Aspen's birthday!

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Overall, VidCon was an amazing experience. I met so many of my favorite YouTubers, plenty of fans, and got a lot of presents. Now that we were back in Idaho we were getting ready for school, but first I had to have my birthday. I didn't want Shay and Colette to make a big deal about my birthday, but they did anyway.

"Aspen wake up!" Avia and Emmi shouted together as they ran into my room. "It's your birthday!"

"And that means you should let me sleep." I groaned pulling the covers over my head.

"Nope!" Emmi giggled pulling on the blankets.

"Mom told us to wake you up. She's making breakfast." Avia told me.

I sighed and got up. I shooed the girls out so I could get dressed. I pulled on some jean shorts and my One Direction shirt. People in the comments said I wore it everyday but that was definitely an exaggeration. I wear it maybe once a week. I walked upstairs to be greeted by Shay and the camera.

"Happy birthday!" he shouted.

"Thanks dad." I smile and waved at the camera. I walk into the kitchen to see Colette cooking my favorite, biscuits and gravy.

"Happy birthday sweetie!" Colette greeted.

"Thanks Mom. Need any help?" I asked while giving her a hug.

"Nope! It's your birthday breakfast, you don't get to help!" she answered.

"Okay, but I say we sit at the table instead of the counter. So, I'll go set the table." I laughed wanting everyone to sit together.

"So, what to you want to do today?" Shay asked me.

"Just... something we can do to hang out together, as a family." I replied not sure. I still had my cast so we couldn't go swimming or to some kind of amusement park because I wouldn't be able to go on the rides.

"Why don't we go out for dinner?" Shay suggested and I agreed.

"Emmi and I will do your hair and nails for dinner, as a present!" Avia said with hope in her eyes.

"Sure! Sounds fun." I laughed.

"Can we please pick an outfit for you too?" Emmi asked.

"What's wrong with this?" I faked innocence.

"You wear that shirt everyday!" Gavin said.

"I do not!" I gasped.

"I've entertained the thought of hiding it." Colette sighed looking at it.

"Wow. I just came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now." I say.

"Please." Emmi and Avia beg.

"Okay, yes you can." I relent and laugh as they squealed.

We spent the day around the house, I watched Netflix and wrote until Avia came and got me so they could do my hair and nails. Emmi started on my nails right away while Avia warmed up the curling iron. I set my phone on the counter as Emmi started the striped pattern on my nails. I asked the girls about their day and listened to their stories about what they did.

My phone buzzed and I looked at the green to see Josh and texted me a happy birthday message. We continued to text after VidCon and were pretty good friends.

"You still text Josh?" Emmi asked as she saw the contact name.

"Yeah. He's basically my only friend." I laughed telling her. She nodded and continues my nails.

"What's he like?" Avia asks from behind me as she curls my hair.

"Well, he's really cool to talk to. He's funny and I think he just understands me in a way." I shrugged.

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