More School Part 1

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"Alright, I was impressed with many of your essays. I picked a few special ones that I want the author to read out loud." Mrs. Water announced at the beginning of class the next time we've met. "The writing is amazing and the stories are great."

At this news I froze. I only wrote about my parents because I thought Mrs. Water would be the only one to read it. First Mrs. Water asked a girl named Taylor to read her paper. Taylor's paper was about her best friend, and instead of the other girl moving, they moved in together. The next person who was called on to read had wrote about his grandparents and being able to live closer to him.

"Now, the last story has really strong writing, but it is also really personal. I would really like the author to read it out loud. However, because of the personal content it's up to her. Aspen, would you like to read your paper?" Mrs. Water asked. The moment I heard my name I stiffened. I didn't want to be known as the girl with dead parents or the adopted girl.

"I-I really don't feel comfortable reading it. Sorry Mrs. Water." I replied.

"Okay." Mrs. Water nodded. " Will you at least tell the class the concept? I'm sure the class is curious."

"I-I um I wrote about my biological parents and them being alive." I said wanting to hide. I felt like every eye in the class was staring at me. I just wanted to run out of the classroom. I had already been freaking out about the week almost being over and not having any friends and this was not helping. With my nervousness my breaths started to become quick and shallow. I took some deep breaths to try to control my breathing. I could feel the beginning of a panic attack coming. When the bell finally rang I ran to the bathroom not caring that I would be late for math. As soon as I made it into a stall I fell apart. Again my breathing become short and shallow, I was shaking and my chest hurt. I felt like I had no control over my body and just wanted to scream but nothing would come out.

After too long I was able to stop shaking. I looked at my phone and realized I was twenty minutes late to my math class. The thought of going back late already made me shaky again. I knew Josh was in school but he would be able to calm me down and give me good advice.

"Aspen? What's wrong?" Josh answered the phone concerned.

"M-my teacher. She made me tell the class that my bio parents are dead." I explained. "I had this huge panic attack. I don't know what to do Josh, I cant handle this."

"Aspen. Aspen hey. Calm down. You're okay. Take a deep breath." Josh said in a calming voice.

"I can't do this. I don't want to be here anymore." I shook my head trying not to cry again.

"Calm down. You're okay, you're okay. I have to go to class Aspen but you need to call Colette." Josh told me.

"N-no, I don't want them to worry." I stuttered.

"Okay, listen Aspen. Can you spend another five hours at school?" Josh asked making me go quiet. "You have to choose. I wish I could stay longer but I really do have to go to class. I'll call you later okay?"

"Okay. Thank you Josh." I sighed and hung up. I checked the time again, it would be even worse now. I thought about what would be worse, having to explain myself to school staff or explaining myself to Shay and Colette. In the end, I sighed and dialed Colette's number.


"So, ready to talk about what happened at school?" Shay asked as we sat down after the other kids went to school.

"Not really, but we have to so." I sighed.

"Sweetie, on the phone you said something happened in your creative writing class. Tell us what happened." Colette said getting things started.

"Well, you know how I wrote about my birth parents, right?" I asked and waited.

"Yes, of course." Shay nodded motioning for me to continue.

"Well, today in class my teacher was having the top three writers read their story out loud. I was one of the top three." I told them and took a breath.

"That's great! Isn't it?" Colette said happily.

"No! I don't want to be known as the girl with the dead parents. Because even though I have you, nobody else knows that. All they know is that my bio parents dead." I shook my head and I could feel tears starting again.

"Hey, it's okay. Who cares what they think?" Shay said as he moved to comfort me. I sighed and moved to lean on his shoulder.

"I do obviously. It's hard not to." I said and Colette laughed quietly next to me. "Everyone just stared at me, I felt so trapped. Not to mention it'll be even harder to make friends now, which I was already worried about."

"Sweetie," Colette sighed and rubbed my arm.

"After my teacher made me tell everyone about my paper I was feeling panicky. Once the bell rang I ran to the bathroom because I knew I was getting a panic attack. After I was able to calm down I called you." I finished the story.

"Oh Aspen." Shay sighed rubbing the stray tear from my face. "It's okay."

"I'm sorry. I always have something wrong with me." I apologized looking at my hands. I didn't want them to worry.

"Aspen listen. We love you no matter what. We are your parents, we are here to help you through those problems." Colette said looking my in the eyes.

"That's right. We might not fully understand what you're going through, but we're going to try." Shay smiled trying to cheer me up.

"I'm still sorry you had to pack up Brock and Daxton to come and get me. I just really didn't think I could go to class." I apologized again.

"It's okay." Colette smiled. "Mental health is more important than anything." I nodded but I still felt bad that I made them worry. I didn't want to be a burden and I had already caused so much trouble.

"Colette, can I take her on a late night motorcycle ride?" Shay asked looking hopeful.

"If she wants." Colette laughed signaling that the serious conversation was over.

"Do you?" Shay asked me with a big smile.

"Of course dad." I smiled and followed him outside. I figured he was trying to make me happy so I went along with it.

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