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"Wake up, wake up." Colette said softly walking into my room. Emmi was still beside me as I stretched trying to wake up. "I brought the sleepy twins breakfast."

"Thanks mommy." Emmi said sitting up and I slowly sat up trying not to hurt my foot.

"Thanks Colette." I smiled as Colette set down the tray. On the tray eggs, bacon, and some toast along with two glasses of orange juice.

"I also brought your pain medicine." Colette said handing me a white pill.

"Thanks." I replied and took the pill immediately.

"How's your foot?" Colette asked.

"It's okay but probably because I just woke up." I answered honestly.

"Well just tell me when you need more medicine." Colette told me and I nodded in response.

"Do you want to watch some Netflix?" I asked Emmi when Colette left and she nodded. I grabbed my laptop and pulled up the first episode of my favorite show when I was Emmi's age. So as we ate our breakfast and watched some mermaid adventures.

After a couple episodes Colette told Emmi she had to get up and go do something. Colette also wanted me to walk around and stretch my foot. I walked around for a bit until Avia asked me to film her while she did tricks on the trampoline.

"Be careful Av." I said watching her jump. "I mean Princesstard. I'm not used to this." Avia did a routine that she made up on the spot as I filmed. As the day wore on I discovered I hated walking on crutches. They were bulky and hard to maneuver with. So, when Colette called everyone to dinner I carefully walked without the stupid crutches.

"Where are your crutches?" Shay asked as I sat down at the table.

"I left the stupid things in my room." I mumbled.

"Aspen, you really should be using them." Shay said looking down at me.

"I will! I just needed a break." I told him. Shay looked as if he was going to say something more but Colette stopped him.

"Shay it's fine, let's just eat." She said to him. Shay sighed but let it go as we said the prayer.

"Is everyone ready for VidCon?" Shay asked everyone as he turned the camera on. All the kids yelled except me. I smiled and shot the camera a thumbs up. In all honesty, I was really nervous for a variety of reasons. I was afraid of how the viewers will react to me in person. I wasn't stupid and I saw a lot of comments. People thought I was faking my broken foot even though Shay showed the x-rays. I was also nervous because Shay said he would make time for me to meet my favorite Youtubers. He said Joey Graceffa was going to be there and meeting him would be a dream.

"Are you excited for your first ever VidCon, Aspen?" Shay asked focusing on me.

"More like terrified." I admitted.

"Why?" Avia asked innocently.

"Because, when my mom died I turned to Youtube as an escape." I started. "It was a distraction from all the craziness. So I considered all the people I watched as my family. Meeting my favorites will be like meeting my family, but in their mind I'm just another viewer."

Before I knew it I was surrounded with hugs. Gavin, Avia, Emmi, and Colette had surrounded me after my little speech. Once they backed off Shay put the camera down, pulled me up from chair, and encased me into a tight hug.

"You are part of this family now. Remember that we will always be here for you. I may have only known you for three days but you are my daughter." Shay said so everyone would hear and I saw Colette filming. I was crying happy tears because of how much they cared. After some silence I realized I needed to say something.

"Thank you so much Dad, I love you." I said after a deep breath. Shay pulled back holding me at arms length, a huge smile lighting up his face. I was attacked with hugs again.

"Why is Aspen crying? Brock interrupted making everyone laugh because I was crying happily.

AN: If you're reading this you should comment. Those make me happy and inspired. Feed me.

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