh.

Me: Hey, you available to talk?

Josh: Yeah I'm here. What's up?

Me: I think I made a mistake and my family's going to hate me.

Josh: They won't hate you. They love you. What did you do?

So, I told him what happened and why I was worried. When he responded, he gave me the best advice. He told me not to feel guilty for writing about my bio parents but to make sure to make my family feel appreciated. I was nervous to go back out there so I sat around nervously waiting for someone to come to me. Not soon enough a knock sounded on my door and I called them in.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Colette asked sitting on my bed.

"I'm fine." I sighed. "Does it bother you that I wrote about my bio parents? It's just to only thing I would change about my life."

"Well," she started looking at the picture of my mom on my nightstand. "I think it took us a little bit by surprise. You haven't talked about your mom for a while.

"I don't want to make anyone unhappy. Whenever I do I get sent away again." I sighed nervously rubbing my arm.

"Oh Aspen." Colette moved to hug me. "We love you and we are not going to send you away. Look, we're about to start family home evening. We would love for you to join us and for you to finish your dinner." I smiled and followed her upstairs. The rest of the night went well and I took Josh's advice. I made sure to hug and tell them how much I love and appreciate them.

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