First Day of School Part 1

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Summer had come and gone and it was the night before the first day of school. I was nervous because even though I had been living here since the beginning of July, I hadn't made any friends. Sure, I was just trying to get to know my new family but I did wish I knew some people my age.

"Avia, Emmi, will you two come to my room please." I called through the house intercom.

"Aspen? What do you need?" Avia asked as she and Emmi came walking into my room.

"Did a tornado come through here?" Emmi asked as she took in the state of my room.

"I- I don't know what to wear tomorrow. Will you two help me pick something out?" I begged. I wanted to make a good fist impression.

"Yes! We'll do it. Just calm down, I'm sure you're going to do fine." Avia assured me.

"I'm just so nervous." I admitted sinking to the floor and putting my head on my knees. "I don't know anyone. What if nobody likes me, what if I get bullied for being adopted?"

"Aspen. Calm down" Avia said in a soft voice and I nodded watching Emmi looking through my clothes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't freak out in front of you two." I sighed hiding my face.

"Listen to me Aspen." Avia said making me look up. "You're going to do just fine tomorrow because you have an amazing personality and you will make plenty of friends. And if anyone, anyone at all says something mean about you being adopted I will kick them in the shins. No matter who they are."

"Av, you are the absolute best little sister I could ask for." I replied smiling.

"Excuse me!" I heard Emmi yell from my closet making me laugh.

"You know I love you too Em!" I shout back.

Once the girls helped me pick out an outfit we begged Colette to let us all sleep in my room. She finally relented after Avia blurted out that I had a little breakdown. That of course lead to the girls being sent off for a while so Mom, Dad, and I could have a talk.

"We just want to make sure you're okay." Shay said carefully.

"Now? Yeah I'm fine." I shrugged. "I just haven't had great experiences at new schools in the past."

"Okay." Colette nodded. "Avia said you were worried about being bullied because your adopted." I nodded in response because I wasn't sure what I could say about it. Kids are mean and over time I've learned that.

"You know we love you and that we will never send you away, right?" Shay asked and I smiled.

"I know. Mom, Dad I'm really fine. It was just a small breakdown. I've had worse before." I replied trying to sound assuring.

"Before? Sweetie, why didn't you tell us?" Colette asked concerned.

"I haven't had any since I've been here." I shrugged only lying a little. I haven't had any really bad ones. I was worried they'd send me back after I broke my foot and cried a little in the doctors room after the x-ray. They all thought it was because it hurt so I didn't say anything.

"Okay honey." Shay nodded and let me leave.


I was in the car with everyone on our way to our first day of school. We had to go to my school first since the high school started earlier.

"We have to get a picture!" Colette panicked as I got out of the car. I laughed as she made all of the other kids get out of the car to take a picture. Shay vlogged us all and cracked jokes making us laugh in the picture. I waved as they drove off to the elementary school, and made my way into the building.

"Hey are you new?" I heard a loud voice behind me. I turned to make sure the person was talking to me, and when I saw waiting eyes I answered.

"What? Oh, yeah. I-I moved here over the summer." I nod wanting to hit myself for stuttering.

"Cool. What's your homeroom?" The girl asked as she pulled out her schedule.

"I have homeroom with Mr. Harris." I told her.

"Me too!" the girl squealed making me cringe. I was thankful that she was being friendly but I wasn't about the whole screaming in the hallway.

"Cool." I smiled and we walk to room 116 together. Once the bell rang the class got quiet as the teacher introduced himself.

"So, you're all sophomores, I figured since it is the first day we can do some get to know each other things. Quickly answer the questions on the board." Mr. Harris said revealing a few simple questions. "Then we go around the class and tell everyone the answers." I didn't pay much attention as others in the class answered the questions and I knew no one else was either. When it was my turn I slowly stood up.

"Um, I'm Aspen and I just turned 16. I have five other siblings, my parents are YouTubers and my hobby is writing.

"Youtubers? What does that mean?" A boy next to me asked before I could sit down.

"They make youtube videos." I answer shrugging, I was more confused about how he didn't know that.

"When I asked for their job, I wanted their day job." Mr. Harris sighed.

"Oh, it is. My dad co-founded Maker Studios which was recently sold to Disney." I rambled before I could catch myself.

"Okay, okay. Next person." Mr. Harris said making me sigh. I heard some people laughing and put my head on my desk trying to block them out.

"Aspen, do you not find other people interesting." Mr. Harris said suddenly close to me making me jump.

"What? No! I mean- ugh." I sighed once again burying my face into my hands.

"Don't let it happen again." Mr. Harris said and I nodded avoiding his eye. When the bell rang I practically ran out of the room.

"I don't know how this day could get worse." I sighed moving onto my next class. The school ran on A and B days so I had four classes today plus homeroom. I always had Math and English and at least I was good at English. My first periods class was creative writing, which was a relief because it was something I loved.

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