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A.N. So... I think the chapter after this will be the last chapter. That's so crazy! I've never finished a book before. Of course, the book could end up having a sequel, but for now I like where the story will end.

The police came, along with my social worked and Shay. Colette had to stay home with the kids so I wasn't upset that she wasn't there. I was taken to the hospital to get checked out, but I was just glad that I would be going back to my family.

I latched myself onto Shay the moment I saw him. Tori, my social worker, apologized over and over for placing me with Jacob. Even though I didn't blame her I knew Shay was pissed. I think the only reason he didn't start yelling at her was because I was there. I had to talk to the police, give them a statement. I didn't care much about him going to jail or anything like that, I just wanted to be sure I would never be taken from my family. That I would never have to go back to Jacob.

The police took my statement as I struggled through tears. Shay tried his hardest to keep me calm but just thinking about it made me scared. Soon enough, the police were gone and I had been discharged from the hospital, so Shay and I could finally go home. Medically, I was fine. My ribs were bruised so I would be sore for a while but nothing lasting.

The drive home was quiet. I was still shaken up and I knew Shay was still a little mad, but I think he was just happy that I was safe. Although we didn't get home until almost midnight most of the kids were still awake and waiting for me. Daxton had fallen asleep and Brock was basically sleepwalking, but the other kids came running out to hug me before I could get out of the car.

Shay kept telling them to be careful and was concerned when I started crying, but I was crying happy tears. I was finally back with the people who love me. It had only been a few weeks but to me it felt like months.

The weeks following me getting home were rough. I was jumpy and nervous a lot. I spent a lot of time in my room, detached from the rest of my family. Shay got me a new phone and the whole family was accommodating to my fragile mental health. The stuff I had at Jacob's house eventually got shipped back to me. However, the picture of my mom was nowhere to be found. There was many a night were I would wake up from a nightmare and search for the picture before remembering I didn't have it anymore.

One night I had a nightmare of that night with Jacob. When I woke up my eyes scanned the dresser hoping it had appeared, but my shoulders slumped asI realized it wasn't there. Usually, I would try to go back to sleep, but this nightmare had seemed too real, I knew I would be able to fall asleep. After a small internal debate I decided to go talk to Shay and Colette. It was early and one part of me didn't want to disturb them, but another part of me knew they would want to help. I climbed up the stairs quietly so I wouldn't wake the other kids.The door to Shay and Colette's room was open but I knocked and waited for Shay to look up before I walked in.

"Aspen? What's wrong?" Shay asked sitting up.

"I had a nightmare," I said and paused before finishing. "about Jacob."

"Are you okay?" Colette asked also waking up. My eyes watered as I tried to hold back the waterworks.

"N-no not really." I shook my head wiping at my eyes. "I don't have my moms picture and I j-just can't calm down enough to sleep. I'm sorry.

"It's okay sweetheart. Here, come lie down between us and when you feel comfortable you can go back to your room." Shay said in a comforting voice and Colette smiled patting the bed beside her. It was a new experience for me, to climb into my parents bed. I slept a few times with my bio mom but I couldn't remember having that experience with my bio dad.

"Do you want to talk about the dream?" Colette asked when I was settled.

I shook my head then said, "Let's talk about something happy."

"We're going to California soon." Shay informed me and I smiled.

"Really? Will I be able to see Josh?" I asked excited. Josh had kind of gotten ignored when I was with Jacob because I spent a lot of time talking with my family. However, when I explained what had been happening he understood. Josh was great for that, and thankfully I had been able to catch up to him, even Facetiming sometimes.

"Yes I'm sure we can make that happen. We're going to go do some other fun stuff too, like go to Disneyland. I also wanted to ask you if you wanted to be on a special The Mom's view episode about adoption." Colette said.

"I'd love to be on the Mom's view." I told her. "Oh! and I've never been to Disneyland!"

"I can't believe we've never taken you to Disneyland." Shay laughed ruffling my fair. I laughed and snuggled closer to him.

"Feeling better?" Colette asked.

"A little." I nodded and yawned. "Can Josh come to Disneyland with us?"

"If his parents are okay with it." Colette nodded pushing my hair out of my face.

"You sure you aren't in love with this boy?" Shay teased.

"Maybe." I teased back but I was glad it was dark hoping they couldn't see me blush.

"Well, we like him so if you're serious..." Colette trailed off making me laugh.

"I love you guys." I replied and saw Colette smile. "But for now I'm going to focus on me."

"That's right. No boys." Shay laughed and yawned making me yawn.

Before I knew it I had fallen asleep cuddled with Shay and holding Colette's hand. Of course, Shay vlogged it once he woke up, but I loved it because then I would always have that memory.

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