Chapter 11 - Wow. I can't believe that

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I woke to a neck in pain and a throbbing arm. Harry and I had slept on the couch. My arm laid under him holding all his weight. His arm was snaked over and around my waiste. Damn. This boy snuggles so much. I still can't help but think about how he actually wants to know about me. I mean, why would he? It's not like I'm that important. Im sure he'll drop me anyway. But i dont know. It still kind of feels good that he is actually wondering about me. For once in my life, someone actually wants to hear about me sapping my life out. No one has ever even bothered to ask me if I'm okay even if they are staring at me in tears. No one, not one person has ever cared to. But he does. He actually wants to hear me go on and on about my boring life. This means more to me than anything anyone has done for me. Not that people do anything anyway.

I tossled around in my uncomfortable state, in hopes of not waking him. Then again I didnt want to seem like I was staring at him sleep either. He really is rather attractive. But, while he is sleeping, he looks like a baby. The way his curls lay on the side of his face makes him resemble a nine year old boy. He is rather adorable i say.  

A hand slides slowly from my waiste to the side of my arm. Such just strokes glide across my skin with light taps. He is so gentle. You can tell a lot about a person from their actions. And from Harry's, I can feel his sensitivity. Just by the way he moved his hand i know this boy is quite sensitive. But then again, everyone has two sides. Whether you want to believe it or not. Someone can be a calm patient person but, when they are furious there aggressive and out of control. Happens a lot. Its almost like a mask everyone wears. Except, the mask isnt always removed. I am going to find out what he is hiding under there.

His eyes blink open revealing what I alway notice about him. His eyes. It takes him a few moments to relize everything. He shifts around soon removing the crust from his eyes.

" What time is it? " He looks so oblivious like he has been freezed in a cube of ice.

" Um I actually don't know at all... sorry "

I haven't actually gotten up. Only because I didn't feel like going and just walking around. I dont really consider myself at home yet. Sucks being shy.

"Oh. Well let's get something to eat. "

We both got up of the coach and made our way to the kitchen. I tried to stay a little behind Harry mainy because I don't really remember the kitchen or where it was..  

When we got there, Harry got two bowls out and filled the bowl with milk. He purposly filled mine with more than his, 'his hand slipped.' Sure it did. He allowed me to pick my desired cereal and went for cheerios. Harry went for fruity pebbles. What a little kid. ahah.


After we finished breakfast, Sam decided to clean herself up a little. I really didnt want her to clean. She most likely does that by force all the time. But I really would rather have her relax. I went up to her and yanked the wet cloth from her.  

"You don't have to clean. Really. That's not your job." She stood there almost relived. It's not like we made much of a mess anyway. A splash of milk won't kill us.

I called her over and got her to sit. She sat there patiently waiting to see what was going to happen. I filled two cups of water and set them down on the dinning table where she sat. I took my seat along her side. What I was going to do would either hurt her or change her. And the last thing i wanted to do was intimidate her or make her uncomfortable. She is sensitive. I took a deep breath and prepared myself.

" Um... well I have been wanting to do this for a while and I really didnt know how. I know its really early for this but I have to get to know you in order for me to atleast try to get this relationship to work. I already told you I will fight for you no matter what is to come. Which I know will be a lot. You need to be able to trust me or else I would be fighting for nothing. I only have a few questions but I need enough. Don't worry I am going to tell you about me too. But I just need the basics, you know ... a look or even a peak into your life.. Just please open up to me. I want to be someone you can trust. Please... "  

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