Family Christmas!

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A.N. OMG this is it. This is the last chapter. Its like twice as long as my regular chapters. I hope you like it. There's definitely a possibility of a sequel.... Maybe with more Josh, I think he got ignored a lot. It's sad because I had a lot of hope for his character.... Anyway. Yeah.

"It's time for the SHAYTARDS Christmas special!" Shay yelled for the camera on Christmas Eve morning. I was still getting used to the craziness and loudness of my family. I was a little jumpy but not as much as I was when I first came back from Jacob's. I smiled quickly at the camera before focusing my attention back to my notebook. I spent a lot of my time writing, both creative and journaling. It was nice to have an outlet for all the dark thoughts and dreams I had.

"What are you writing Aspen?" Avia asked plopping down on the couch beside me.

"Journaling." I replied giving her a smile. It was my standard response. I didn't like to talk about the things I wrote in my journal.

"Yes but what are you journaling about?" Avia questioned.

"About journaling things." I laughed but I definitely wasn't going to tell Avia what I was writing. She didn't need to know about Jacob and the dreams I had about him.

"Aspen..." Avia whined trying to guilt me into talking her.

"Avia..." I fake whined back then smiled. "It's personal. I journal about a lot of things Av. Just know that I'm not keeping it secret because I don't love you or anything like that. It's just stuff I don't want to share."

"Okay." she sighed sadly but quickly smiled. "Do you want to help me make cookies for Santa?"

"I'd love to! Ask Emmi if she wants to join and I'll get the ingredients out." I told her and closed my journal leaving it on the couch.

We had a fun time making the cookies and we made a mess too. We may have started a flour fight that the whole family got involved in. When the cookies were done and the flour got cleaned up we got ready for lunch. The whole family was over getting ready for Christmas and the tree was surrounded by presents. I was a little nervous about this Christmas, my first with my family. My birthday had gone over really well but they celebrated Christmas differently. I wasn't used to having so many people and the possibility of having multiple presents which I hadn't had since my mom died. In group homes we sometimes got each other presents but usually got $100 bonds to save until we turned eighteen. So, I was excited but also nervous.

Once we finished eating I went to find my journal so I could finish up the entry I had started. However, when I searched the area I left it in I couldn't find it. I tried to stay calm, I told myself I must have left it in a different place. I searched the entire living room, almost tore apart the couches before someone noticed.

"What's wrong Aspen?" Colette asked.

"I-I can't find my journal." I told her trying not to sound like I was overreacting. I just did not want anyone to read it.

"I'm sure it will turn up! It's okay." she said rubbing my shoulder.

"I know. I just don't want anyone picking it up and reading it." I shrugged taking a deep breath. "It has a lot of... of personal.. um feelings in it. Just, extremely personal." Colette took the hint and I worked on keeping my hands from shaking.

"It's the one that had a blue pattern and stickers spelling your name right?" she asked and I nodded.

"I left it on the couch when Av, Em and I started making cookies. But its not there." I explained.

"Let's look win the kitchen, maybe someone moved it there." Colette smiled and I nodded smiling back. I cleaned up the couch I had tore apart and we moved to the kitchen. I looked in all the barstools and Colette helped me look on the counter moving everything.

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