Chapter 13- Thoughts never end

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Do you ever just find your self smiling for no aparent reason? Well, I do. Eve since Samantha opened up to me, I can't help but just smile at everything. Each and every moment I spend with her, I find my self digging a deeper and deeper hole. She is just so different. The other day, when we went shopping, I couldn't stop laughing with her. She is just perfection. Every moment I breath, I take more and more in of what she is drugging me with. Every thing she does, casts a spell on me. If I knew that from the moment I met her this would happen, I would've stopped myself from going any further. In the little time I've known her, I can't help but feel like I've been with her for years and years. Hehe. Who knew that I would end up falling for a 13 year old. But the thing is, she isn't 13 years old .. Her soul is so much older. With everything. When I first heard her story, I thought she was a 20 year old, boy was I wrong.

" I want to cut my hair. Maybe do something different with it. What do you think?"

" Harry"


" Harry!"

I was way into my thoughts to even pay attention to what she had to say.

" oh sorry.. what? ahah I was thinking. Any way what?"

" Well, I was thinking about cutting my hair. It sooo long I want to try something different."

I love the fact that as the days go on, she isn't so why with me anymore. Most of her insecurity was gone. It's only been about a week since she has stayed here and I can't help but feel like its been a year.

"You'll look beautiful either way." As soon as the words escaped my lips, her cheeks fired with embarrassment. Even after this time. She still gets shy after I compliment her. I guess she just isn't used to people complimenting her, just insults. I don't see how, she is gorgeous.

It's been almost a week since our trip to the mall, or as I like to call it, our first date. Even though we barely even physically touched. I have a real good date in mind but that is for later. First she has to go back to school. I figured that while she was here she could have a small vacation from her life but since vacations don't last forever, she has to go back. As much as it kills me, she has to go back to her mother as well. Eventually. I can't even understand why that wicked witch would even do stuff like that to her. Such an innocent thing can't be treated that way. But, I just can't risk her calling the police on me or something, if she even suspects anything.

Samantha sat in front of the mirror playing with her hair tossling it around in different directions. If it were for me, I wouldn't cut her hair or even touch it. It's so beautiful and soft she should be proud to have hair like that. But, if it makes her happy then who cares, right? If it makes her confident, and that's something she really needs to work on, then who cares. It will look beautiful on her either way.

I grab her arm and pull her towards me. She looks surprised by my actions from the look in her eyes. I plant a small kiss on her cheak and she blushes at my affection. We stare at each other for a short moment. I stare into her eyes. They're a light brown color, almost a yellowish color but they are rimmed with black at the pupil. Her eyes are so breath taking. I relize, I'm smiling by the awkward stare on her face. She giggles as soon as I relize her glare. Such an adorable giggle. Her bottom lip gets pulled under her teeth. She looks at me almost craving something. To my surprise, she plants a small peck on my lips and simply walks away like nothing happened. Usually, I'm the one who does all the lovey-stuff. This is new and I like it.


okay so this is just a short update. Once again hahah. I just didnt have that much time today. Im sorry. Im not really in a good mood but tomorrow there will be a longer chapter making.up for this. This was just a peak into Harolds mind. Im sorry i skipped a week. I just wanted this to happe, This is where my mind took me. aand sadly it only was short. forgive meeee

anyway i will update tomorrow . Bye babesss

stay strong



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