VidCon Part 1

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"Aspen! We are leaving in 40 minutes!" I woke to Shay yelling.

"I'm up!" I yelled back blindly searching for my phone. I played some music while I got dressed for traveling. I put on some leggings and a big sweater from my old school. I yawned before going to my mirror to put on some basic makeup and pulled my hair into a messy bun. Grabbing my phone and my plane bag, I made my way upstairs. We had packed our suitcases in the car last night so I didn't have to worry about that.

"There she is." I heard Shay say as I came down the stairs. He had the camera out so I waved to it.

"Are you ready for VidCon?" he asked. I nodded and set my head down on the counter.

"Sleepy?" Shay asked still filming. I just nodded again in response.

"You should eat something." Shay suggested trying to get me to talk. I just shook my head because I didn't like eating breakfast super early.

"One Direction just tweeted me!" Shay said in an excited voice.

"What? Let me see!" I shouted jumping up.

"I knew I could get you to talk!" Shay laughed still filming.

"Dad!" I sighed sitting down again.

"Shay! Let's get going!" Colette called from somewhere in the house. I followed Shay to the garage trying hard not to fall down the stairs with my crutches. After everyone climbed into the car we went on our way and within minutes I was asleep.


"You know what to do?" Shay asked me.

"Yes Dad." I replied as I took a quarter and the camera, carefully making my way to the bathroom. I had to gate check my crutches and I couldn't be more relived. I hated them. In the bathroom I turned on the camera and started.

"Hey guys!" I started off. "So I need to get up and stretch so my dad sent me to put the quarter in the ashtray."

I showed as I put the quarter in the tray and sent the camera a thumbs up. Before I turned the camera off an idea came to me.

"So, since I've got you here let's have a talk." I said. "Wow I sound like my dad don't I?"

I shook my head and almost decided to stop the video but I sighed and continued.

"First, I noticed a lot of tweets asking me who my favorite Youtubers were. Not totally sure why but there were a lot. So, my top two other than my family are Joey Graceffa and iiSuperwomanii. I almost stopped the camera again but something made me continue.

"Also, I just wanted to say how extremely grateful I am for everything Shay and Colette have done for me. I don't understand why some people don't see that. I'm sorry if I'm seeming ungrateful but I truly am. I- ugh never mind I don't want to feed anymore comments." I finished and quickly turned off the camera. I went back to my seat and handed Shay back the camera. Soon enough we landed and the airport gave me a wheelchair. Brock sat on my lap while Avia and Emmi worked together to push us.

"I really didn't need this." I sighed.

"At least this way you don't have to use your crutches for a little while longer." Colette told me knowing how much I hated them. We collected our luggage and Shay rented a car to get us to the apartment, plus we couldn't all fit in the van. Once we made it to the apartment the first thing the kids wanted to do was go swimming.

Even though I had no intention of swimming with my cast I changed into some shorts and a swimsuit top. I could work on my tan even if I got a weird tan line.

"Pool!" Brock yelled as we walked down the hallway.

"So as Rocktard said, we are going to the pool now." Shay said vlogging.

"Are you swimming Sistertard?" Emmi asked me.

"I can't Babytard. I can't get my cast wet." I explained.

"Then I'm not swimming." she declared.

"Em, you don't have to do that." I shook my head. "I'm just going to read and and listen to music."

"Okay. If you're sure." she nodded making me laugh.

Once we made it down to he pool Colette and I found some chairs in the shade. I put my headphones in and cracked open my book. I was reading City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare. After a while Emmi came running up to me.

"Will you come to the snack machine with me?" she asked.

"Did mom and dad say it was okay?" I replied with a question.

"Yes! They gave me money!" she told me showing me the few dollar bills.

"Okay. Let's go." I smiled. I helped Emmi put in the money for her packet of skittles and decided to get some chips for myself. Emmi grabbed both snacks and as we turned to go back to our family I crashed into someone with my crutches.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed. I took a look at the person in front of me. It was a boy my age and he was fine. I felt my checks heat up because I knew a crush was coming on.

"It's okay. Hey, I'm Josh." he said holding his hand out for a handshake.

"I'm Aspen." I nodded shaking his hand.

"Aspen! Come on!" Emmi whined. "I wanna get back in the pool!"

"Sorry." I smiled waving goodbye and following Emmi.

"Bye." He waved and I laughed.

"Daddy. Aspen was talking to a boy." Emmi shouted as we walked back to everyone.

"Emmi!" I groaned embarrassed.

"Say what?" Shay said and turned to us. I groaned as I saw that Shay had the camera out and was recording.

"Way to rat a girl out Em." I sighed as we sat down. I saw Emmi's face fall and felt bad instantly. "I didn't mean it Emmi! Don't feel bad." I apologized and pulled her to sit on my lap.

"What's this we hear about a boy?" Shay asked making me hide my face in Emmi's hair.

"We met him at the candy machine. His name is Josh." Emmi told him happily.

"Emmi!" I said with disbelief.

"Sorry Aspen." she giggled. "I'm bad at keeping secrets."

"So, Josh hm?" Shay asked putting down the camera.

"It's not like we're dating." I said. "I haven't had a real conversation with him."

"Not to mention you walked into him with your crutches." Emmi laughed from my lap. I groaned and him my face again.

"It seems Emmi did my job when it comes to embarrassing you. I just groaned again not looking up.

"But Aspen." Shay said seriously.

"Yeah?" I asked looking up.

"Be careful around guys okay." he told me.

"Of course." I smiled. Shay came and gave me a soft hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"You ready to go back in the pool Loofus?" Shay asked Emmi.

"Yeah!" Emmi yelled jumping off my lap and running to the pool.

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