Social Worker?

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After a month of being on the volleyball team things were seeming great. I got along really well with the other girls on my team and I was really starting to feel like a part of the family. Of course Shay, Colette and all the kids had been accepting of me from the start, but overall I was just starting to feel super comfortable. My life was going smoothly and Shay and Colette seemed to stop worrying about me.

One Wednesday, I had just finished my lunch and was about to do some more school when there was a knock on the door. I was confused because we almost never got unexpected visitors since we lived so far out. But, I shrugged and went to answer the door. I swung the door open and was shocked to see my social worker standing there.

"Hello Aspen, how are you doing?" Tori asked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked realizing too late how rude it was. But my social worker showing up never meant something good.

"Are Shay or Colette here?" she asked ignoring my question.

"Y-yeah. Come in, I'll go get them." I replied waving her in. I went for Shay first, he was in his office. His door was closed which usually meant he was building the endslate. I knocked but was met with silence. I bit my lip and walked in anyway.

"Building the endslate!" Shay yelled not even looking up to see who it was.

"Dad, um, my social worker is here." I said quietly.

"What?" He asked spinning to look at me. I felt bad but was glad that Shay was as surprised as me.

"Go get your mother, I'll go say hello." Shay said immediately getting up, forgetting about the endslate. I nodded and walked downstairs to find Colette, I knew she was playing with Daxton.

"Mom," I called out from the bottom step.

"Yeah? What do you need sweetie?" she said coming around the corner with Daxton on her hip.

"My social worker is here." I said picking at my nails. I took a quick look at her face and was once again surprised when she also looked confused.

"Alright, does Shay already know?" she asked as we walked up the stairs. I nodded in response and she rubbed my arm to comfort me.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." she smiled trying to reassure me. I nodded and faked a smile. Shay already had Tori in the dining room and Colette set Daxton up with a movie. I followed Colette in as she said hi to Tori.

"So, what brings you here?" Shay asked trying to be polite.

"I think it might be better if Aspen left the room for this conversation." Tori said watching me.

"N-no, this is about me. I'm sixteen, I have a right to be included in this conversation." I protested looking at Shay for support.

"Calm down Aspen, you can stay." Shay said grabbing my hand and smiled at me. I took a deep breath to calm myself a little and nodded.

"Okay," Tori sighed. "To put it simply, Aspen's uncle has come forward and wants a chance to adopt her."

"Wait, what?" Colette asked shaking her head.

"I thought she didn't have any remaining family." Shay said confused.

"You didn't tell them Aspen?" Tori asked raising her eyebrow at me.

"I thought they were told!" I shook my head. "Plus, I don't consider that man my family!" I looked between Shay and Colette's shocked faces. "I'm s-sorry."

"It's okay sweetie, just tell us now." Colette nodded encouragingly.

"M-my uncle Jacob, is my bio mom's brother." I started clenching my hands so they wouldn't see my shaking. "When she died I stayed with him for a while, b-but he blamed me for her death. H-he hurt me." My voice had cracked at the end and I hugged myself trying to keep from feeling like I could fall apart.

"You're planning on sending her back there?" Shay asked Tori appalled.

"He's gone through the same procedures that abusive parents go through to get their kids back. It's policy to give him a trial." Tori explained.

"N-no! This is my family! There's got to be a way to keep me here." I shook my head wiping at the tears that threatened to fall. I tried to slow my breathing, but overall I couldn't stop the panic attack.

"I-I have to go." I said quickly and ran for the bathroom. I sank to the ground letting the tears flow freely. My breaths became short and shallow and I didn't know if I could get enough air in my lungs. Before I could compose myself Shay came knocking and when I hadn't answered he peaked around the door. Shay looked a little shocked at the state I was in, knowing he'd never seen me in the middle on an attack. He carefully moved to sit on the floor next to me. He didn't talk but he rubbed my shoulder and it helped knowing that he was there. He was something real I could hold on to, something to tether me to reality. When my breathing was back to normal we walked back to the dining room and even though I felt like a baby I clung to Shay.

"How can you send her back there?" Colette asked Tori.

"Unfortunately the state strives to put blood together. Although there will be a court hearing in a month to decide where Aspen will stay, she has to go live with Jacob." Tori shook her head and I knew that look. This was nonnegotiable, it couldn't be avoided.

"Did you not see the state of her with just the thought of seeing him again.You have to agree that this wouldn't be good for her." Shay shook his head.

"Trust me, I would have nothing more than to keep Aspen here. This family seems like the perfect fit for her, and I love seeing how well it has turned out. But, it's not my decision to make." Tori told both Shay and Colette.

"When do I have to leave?" I asked under my breath.

"What? No Aspen, we aren't going to let you leave." Colette shook her head.

"It'll happen anyway, and I know him. Whatever this good act is coming from isn't going to last long. He didn't change." I told her looking at my hands.

"Which is exactly why we aren't letting you go. We aren't going to let you go freely into an abusive household." Shay told me pushing my hair out of my face and looking me in the eyes.

"I'll be fine." I said giving Shay and Colette a brave face. "I'll be back before you know it."

"So, I'll be back tomorrow morning to pick Aspen up." Tori said a little uncertain.

"I'll show you out." Shay nodded defeated and I moved to lean against Colette. I was tired from the panic attack.

"What are we going to tell the kids?" I asked her.

"I don't know sweetie." Colette replied hugging me.

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