Chapter 23- Forgive me

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*Harry's P.O.V*

I watched as she walked out the room. As she walked she swayed her hips back and forth. Her arms were tucked into each other as walked away. I watched her until she disapeered from my sight. A loud slam dispersed into the atmosphere and then quickly faded away. Why is she questioning me? For one, she shouldn't have been telling me what to do. Like really, I really shouldn't have to be worrying about those damn 13 year olds who are about the troubled life. To be honest, I don't care much for them. They are a bunch of ignorant people who want nothing but to grow up to quickly. They are idiotic and I shouldn't have to watch over them. They are nothing but strangers to me and I don't, no I shouldn't have to care for them. Their parents are responsible for them not me. If they want to screw up their lives let them. I'm not risking my life for them. Pfft, I won't. Samantha shouldn't question me about that stuff. She won't understand. Well maybe a little. No wait she won't. I don't know. She might. For her age she does know quite a lot. She has a lot more experience than I do. I have a story, but not as big as hers. She has this huge life, and I know a lot compared to others but not a lot. Fuck. I have to stop being a dick. I shouldn't act so immature. She has a lot on her plate and I am just giving her more extraneous things she doesn't need.

I got up from my seat and lifted my plate off the table. I took Samantha's since I have a feeling she won't come back to finish eating. I put everything in the sink and began to wash the dishes. Damn. I over reacted. The problem is that she is so sensitive. I have to be careful at what I do. But it isn't like I can go and take her out to eat and apologize, hold her hand, stroke her cheek and tell her I won't do it again. I can't. This is a serious cause. There isn't any where I could actually take her… Maybe one.

I finished washing the dishes and dried my hands off with my shirt. I walked back to the table and looked down and touched the open book she left on the table. I guess she must've done some homework everywhere while I was gone. She is such a nerd. I smiled at the thought of her holding the pencil between her fingers as she tapped it on her head. When she thinks, she has her lip between her teeth. Damn. I felt my cheeks get warm at the thought of her studying. Atleast she cares for her grades.

I began to walk back into my room. I really should apologize. I already pissed her off not too long ago and this wouldn't be good. She doesn't deserve that. She deserves someone who will treat her right. And I will be that person. Besides, I over reacted. If I don't tell her that, she will begin to think that I am like every other person. I'm not. I opened the door slightly and a small creak was let out from the door. So much for being quiet. I Saw her sitting on the edge of her bed. She was sitting down looking at something. I opened the door and stepped through. She didn't even flinch when I opened the door. As I got closer to her, I noticed she was looking at her arm. I stomped a little louder to see if she would move but she didn't. Not a single movement. Her finger was tracing over something. But she didn't have any writing on it. I inched closer to her and I saw a tear run down her face. My eyes flicked down to her arm. She had markings. They looked so, so painful. Just looking at them made you sense a vision. I could just see them. I can see their birth. It was so sorrowful to look at them.  I looked back down at her eyes. Tears were running down her eyes. I grabbed her chin and her eyes immedietly looked back at me. Her eyes had the gloomiest look. They were so soft and fragile. They were like torn thread. You could try to fix it but it wont ever be back to normal. Ever. I cupped her cheeks and planted a small kiss on her cheek. She sniffled at me and began blushing. I kneeled down and then looked straight back at her. I placed her arm in my hands and then looked back at her again. She flinched back when I pulled her arm closer to mine. I pulled back and then inched closer. My hot breath puffed out onto her arm. Samantha's eyes closed shut. I got closer, my face was right above her arm. I gently blew air over her arm. I pulled away and looked at the ground. Blood. I pulled the sleeve of my sweator down and lightly pressed pressure over them. Samantha looked up at the ceiling and tears ran down jer face. I pulled my sleave away and gently planted a small kiss down on her arm.  I felt a light flinch but then relaxation. She sighed as I pulled away. I looked up at her again and smiled.

"I am so sorry. Forgive me… "


Hey. Anywaaayyy may be another update later okay so get happyy. Ilysm for all the readss ayeee.



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