Jacob part 3

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A.N. okay, stuff really goes down in this chapter so if you are sensitive to abuse you might not want to read this chapter.

After three weeks of being with Jacob the threat of him messing up was dwindling. Again, I obviously didn't want to be hit, but I wanted to be with my family. In one week I'd be in court trying to convince the judge that the Butlers are my family. After thinking, I figured the fact that I'm never at the house could be why Jacob hadn't messed up. So, I started spending more time at the hell house. I spent just enough time at the library to finish my school work, and the rest of my time at Jacobs house.

Jacob seemed surprised that I was around more. We had a few arguments, mostly me being upset and missing my family and him being mad that I called them my family. I wasn't sure what his problem was when it came to them. Either way, Jacob must have taken my warning about calling the police seriously because for a long time he never even raised his hand to me. Until one Saturday night.

Jacob came home drunk, barely stumbling through the door, and his entire demeanor was different than it had been all week.

"What are you doing?" He shouted slamming the door behind him. I jumped and looked up from my phone, I was Facetiming with Avia and Emmi.

"What do you mean what am I doing? You have eyes." I mumbled in reply. Avia and Emmi looked a little scared and I wanted them to hang up so they didn't have to listen to this argument.

"You talking to that family?" Jacob yelled again his words slurring a little.

"Yeah, I'm talking to my family." I replied and got up from the couch. I was going to leave the room so I could have a nice goodbye with the girls, without having this fight.

"Where are you going?" Jacob mumbled grabbing my arm as I passed him.

"My room. Let me go." I said shaking my arm trying to get out of his grasp. I heard Avia gasp and wanted to hit myself for not hanging up earlier.

"They aren't your family! I am!" Jacob yelled pulling on my arm and I flinched.

"Girls, I'll call you back later." I said quickly and hung up without waiting for their answer. "Jacob, let me go."

"They aren't your family! You'll never go back to them!" Jacob yelled again and I tried to pry his hand off of my arm.

"Let go!" I yelled back trying to block out everything he was saying.

"You know I'm right! I'm you're only family. They don't love you! You're just a pity adoption, they would have sent you back anyway." He laughed shaking me.

"Stop! Stop! They do love me! They do! You're not my family!" I yelled breaking my fake calm. I collapsed to get out of his grip, the tears flowing.

"They do not love you! They know you made your mom die!" He yelled standing over me and I curled into a ball on the floor. That was the first time all month that he had mentioned her.

"No. no. It's not my fault." I shook my head quietly, more to myself then to Jacob. My phone was ringing, and the caller ID showed Colette's face. The girls probably told Shay and Colette what they heard.

"No!" Jacob screamed grabbing my phone from my hand and throwing it against the wall. I watched helplessly as my phone shattered. "You worthless girl! Everything is your fault!"

I whimpered crawling to my phone, I didn't think this argument was going to end well. But when I got it the screen wouldn't turn on.

"Get over here!" Jaco yelled grabbing my arm and pulling me to stand.

"No. Stop." I cried struggling to escape his grasp.

There was a moment where time slowed, and I could see so many different things at once. I saw Jacob's eyes flash with anger, I saw Jacob raise a fist, and I tried to crawl backwards all at the same time. Jacob's fist came down onto my stomach and I curled into a ball.

"You. Are. So. Worthless. You. Are. Responsible. For. Every. Bad. Thing. In. My Life." Jacob screamed at me, a pause in-between each word so he could hit or kick me. I was trying to move away from him and my thoughts went to Shay. I told him I was tough but when it actually happened I didn't know if I could get away.

In a second Jacob took a break from beating down on me, I took an opportunity to run to the front door. I had gotten the door open but Jacob grabbed me by my hair to pull me back before I could get outside.

"You B*tch!" he screamed in my ear.

"Stop! Someone help!" I screamed knowing the door was still open.

"No one cares about you! They know it's all your fault!" Jacob yelled shoving me to the ground.

"STOP!" I screamed louder than I had all night. To my surprise, my scream startled him a little and I saw my chance. I pushed past him and sprinted across the street to a house with lights on in the front room.

"Help! Please open up!" I yelled pounding on the door. I snuck a peak behind me to see Jacob standing on the edge of his lawn.

"The door opened slowly, the person obviously frightened by my banging.

"Please, can I use your phone?" I begged my tears starting to slow a little. The woman looked at me and then behind me, presumably at Jacob across the street.

"Come in." She nodded and let me in, locking the door behind us.

When the phone was putt in my hand I immediacy dialed 911. Once I knew that someone was on their way, the adrenaline was starting to wear off and I could fell m ribs ache.

"Are you okay?" The woman asked and I bent over to hold my stomach.

"Do you mind if I make another call?" I asked not answering the stupid question.

"Go ahead." she nodded and I nodded thankfully.

When I had first moved in with Shay and Colette they made me memorize their phone numbers just incase I didn't have my phone and needed to contact them. So, I dialed Shay's number and listened to the rings. Although my tears had stopped I felt more form in my eyes thinking about talking to him.

"Hello?" I heard his voice question and I couldn't hold back the flood that started.

"Daddy, I need you." I cried barely able to breath.

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