Chapter 20- I am under a thumb

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I grab my phone immedietly calling the police. I hear the ringing go a couple times and then I hear a middle age woman pick up.

"911, whats your emergency?"

I stutter answering the woman. I felt my hands tremble as I held the phone even tighter. A rush of anxiety filled my body as I tried to have the strength to answer.

" um we need an ambulance quick. I thought there was a burgler but it was really my mom and her boyfriend. I sort of smashed a vase in him and now he is all bloody and unconscious. help"

I spoke faster than I have ever spoken in my life. I stuttered speaking to the woman.  I took a deep breath and looked back at my mother in tears and the unconscious body laying flat on the ground. Well the rug is now stained, great.

"Okay. We will be over fast. Hold pressure on the mans wounds. "

She typed on her computor and hung up quickly. I turned back to my mom and gave her a look of sympathy. She scowled at me and mumbled the words 'you bitch.' She continued to mumble the words louder and louder until the words actually escaped her lips.

" you fucking bitch. How could you do this?  I hate you, go to hell stupid ass. I dont want to see you ever again. Get the fuck out! I am going to the hospital and staying there! You stay where ever! fucking stupid ass bitch!"

I ran into my room and let my tears run off my face. Why does this always happen to me? I am always under a thumb. If they keep pushing down harder my head will explode and I will pop the pressure they are putting on my head. Hopefully they will do it soon. I just want it to end. I want everything to end. My mother doesnt love. She doesn't, she is sitting there out there cryibg over some guy she will eventually dump. Instead she should be out here with me, comforting me while I cry.

I hear my phone ring in the backround as I break from my thoughts. I look at the caller and I see Harry's name appear. I immedietly press my fingers on the answer button.

" Hey um your on the news. What happened?"

I'm on the news what?

"Why am I on the news? Why?"  He chuckled into the phone and I could practically feel him smiling. I started to laugh but immedietly went back to my previois state.

"Well you kinda are popular. But for all the wrong reasons." I bit my lip and remembered everything. Im sure that as soon as the lady found my name living under the adress, she probably called everyone telling me I am such a screw up.

"So do you need anything?"

"Yeah sort of pick me up in ten." I heard the ambulance in the back. I hung up on Harry and grabbed a pair of clothes and stuffed them in a bag. I wasnt staying as long as I did before. My mom doesn't want me here so I might as well go.

I looked outside the window and saw an ambulance and saw a bunch of reporters outside the window.  Crowds of people stood outside around the scene being made and gossiped about what has happened. I can't even imagine what they think I did. I can already see the people talking about me at school tomorrow. Great. I saw her go into the ambulance and drive away. Through the window of the car I saw her stick the midde finger up at the reporters. They gasped in shock then wrote something down in their pads. A finger pointed up at me from the window. They looked up at me and knew that I was still home. I quickly ran to the bathroom and grabbed some toiletries and prayed that Harry would hurry up. If he didn't I would be forced to stay here with the people outside of my house. They're like birds, always talking about something. I heard a beep from my phone indicating I had a text. I looked at it, Harry was right outside. His car was parked on the drive way. You couldn't see him much but then again that is a good thing. I ran down the stairs and slammed the door shut. I didn't care if I was in my pjs I don't want to be here. I pushed throught the crowd of people in my lawn ignoring everything being dispered from their mouths. Once I got to his car, I opened the door and smiled in relief. I let out a huge puff of air and gave him a wide smile. He stood there with sunglasses on and his hood covering almost every part of his face. Only a peice of curl peaked out.

"Be glad my windows are tinted."



they make such a big deal out of the guy being unconscious. oops. ahaha. Poor samantha

well i gotta go to bed lovess ♥♥ 1.6k reads  AHHH I FUCKING LOVE YOU GUYSS !



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