Meeting the Rest of the Family

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"Okay, first things first." Shay started as we got in the car.

"You're okay with being in the vlogs right?" Colette asked.

"Of course." I nodded and rubbed my arm shyly. I was still nervous.

"So you need a tard name." Shay smiled. "Any ideas?"

"Umm." I signed thinking. "I have no idea."

"Why don't we ask the viewers?" Colette asked and I smiled nodding.

"We can make a Instagram video and we can choose your favorite." Shay said and got his phone out. Shay angled himself so the camera couldn't see me and began the video. "Hey guys we have some good news, we have someone new coming into our family."

"And I'm not pregnant!" Colette laughed.

"We've adopted." Shay said happily and moved the camera to show me. I waved and realized that Colette also had a vlogging camera out so I smiled at that too. "We need some ideas for tard names so leave some in the comments." Shay posted the video and Colette positioned the camera on me.

"Do you want to give the viewers some background information?" Colette asked me as Shay started driving. "I'm sure a lot of them are curious."

I nodded and told them the story. I could see the regular pity looks that I get but I was used to it.

"I'm sorry sweetheart." Colette sighed sympathetically.

"Wasn't your fault." I shrugged.

"So right now," Shay started looking back to me and Colette turned the camera off. "We are on our way to Target to get some stuff for your room."

"Really? Thank you." I replied happily. We talked quietly until we pulled into the parking lot.

"We figured you would want to pick out a comforter set and a few other things for your room. That way you can make your room your own." Shay told me and I nodded. I followed them to the bedding section of Target. After looking around for a bit I found a mainly white set that had a little bit of blue around the edges. I also picked out a cute canvas wall art that had a picture of the beach and a pretty light blue lamp.

"Do you want to go shopping for some clothes too?" Colette asked.

"Yeah!" I nodded happily and we headed to the clothes section. Colette helped me pick out some pretty shirts and some jeans. After we got in the checkout line Colette pulled out the camera.

"We're shopping!" Colette laughed. "Well we just finished but still." She pointed the camera at the cart and started telling the people what we had. "Anything to say?"

"Um...Just thanks for buying all this stuff." I said unsure.

"Don't worry about it," Shay smiled pulling me into a hug.

"I got the first hug on camera." Colette said happily. I blushed and looked down at my feet not knowing what to say.

"You're a shy one aren't you." Shay laughed rubbing my shoulder.

"You say that now." I said making Shay and Colette laugh.

"Why do you say that?" Shay asked.

"Well, I'm just getting used to this. In a week you'll see that I'm actually really loud." I told him.

"You will fit right it!" Colette smiled.

"Oh from what I've seen in the vlog I know." I replied.

"So if you don't know VidCon is this weekend. We thought that would be a good event to formally introduce you." Shay told me as we walked in the parking lot.

Adopted | ShaytardsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon