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A.N. I never mentioned but this is set basically right when they moved into the Idaho house. It might be a little messed up in the timeline but the ages are what I'm going for. So, Daxton is still pretty small.

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was Avia jumping on me.

"Wake up, Wake up!" She yelled. "Mommy's making pancakes!"

"Okay Avia." I laughed and lifted her off of me.

I decided to just wear some jeggings with a plain blue tee shirt. I put my hair up because it was greasy and I knew I would have to take a shower later. I walked into the kitchen to see Brock helping Colette.

"Need anymore help?" I asked Colette.

"Sure, can you get some juice and milk out of the fridge and put them on the table?" Colette replied.

"Got it." I nodded and did was she asked. Then we heard Shay coming down the hallway, and by the way he was talking I could tell he was vlogging. As soon as he came into the kitchen I remembered my greasy hair.

"Ah! Don't vlog me!" I shouted putting my head down on the counter.

"Why not? I thought you were okay with being in the vlog?" Shay asked confused.

"Yeah! But not when my hair is all greasy and I just woke up!" I shouted so they could hear me while my hair was down.

"Uh oh guys, we have a teenager. We have a teenage girl." Shay sighed to the camera. "Well you heard the girl, we'll see you later!" I lifted my head and saw Shay looking at me funny.

"What?" I asked worried I did something wrong.

"Nothing, don't worry." Shay responded and looked away. I shrugged it off as the kids came in and we ate. After breakfast I went to take a shower and get dressed for the day. I pulled on some jeans and my One Direction shirt. I dried and brushed my hair and did my usual makeup. Once I was all done I went back upstairs.

"Lookie it's Sistertard!" Shay said happily as I walked into the living room.

"Hi!" I waved at the camera. I went to sit down but saw Daxton laying on the couch.

"Come're little man," I sighed and picked him up to hold him. I tickled his little feet to make him laugh.

"Awe. Sistertard is holding Brotard." Shay said maneuvering the camera very close to me. "Hey nice shirt."

"Thanks." I laughed.

"Which one is the 'Irish hottie?'" Shay asked using my description on Niall. I laughed but pointed to Niall. "Do you think he's sexy?"

"Yeah." I smiled knowing where this was going.

"Do you like his face?" Shay kept interrogating me.


"Would you do him?" Shay asked but before I could answer I hear Colette.


"Oops. But really answer!" Shay said.

"Duh." I answered laughing.

"No! No doing that until you are much much older!" Shay said pointing at me.

"Sure, sure."

Shay turned off the camera but pulled out his phone. "This is instagram worthy." I looked down at Daxton as Shay took the picture. I sat for a while just holding Daxton. He was a billion times cuter in person. Before I knew it Colette was calling everyone for lunch. I got up and carried Daxton into the kitchen.

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