chapter 26- Acidic much?

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Have you ever noticed that people are a lot like a bone? More of a cooked bone actually. We both start out alive fresh and full of life until something goes of and kills us inside. Except for the animal, it's a hunter. Then something breaks off everything around us removing everything until we are simply a big long bone. Something starts to heat us from the inside it cooks you up a.d breaks you from the inside until its finished. Layer by layer you start to get thinner and thinner, weaker by weaker each and every passing second. Then it starts to get you from the outside. It starts ruining you from the outside so you are nothing inside and out. Your tough layers start to get so thin that even with the press of pressure you are completely broken. You will never be able to go back to normal. There will always be something that will be left from that. But, there is still a tiny piece of you that is good. For the cooked bone it is the marrow. But for people? It is a tad bit different. It is harder to find, and tastes a lot better. We are cooked bones slowly rotting away with a great forced behind it. The bones great force is heat. Heat is slowly killing it molecule by molecule.

Harry's arm layed right under my rib cage. His eyes were closed shut as his mouth was open to the slightest amount. His tongue hung a little low on his mouth to be honest. What if a spider climbed in there or something? A light snore escaped his mouth as his chest rose quickly then down again. I turned to my side and faced him. The tip of my finger traced the edge of his jaw and I admired every single flaw on this man. He had flaws obvousily, he is human. But, his flaws suit him so perfectly. They fit him so well and will only ever be perfect for him. He has a slight amount of blemishes from past acne i assume. They were spotted a lot around his forehead. But at the same time, you didn't really get bothered by them too much. They are his, and only his blemishes. No one will ever be able to have that exact flaw. No one. Not even if he had a twin. Harry is orginal and special.

I lightly kissed the tip of his nose then coiled back up into his arm. A slight hint of moisture appeared on his nose from my wet lips. The way the light from the moon beamed off of him gave him this halo. The bits of fly aways he had were forming a large white crown at the top of his head. They gave him this angelic look making it appear as if he wasan innocent man that was an open book. But, he really isn't. Open books would've gone and told people about him and I. Most people wouldn't suspect that this man was secrely in a relationship a 13 year old girl. But it really isn't that wrong. Isn't it what counts on the inside? It is almost like gay rights. Love is love. Love is equal. Shouldn't it apply to this? When you love someone, you just can't help it. You have this attraction to someone and you just don't know why. There is no way to stop it. The feeling is sort of always there. Once you have have the slight bit of it run over gently on the tip of your tongue, you just want to have more and more. You want more of it to fill each taste bud on your tongue.  From the very begining to the end. What can you do about that?! Nothing. if two males can go up to a diner, Why can't I? Why can't I have those oppurtunties? Isn't that basically the same thing? It isnt considered rape unlesd you are forced. Harry and I aren't forced. I want to be able to go to McDonalds and share a simple order of fries with my boyfriend but can't.

The fact that Harry was breathing right on my nose got me feeling all dizzy inside. He was taking my oxygen away. I grabbed the end of his arm and loosened the grip around my waiste. I flipped myself over and turned the pillow while I was at it. The cold felt nice, it felt so relaxing. I looked up at the ceiling and started to count all the corners over and over. Darkness was crowding all of them. Each corner looked exactly alike. I brought my eyes to the corner near the door and looked at it over and over. A cloud of black smoke started to hide the little of light in it. The smoke swirled around in circular motions as my eyes followed each sudden movement. My hand went to the back of my neck. The black figure started to grow two circles in the small ones. The walls consumed whispers as they traveled around every squate inch of the room.  A mumbling sound rung in my ears and my eyes flickered back to the one corner. A wide hole appeared to be in the smack middle of the circle of smoke. I looked deep into the hole and felt myself get light. The more and more i looked the more i felt off the ground. A sensation of floating vibrated against my body. It felt as if I was in the ocean all day and decided to finally leave. The feeling over floating got higher and higher. I watched myself grow closer and closer to the dark hole. Each and every time I inched my way over I started to see and more clear. My fingers pressed against my vein and O felt my blood rushing quicker and quicker to my heart. Each cell that passed, lumped its way across my finger. My free hand gripped the edges of my blanket as I started to get even closer to the darkness. The whispers grew even more intense. The fumbled through out my ears. They pounded against my ear drums making it hard to tell what was being said. I put hand into the air and touched the black smoke. I cupped smoked with my hands and held it in my hands. It felt so heavy on my skin, it felt like holding bricks on each hand. I shifted it all over to my left hand and ran my pointer finger to the tip of it. My finger went lower and lower to the center of it. A patch of alligators made its way to my stomach as I got lower. Just as I was about to touch the center as rush of electricity ran through my body. Swirls of colors exploded before my eyes, the colors of the wall merged into one big swirl, and rumbling shook my world. I felt my body shake just like a cell phone does when it vibrates. The feeling crept through every inch of my body as my eyes went to the back of my head. Two hands slammed me down onto the white covers of the bed. A grate pressure was plastered onto the weak parts of my stomach. My eyes went black and a loud groan escaped my lips. Water oozed out mu mouth as I quickly fluttered my eyes wide open. My upper body rose up and I saw a yellow light first. The room seemed calm just before two hands slammed me even harder against the cushion of the bed. Images of a million arms touching my body aggresively swirled my eyes. The pupils of my eyes were going at 700 mphs and everything one big mirage. My upper body rose once more, and I saw mirrors surround me. The room was a dark grey color and the only bit of light was at the room where the moon peaked through. I stood up and saw row after row mirror after mirror. My naked body appeared in each and every single light. I raised my arm up and each one obeyed my comand. The slightest bit of a hello escaped my lips and a wave of an exact echo of my words bounced off wall by wall of the grey lit room. The words grew pitchier and pitchier the more they repeated. The sound was so screachy. The sensation of hands running up your spinal cord felt heavy on me. I slammed my arms up to my ears and I tried my best to block out all sounds. The more I tried the lower I got to the ground. Before I knew it I was falling, I was falling 50,000 ft down off a building. Vast winds ran up my face. The stretching of skin soared through out every patch of skin i owned. The closer I got to the ground the more I opened my eyes. Each time I got lower, I noticed somethig different. It wasnt't the fact I was falling off a steep building. It was the fact that in every single damn window was me looking straight at me falling. I saw myself wearing the exact same outfit, hair style, and facial expression over and over again. I started to hear peoples voices as I practically felt concreat on my skin. The voices sounded so firmilar. Yet they sounded so foriegn. I closed my eyes and prepared to look at what was about to come. I counted to ten and took one last deep breath. I felt a rush of pain expel any other feeling. All I felt was pain not the kind of pain that went away but the kind of pain that was so unbearable you could feel claws tearing at your skin. The sharp claws started to bleed. I saw two fingers come out of the blood. They grew longer and longer until I saw a hand. I don't know if it was my eyes or if it was the fact I fell off a building. Two out of five fingers started to lear me to come closer. What else was there to loose? I applied a great amount of pressure onto my lower body to help me achieve getting up. But the harder I fell the lower I felt. The sound of mumbling grew back. It got louder and louder, pitchier and pitcher. The sound waves started to bounce off so fast that I started to see stuff in the air. The air looked like it had two large black lines slashing through the center. It looked as if two sharp nails made a slash throught the center of the air. A small squeeking aound started to grow as the lines got closer. The closer they got the more they got like an animal face. They got closer and two large family of bats blew threw the iris of my eyes. They passed by dropping little capsules onto the ground. I inched down abd picked one up. They looked like they had messages but the more i opened them the more they were empty. I picked up another and saw nothing but emptiness. Just as I was about to pick one more up a black fog started to come in from the west. It started off from the bottom and went all the way up. The sky grew never ending making the fog go up even higher. I lightly walked over to it and stuck out my hand. A stream of sweat ran down my face as my pointer finger touched the tip of the fog. I felt the fog quickly suck me up. I felt so small and squished. My body felt crammed and tight against what ever i was on. I felt as if I were stuck in a capsule perhaps. I slowly started to float down the air like a thin piece of paper. I went slowly and slowly being vigil over any present surroundings. But there was nothing. Everything was black. Everything was dark, until I felt an arm tighten around me. I looked around and saw that Harry had me right next to him with his eyes slammed shut.


omgg! yoo thats scary isnt it! wuahahaha well i have 2.9 k reads. GUYS THATS CRAZY! thank you so much it literly means the world to me. I cant even tell you <3

well I hope you emjoy this.

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