More School part 2

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The next day I could feel the stares as I walked into school, but I promised I would stay all day. So, I ignored everyone the best I could and walked to homeroom. There was still plenty of time before class so I looked for something to occupy myself with. I had just pulled out a notebook to write in when the person beside me started talking.

"Hey, you're Aspen. Right?" he asked.

"Yeah, that's my name." I nodded wondering why he started talking to me all of a sudden.

"Is it true that your parents are dead?" he questioned and I understood the random attention I was getting. I didn't understand how he was able to ask such a personal question as if he was asking about homework.

"Yeah." I sighed. "How do you know? You aren't in my creative writing class."

"It was all over school by lunch yesterday. I was going to ask you then, but you were gone." He shrugged and smiled like he wasn't talking about anything that could be upsetting.

"Why do you care?" I snapped looking away from him.

"I want to ask, if your parents are dead, then why did you say your parents were YouTubers on the first day of school." he asked actually confused. I rolled my eyes, gosh he almost sounded like a person in the comments.

"I have parents. I'm just adopted." I sighed.

"Oh, okay." he nodded and turned to face the front of the room again. I was confused by the whole conversation. All of a sudden someone who probably hadn't even looked at me before was talking to me and asking super personal questions. It was just my luck that the first wide spread rumor of the year had to be about me. Homeroom passed quickly and soon enough I was on my way to my science class. As soon as I sat down the girl to my right started talking to me.

"Aspen, right?" she asked.

"That's me." I nodded confused again. Was it everyones mission to make me scream at them?

"Your the girl with the dead parents." she stated instead of asking. My only response was a nod, because I figured it would be better than screaming at them. The day went on exactly like that, every class someone new was asking me about my parents. By the end of the day I was ready to go home and be alone. So, as soon as I got home I told Shay and Colette I had a lot of homework and I would be back when I finished. I felt Shay and Colette's eyes on me as I retreated, and I felt bad. I just wasn't in the mood for interaction at the moment. I turned on my music and played in my bed. I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to forget about everything.


For the next couple of weeks I knew it was pretty obvious how I was feeling. I was always listening to music, I rarely wanted to be in the vlogs, and avoided Shay and Colette as much as I could. I could tell they were concerned but I didn't have the energy to pretend to be happy. I tried my best around the kids but I never was one hundred percent.

One Friday was especially bad because a teacher in my science class asked me a question about parental love. Before I could answer one of my classmates shouted "How would she know? Her parents are dead!" I almost left class, but I ignored the person and answered the question quietly.

That day when I got home I went straight to my room, not even giving an excuse. I crawled into bed grabbing the picture of my mom. I let the tears fall as I thought of her and the faint memories I had of my dad. Everything would be easier if I still had them, but then I wouldn't have Shay, Colette, all the kids, and the extended family that I have now. I let myself cry and before I knew it I fell asleep. When I woke I had a blanket over me and there was a note on the bedside table.

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