Jacob part 2

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A.N. These are such short little filler things I'm sorry. I have such a hard time writing this part of the story. Yikes.

The next morning Jacob barged into my room way too early for the time I woke up. I had stayed up until almost one in the morning tossing and turning. I was afraid that if I went to sleep I would have nightmares.

"Get up, we're going to church." Jacob said standing over me.

"Church?" I mumbled confused. I wasn't new to church, I went every Sunday with my family. I just didn't know when Jacob had found an interest in church.

"Yes. Hurry, we leave in twenty minutes." he replied gruffly walking out of the room. Groggily I got up trying to find appropriate clothes to wear. Usually going to church meant wearing a dress and looking really nice. However, I was just too tired to try that morning. In the end I just pulled on some jeans with my One Direction shirt. I need something familiar, and I didn't care what any snooty adults said. I quickly did my makeup and braided my hair, then walked out to the living room.

"You know those boys are gay right?" Jacob said gesturing to my shirt as I pulled my shoes on.

"Who do you ship?" I replied knowing it would throw him off.

"What?" he said confused and I laughed to myself.

"Like Larry, Narry, Ziam." I trailed off shrugging.

"Whatever. We have to go." Jacob said and I followed him to the garage. He still had the beat up Ford that he had when I was twelve.

"So, did you go to church with that family?" Josh asked as we drove down the road.

"Yeah every Sunday, we have family prayer every night, and family home evenings once a week." I nodded staring out the window. Jacob didn't say anything and the rest of the ride was silent. I sighed thinking of my family again. It was too quiet, I missed the commotion of all the kids.

The church was pretty, but I seemed to be the only teenager in the whole place. All I could see was people over 40, and I was lonely. I quietly followed Jacob around wishing I had my headphones. Some of the people seemed to recognized me, but I blocked a lot of their faces out from my time with Jacob.


A week later I sleepily got up so I could get to the library. Jacob had agreed to let me do online school, at least until he had full custody is what he said. However, since he didn't have internet I had to go to the library to do my work. It was nice to get away for most of the day. Plus, I had rediscovered my love for reading. In just a week I had read so much. However, I was a little concerned that Jacob hadn't messed up by now. Of course, I didn't want him to hit me, but I did want to go back to my family. I talked to them at night, and of course watched the vlogs but it wasn't the same. Shay and Colette didn't tell the viewers exactly what was happening, and the comments started to get nasty. People were accusing Shay of only adopting my for good PR and sending me away when he got more money.

I hoped on the bus since Jacob couldn't take me and put in my headphones. I was supposed to go straight to the library, but Josh didn't keep a tight leash. Today, I stopped at the temple that I saw everyday and explored the grounds. The temple had a garden and I went to take some pictures and soak in the sun. It made me think of Shay and Colette walking around the garden. I hadn't been there long when there was a tap on my shoulder. Surprised, I turned to see a complete stranger.

"Are you Aspen, from the SHAYTARDS?" the girl who looked about my age asked.

"Yeah," I smiled taking out my headphones. "Do you watch?"

"Yes!" the girl nodded then looked around frowning. "Is the rest of the family here?

"No." I shrugged. "Just me, sorry."

"Is that why you haven't been in the vlogs?" she asked.

"Yeah, there has been some problems with custody." I replied trying the be truthful and still have some privacy.

"How? I thought both your parents are dead." The girl asked innocently, but I was really tired of that stupid question.

"I just- I really can't talk about it." I sighed hoping she would leave it alone.

"Are the comments right? Did they send you away?" she pressed.

"What? No way! This wasn't any of our choices. The state is making this happen. Shay and Colette would do something like that." I ranted surprising both myself and the girl.

"Oh." she said taking a step back.

"I'm sorry, it's just a sore subject. Do you want to take a picture?" I apologized. The girl nodded and we talked for a bit before I headed to the library.

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