Chapter 10- lost in thoughts

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When we arrived, i took a breath to take in the view. The last time i was here seemed to be ages ago. This house scared me a little, I know it shouldnt considering everything. But it does. The man who lives here is my boyfriend. Boyfriend. Wow. I never thought I would say that.

I sat down along with my bag waiting for Harry to come out. Nothing seemed to change here since the last few days. By looking at his choice of furniture, harry likes things simple but fancy. Not too casual but simple enough to look good. The way everything is set up is so different from my house. The living room for one isnt even facing the right way. At my house the coaches are near the door, but here everything is across from the entrance. My eyes wonder on every little detail in this small enclosed area. Ive always been one to notice everything but just never say anything. I guess thats why people say the quietest people notice everything, i suppose its true.

A little creaking noice breaks my train of thought. When I look over to see the disturbance, a head full of curls pops out. He smiles and walks straight over to me. I cant help but feel uncomfortable. This feels strange.

"Hey, you hungry? " He sits down right beside me placing his hand right on my knee. His thumb massages circles slowly.

I shake my head no. I should probably eat but i just cant. Its been a stressful day, and eating isnt going to fill the empty gap in my stomach. Its only going to make me fat and slow down.


By the look on her face I know she is debating whether to say yes or not. She really should eat something but I'm not going to make her eat. It's not my place to. Yet anyway. I want to get to know her. But people like her are so hard to get to open up. I want her to be fully comfortable around me. She is a strong girl for being able to handle what she does on a regular day. I know this is going to be hard to understand, us. But, I dont care about what anybody thinks. I'm detirmined to help her and love her no matter what anyone says. Samantha is well-known on the streets for what she deals with. But, I want her to be the one to tell me what is going on. Just looking in her eyes you can see all the sadness in her life, like if every single event that had happened is shooting through like watching television. I truly want to help her but we have to take baby steps with this. Little by little.

I lift her gaze off the ground towards me. She looks straight into my eyes with such a sad look. Her dark soft eyes frown at me.

" What do you want to do? We could watch a movie if you want... "

She waits a few moments thinking off into space. I stare at her admiring her. She has cheaks but her cheak bones still stand out. Her skin has this glow to it every time she moves. The light seems to admire her every move. I would too if I looked like her. Her skin color is a light caramel color but fading into a yellow color, probably due to her poor earing habits.

" uhmm okay sure.. Let me go change first.. "

She walked out of the room with her duffle bag going straight into the bathroom. I went to the cabinet right near my tv. I looked and looked for a decent movie to play but decided on a comedy. I went for grown ups since I want the mood to be lightened when i ask her about herself. She walked back inside with leggings and a oversized sweat shirt and long fuzzy socks. Is my house really that cold?

"So what movie are we watching? "

I freely answered her question and settled everything to watch the movie. She layed down on her side and i went right behind her snuggling up close to her. I wrapped my arms around her set my head to rest right above her. Ever since i was little, I have always been one to be comfortable with people and just cuddle with them. Its just something I always have done.

Were about an hour into the movie and every now and then I hear a laugh spill out her mouth. Its truly amazing how she focuses every bit of her attention to the tv. Not one little bit of her is paying attention to anything else. The room could start shaking and she wouldnt look away.

"Samantha.. " She flinches a little to look but ends up going back to the movie. I feel her shift up on me getting closer and I take it as a responce.

"When are we going to talk? ... about us.. you.. I want to get to know you. " I feel really uncomfortable asking her this. What if she takes it as something wrong. I really dont want her to think Im like others.

"Later... I don't want to right now ... sorry its just im tired."

I take that as a no and just settle down. Its hard having a relationship with a complete stranger. I could've been in prison for what i did but instead here i am with her in my arms. Funny isnt it? I cozy up into her embracing her warmth. I feel comfortable here. Right here with her right there. Almost like it was something meant to happen. Something waiting for a good time to escape.


It took me a while to do this chapter because it needed time even if it looks like it doesnt. Im still at the hospital so yeaah. Yesterday i relized my chapter was short so i decided to mske iy longer. but since im on my phone updating i dont really know. Anyway tell me what you think. I think this is a simple chapter but it had to be in. Next chapter is more juicy soo yes! Thats good! Anyway thats all. Tell me what you think. Comment, vote, and tell your friends about illegal love.! Byeee

stay strong and lots of love



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