Chapter 15- Tease much?

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He felt so warm, so cozy, he enveloped me in his arms. His arms tightened around me pulling me in even closer. Light snores escaped his mouth. Harry is so cute when he sleeps. He looks like an angel. The way the light reflects off his face makes glow. Everything about him is beautiful, I'm actually jelous. Harry is perfect in every way possible. I'm more than thankful at him being here. It gives me hope.

I'm trying to enjoy this last moment for the last time. I have to go back to school today, I am really not excited to go back. There will be a lot of things waiting to happen. Thats really what I fear most. I'm not ready to go back to the real world. Being with Harry is just so amazing. He distracts me from the outside world. It's like this entire time I was drowning, gasping for air. But when Harry came around he was my only source of oxygen, my only chance of staying alive. That's what I've been waiting for this entire time. I waited for my night and shining armour, and now i have it. I swear to you I won't mess this up. Even though I mess up everything, this is something I won't mess up. As long as I remember that I have him, everything else won't matter. He's the closest thing to an outlet for me. If I can remember that today, I should be fine. Hopefully..

I tried to get out of bed but Harry's arms were way to tight around me. I don't want to wake him though. He is so cute asleep and I don't want to ruin this moment but I have to get ready for school. I gently wiggle out of his grip but it seems that the more I try to get out the more he pulls me in. I fight back against him in hope of him not waking up. Once I finally got out, i signed in relief. He is a heavy sleeper. I made my way to my drawer and pulled out a sort of good looking outfit. Today being my "first day of school" I needed to look a little better than usual. It's not like anyone will care anyway but I just want to do it for me. 

I hopped in the shower and let the hot water and I become one. You may think someone as young as me may not have a lot of stress on them. But I do. Everything I do effects me. I always have to watch what I do or it will never be forgotton, ever. That's what makes my life different. Others can  go to school looking like shit and be treated normally. But if I do it, I will be teased for the rest of the year about it. It hurts like hell but I can't ignore it. It sort of just stays there with me. A Stinging feeling broke my thoughts. I looked down and noticed what has caused the pain. About two weeks ago I made deep cuts. I looked at them and felt weights gain on my sholders. They hurt so much. Not physically but mentally. Just looking at them made me feel so weak again. They brought this curse on me. I remember exactly how I did it by looking at them, feeling them. I remembered how I turned the blade, how I pressed on them, how much I cried over each and every slit I made on my skin. They'll be there forever. There a part of me. Most people get tattoos to mark every part of their body, to feel that pain they once felt. I do the same thing, only different. They're both permanent. It's art. I turned the shower off and patted off the water droplets on my skin with a towel. Steam slithered all over the small bathroom. I got out the bathroom and let the cool air hit me. It felt strange to go from such a hot area to a new temperature so quickly. It hit you hard on.

Once I finished getting ready, makeup and everything, I went back to the bedroom. The one thing I love about this room is that the mirror is the biggest. I didn't look that bad today. I wore denium jeans and a floral top with a denium jacket. My combat boots are always a must have for me. They're the easiest thing for me to wear. Everything else just doesn't look right. My hair was in a side braid and makeup natural as usual.

"You look beautiful. I hope your not doubting yourself" His morning voice was to die for. So raspy and deep you could listen to it all day and never get tired. The way words rolled off his tongue were always so smooth no matter what time of the day. 

"Thanks. um so we should get going… "

"Yeah but come here. You didn't say good morning. " He reeled me in and pulled me straight back into his arms. I swam in his delicious thick scent. A light peck was implanted on my forehead and I wrapped my small figure around his torso. My arms went up and down his smooth toned back. I could feel his chest rising up and down in a steady patturn as we held each other in our arms. His heart beated slower and slower as the seconds went by. I moved my arms back to his sides and gently with my thumb I traced the out side lines of his abs. They felt so hard and got harder the further you went down. His grio around me tightened. You could tell he wanted me to stop but I didn't want to. He is mine, and I will take advantage of him anyway I want to. It's his fault anyway. He is the one who decided to sleep shirtless. I traced the lining of his v-line and slowly massaged circles around it.  It's driving him crazy wanting to keep me innocent, but then again who said I wanted to be like that? He let go of me and looked me straight in my eyes. Those ever green pearls kill me everytime .

"Lets go. You have a long day a head of you" 

He quickly got dressed in sweats and a white tee. His messy hair was quickly hidden by a plain beanie. Tiny curls creeped out from the sides of his head. He quickly noticed my gaze on him by showing me his dimples in response. Dear lord. Why must this boy be made with out a single flaw on earth? I made my way out the room and picked up my books and headed towards the door. The rest of my stuff can be picked up later. There isn't really a rush for me to get every single thing I brought here back home anyway. I got to his car and waited for the little click sound to be heard. He wasn't even around until I heard the car beep. I jumped into the passenger seat and waited for Harry's presense. He soon followed me in and turned the engine on. It let out a loud roar as it fought it's way to turn on.

"To school we go." I sighed out the words. It sucks coming back to a place I once was  hated the most. I wonder what people have for me now..

"Hey babe. Do you want me to pick you up after school? I figured I would take you back to your mom's house, or home what ever.. But we can go out for lunch before I drop you off if you want of course." Him calling me babe literly light s up my world. It brings such a pleasure to me that I never know how to respond to him. Patches of butterflies fill the pit of my stomach. I can already see myself blushing like crazy.

Harry poked the side of my stomach. I looked back at him only to see him have a big smirk plasterd on the side of his face. He knows how to torture me.

"soo babe Is that a yes?? "

"oh jesus sorry. Um yeah " he smirked. He knew that by calling me babe I would go crazy. He knew that by torturing me I would go die inside. And thats what he wanted. But two can play that game. He may be good with words but I am good with touch.

"yes… it is…" I made sure to talk as slow as possible. I brought my hand to the side of his thigh and lightly brushed my finger up and down his thigh. I made sure to go furthur and further down his leg. He tensed up the more and more I went down. His hands clenched the steering wheel, the veins on his hands bulged out. Once I reached his top thigh, I began to rub slower circles around it. Something that turns anyone on is gentle touches, in the right spot.

"Um so yeah we are here. " His leg shaked when I palmed him through his pants. You could feel his gaze right on me. But instead of continuing. I stopped and simply got out the car. I knee that threw his tinted windows he could see me, I blew a kiss at him and walked away confident as ever. I had him right around my finger.


THAT SOUNDS SO EVIL! AHAHA ! XD  Samantha is such a dirty girl. tsk tsk tsk. well its been forever since i updated but school is hectic-_- i literly have missed updating so much. But 1.2 k reads!! omfggg i love youu bbys! ahhhh!! hug me brotha!

Well this chapter was basic and short. sorry but i have to sleep! omfg im literly tired as hell! well anyway thanks bbys.

comment anything down belooowww. vote ! ilysm

byee babez



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