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At dinner that night you could cut the tension with a knife. All the kids could tell something was wrong, especially Avia because she had seen me packing.

"Alright, we have something to tell you." Colette said hesitantly.

"Does it have something to do with Aspen packing?" Avia asked making Gavin and Emmi's eyes widen.

"Packing?!" Gavin shouted with disbelief.

"Are you sending her away?" Emmi asked.

"Of course not! Emmi don't say that." Shay said agitated.

"I'm sorry." Emmi told him. "Why was Aspen packing?"

"I have an uncle, and I have to go live with him for a little bit." I announced just wanting to get it out.

"What? I thought you didn't have any other family." Avia said confused looking for Shay and Colette to explain it to her.

"Aspen's uncle did some bad things so he couldn't take care of her. But, he did some good things that make the important people think he can take care of her now." Colette explained trying to get the point across without having to tell them everything.

"But why? She's already our family." Emmi asked making me want to cry. Emmi came over to hug me protectively, and I wished she could save me.

"You're right she is. But the important people see family more black and white. They think family should have the same blood." Shay tried to explain.

"So is he good again?" Gavin asked. "Are we going to lose Aspen?"

"No, I don't think he's good again. But even if he is I'm going to do everything I can to come back here. To my family." I told him giving him a hug.


The next morning I nervously checked my bags. I wanted to be sure I had everything I needed to stay with Jacob. I heard the doorbell ring and knew it was my social worker. She was taking me from the best placement I've ever had back to my worst. At the top of the stairs I saw Shay and Colette standing together, their faces filled with worry.

"Don't worry." I smiled trying to be brave. "I'll be fine. I've changed from the little twelve year old he knew." Unfortunately I don't think that calmed them, they just looked even more worried.

"You have your phone right?" Colette asked. "So you can call your social worker is anything goes wrong."

"I have it. I'll text you when I get there, and I'll call you tonight during family prayer." I assured her. I gave both Shay and Colette hugs and cuddled Brock and Daxton. They didn't quite understand why I was leaving but Brock wasn't impressed. I saw them all watching from the window as my stuff got packed into the car and we left.

"Aspen, I didn't want to say anything in front of Shay and Colette, but I think you should have very little contact with the Butlers this month." Tori said after we had been driving for a little while.

"You want me to cut off contact with my family?" I raised my eyebrow at her in disbelief. "It doesn't matter. I won't be there for a month, I give him a week."

"You know I met with Jacob, he seems like he's really changed." Tori said as I gazed out the window.

"Well, he's a pretty good actor. He got away with beating me for a full year." I shrugged making Tori wince.

"Just give him a chance." she said.

"I gave him plenty of chances as a twelve year old. He never changed and he never will." I said angry at the way she was almost defending him. This thankfully ended the conversation and I sulked staring out the window the rest of the way there.

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