VidCon Part 2

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So far VidCon had gone really well. We had a meet and greet all the fans I met were amazingly nice. We had a panel later but I was getting ready for Joey Graceffa's meet and greet. Shay gave me a camera and very specific instructions to vlog when I met him. I assured him I would try my best but with my crutches it was hard to hold a camera and walk. Security took me to the spot even though nobody recognized me.

The line wasn't too long by the time I got there, I figured I would have to wait an hour when the line actually started moving. I was shaking from excitement and nervousness and in after thought it might have been a bad idea not eating lunch. I had been so nervous when it was actually time to eat I had no appetite. I took my bag off my shoulders and searched around in it. Sure enough my hand found a plastic container. I pulled it out and smiled at the note Colette wrote me.

"Aspi," It read and I smiled at the nickname. It reminded me of my bio mom. "Waiting in line can be exhausting. Make sure to keep yourself nourished. Mom XOXO"

I pulled out my phone and sent Colette a thank you, she truly was a great mom. I opened the container to find a grilled cheese sandwich, one of my favorites.

"She knows me so well" I whispered to myself taking a bite. As I was eating I remembered the camera and grabbed it.

"Hey guys!" I said after turning on the camera. I got a few weird glances but I ignored it. "So, I'm waiting in line to meet Joey and I'm super nervous. I have been all day. But let's talk about how great of a mom Colette is. I didn't eat lunch because of nerves so she packed me my favorite lunch and put it in my backpack. Thanks mom." I smiled and shut the camera off.

"Hey, I met you at the pool a few days ago right?" The person behind me spoke as I took another bite of my sandwich. I turned to see Josh, the boy that I had run into with my crutches.

"Yeah, Josh right?" I asked.

"Yeah thats me. You're Aspen?" he said holding his hand out for a handshake again. I nodded and could feel the butterflies starting again. I crushed way to easily.

"So, you're a Youtuber?" he asked and I laughed.

"My family is yeah." I nodded. "I'm the newest Shaytard."

"Oh yeah. I've heard of them. You're adopted right?" Josh asked but it wasn't rude. You could tell he was just curious.

"Yeah I am." I replied and took a shaky breath.

"You okay?" Josh asked.

"Yeah. I just- can't believe this is actually happening." I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"Don't worry. I bet it'll be epic." Josh assured me. We talked the whole time we were in line and soon enough it was almost my turn.

"Hey, I've had a lot of fun talking to you." Josh said making me blush.

"Me too. You're cool." I replied.

"I'd like to get to know you more." Josh said rubbing his neck. "Do you think I can get your number?"

"Yeah, sure." I nodded and we traded numbers. I vlogged Joey a little bit when it was almost my turn. I wasn't sure how to hold the camera so I let it hang from my wrist as I walked up to Joey.

"Oh my what happened to you?" Joey asked as I came up to him motioning to my cast.

"Just, trampoline accident." I laughed.

"Oh wow. So, what's your name?" Joey asked me and I handed him a poster I was having everyone sign.

"Aspen Butler." I told him the last name still a little foreign in my mouth.

"Oh! Aspen from the SHAYTARDS?" Joey asked looking up surprising me.

"Y-yeah. That's me." I nodded confused.

"Do you have your camera?" Joey asked and I respond by holding my arm up. "Well. I wanted to give my honorary little sister a big hug."

"W-what?" I stuttered confused.

"Some SHAYTARDS fans sent me a clip of you talking about why you were nervous to meet some of your favorite YouTubers. So, I decided to make you my honorary sister, this way we are family." Joey explained.

"Oh gosh. Thank you. Thank you so much." I replied in tears and hugged him. We took a few selfies and Joey also vlogged about it. When it was time to go I would have skipped away if I didn't have a cast and crutches.

Once I made it back to the hotel room we were rushed to the Q and A. I was still spaced out and in shock about what happened.

"How'd it go?" Colette asked me talking about me meeting Joey.

"Absolutely amazing." I answered and told her about everything that happened. Even about Josh. Who I had been texting ever since he was done meeting Joey. Shay wasn't impressed but Avia and Emmi were pressing me for more information.

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