Chapter 25- Play time or play time plans?

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I wrapped my arms around the crooks of legs and neck. I quickly placed a small kiss on her stomach and burrowed my head into her like a small animal. A giggle echoed through out the room as I continued to play with her. She pushed my head with her arm as I removed my head. I held a tight grip on her as I picked her up from the cushion. She is so light in my arms. It felt as if I were carrying a bag of cotten balls. Her weight really doesn't concern me at all though, as long as it is at a healthy measurement. She snaked her arms around my neck as I began to jump off the bed. When ever I have someone in my arms, I always feel like I am going to fall. Maybe it is the idea of another humans 'life' in your hands that messes with your head. But, with luck I have never dropped anyone. That would be embarrasing. Her arms quickly applied pressure to my arms but then quickly flinched away. She keeps forgetting. How? If i had slashes on my body I would only be thinking about that. It just seems to slip away from her mind, as if it never happened. Wow.

" Be careful. I have some things to put on them so they ya know heal properly." I tried to shrug but failed miserably. The arms on my neck don't really help.

" Alright" A shy smiled crept under her facial expression. Her eyes focused on the moving floor as I walked towards the kitchen. I pushed her up onto the air a little a quickly held her in my arms again, she was starting to slip out of arms the more we walked. I began to spot the kitchen. It was looking a little clean since I put the stuff away a tad earlier . She nodded her head and then looked at me. I quickly let go of her and Samantha jumped down onto the floor. Her small figure went to the fridge and slowly searched for the milk. She has never really looked inside of my fridge so this must be a first. I have always gave the food to her hands. She bent down to her knees and looked at the bottom row. Her knees.

" I found it!" I let out a small chuckle and she eyed me wierd. She walked over to the dish washer and took out a small mug. The milk swished out of the gallon and fell straight into the mug. She quicky placed in in the microwave and ran over to me. She spread her arms wide open and slung her arms over me and hung on my neck. Her legs wrapped to my torso and put all her weight to the ground. I lost my balance then quickly regained it, begining to stand up straight again. Sam hung from me swinging on me.

" I am a sloth look!" She bursted into laughter barely even being able to say the words coming out of her mouth. Her eyes squinted as she laughed harder and harder. I eyed her watching her tear up with laughter. Loud elephant noices escaped her mouth as she fumbled with one arm. She was hanging onto me with one single arm, one.

"What the hell are you doing?" I wiggled my eye brows at her as I spoke.

" Making sloth noices obvousily." I bursted into laughter. The fact that she is oblivious to half of the things she says sometimes is just adorable.

"Those are elephant noices Sam…" Her eyes widened as I layed the bare truth out on the table. She clinged off my body snd let her self fall down on to the ground forming a star with her body. She groaned.

"Fuck. I thought I was right." She rolled around on the ground in a log as she groaned into the tile floor. She sounded as if she was dying half of the time. A dying walrus came out of her mouth when she rolled on to my legs.

"Milkk give me milkk." She got off the floor and made her way to the microwave which had stopped a while ago. She stuck her pinky into the milk and nodded in aprovale. She swayed her way to the table and pulled out two chairs. She patted down onto the second seat with her bare fingers. Her eyes met mine and immedietly looked down at the chair. I sat down right next to her and turned to face her. Her lips met the rim of the mug and sipped down at the white liquid. I watched her slow movements as she placed the mug back onto the wooden table.

"So where were we? um you, your job. Continue." Wow, this girl. One second she is making dying animal noices and the next she is sitting tjere with her legs crossed interviewing my life. She just matured in about two minutes. I can't even do that.

"Oh yes, we were. Well, what would you like to know?" I sat back against the chair and let all my weight be shifted on to the chair's back. She looked up at the sky as her facial expression immedietly transformed into a thinking face. Her eyes lit up quickly but faded as she shrugged. As she took another sip, her head cocked in excitement and pleasure.

" Will you ever take me to the club you own? I figure it won't be an issue will it? I mean people my age go all the time. "

My club. My fucking club. She wants to go. Hell no. People will be up on her. A lot of sick headed people go in and out of the club. I watched a 14 year old get fingered by a 28 year old one time. No. Just no.

"Why the hell do you want to go there?" A hint of anger was on the tip of my voice. Samantha' s eyes filled with a hint if annoyance as I questioned her. She hates it when I question her way of thinking, but it isn't like she thinks normally all the time. Her mind may be aged a couple years but that doesn't mean she is always right. She thinks like a little kid sometimes.

"Because people my age go all the time, and there we can actually be together ya know. A first date sort of thing." She sipped down on her milk one last time because the fluid disapeered. The tipbof fingers toyed around with the hem of the table mat as she looked at me with that look. That look she has when she is about to fire at you. You could tell she was angry and wanted to curse me out. But, she held it in for both of our sakes.

"Oh, but my club isn't really that ya know romantic." Its true. A club full of horny men and a thick stench of alcohal wouldn't really be a way to show romance in my opinion.

"Yes but it's not like you can take me out somewhere. I thought we already talked about this. Can we just go? Please?" Her eyes looked so begging. She just changed again. Her eyes are like an avid reader constantly flipping the page holding a climax on each page. She has so many sides of her it is actually quite energetic. I have already seen her depressed side, her scared side, her hungry side, her pissed as hell side, her confident side, her calm side, her playful side, and a hell of a lot more too. There is still more parts of her she is hiding though. She has a new chapter on each damn page of her never ending novel.

"Alright I guess. But one thing, you will listen to me ok? It is dangerous alright. Got it? " She nodded her head and jumped back into my arms. Her head layed perfectly in the opening of my neck. She fits here so perfectly. The fact that she is so much smaller than me is perfect. I stroked her head and pulled her into my chest. Her body adjusted but quickly relaxed. I can't believe I am actually taking her. The thought crossed my mind before but I never thought she would actually want to go. I mean why? People go in there and do all sorts of things I want to keep her away from. And if she is there I won't be able to keep my eyes on her the entire time. Someone will call me from somewhere and I will be in a shit load of problems if I leave her. The only reason why I haven't left to work while she was here is because I have a manger who does all my shit. I just have to quickly check up on things here and then and sign some papers. I went just today while I got pizza and quickly hurried home since sam came today. I don't want anything bad to happen to her. Drugs, drinking, rape. All of that will be prevented with me. I don't want that type of life for her. Not for sam, not for my sam.


AHHHHH!GUYS I MISSED YOU ALL SOSOS MUCH! My wattpad account has been shitted up and ugh. But almost 2.5k reads! aye. thank you sosos much like aye. I am going to try to update tomorrow after school. I miss writing and i have sos many ideas for you. Well i gotta go its late. I am having so much self control not listening to mm.

stay strong,


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