Chapter 12- Shopping time?

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Not one person has ever said anything to me like that. What he just said to me means the world to me. The fact that he even cares, brings me to fucking tears. But this, this is just. Wow. I could't be any more, happy. I am actually happy about this. Out of all my years, no one even bothered to say that they would fight for me. Fight for my safety, fight for my love, fight for just me in general.. It feels so amazing to have someone say that, to have the words slip out of their mouth. Maybe opening up to someone was a good thing. I just am glad that I did wait for someone, the right someone to pour my soul out to. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. It felt like I got ripped apart into pieces. I felt so frail when I told him. It felt like I could actually breath again. All this time, I was holding my breath, going unconscious each and ever day, more and more. Until now, I finally let my body have oxygen. I've craved it for so long and now I have it. Because of him. Him. Harry is who I have to thank. I'm glad I met someone like him. If it weren't for him, I don't know what I would do. Is it crazy that I'm thinking this? Thinking that this could actually work? I know that it's going to be hard but I am willing to try no matter what it takes. If he is in it 100% then so am I. I am in it with every single cell in my body. As long as my heart continues to pump blood all through out my body. I'm actually happy that he basically kidnapped me the other day. If it weren't for that, I would never be able to have someone like him in my life. Him and I will work. I can feel it. I'm ready for what is going to come.

Harry kept his arms wrapped around me. He didn't seem to want to let go. Especially after what happened. To be honest, I don't want him to either. His smell is so intoxicating. It's so musky and mesmerizing, it's a strong scent and I know I could tell it apart from every other smell. My small arms hold him, pulling him even closer. Harry's chin is resting on the top of my head.

" You know, we should do something. We can't really go out as a couple but I mean we can go to the mall or something... if you want of course" He sounds so shy. His voice keeps cracking, it sounds almost shaky. I wonder why..

"Um if you want.. " I really don't want to go out. But it is better than sitting here being all emotion. I guess it wil do us good.

"Great. um let me just go get ready. Go ahead and shower. "


I stepped out of the black range rover as Harry opened the door for me. What a gentle man. The cold air hit me like a bullet. Harry locked the car and we walked towards the entrance together. Leaves flew around the quiet parking area. Not many people go to this mall in the fall. But of course, there were still people there. And where there  are people, there are stares. Towards me obviously. The more me and Harry walked, the more people whispered about me. The talked on and on about how someone would actually go near me and how I am even out with someone normal. They must've thought I didn't notice, but guess what? I did. Harry must've noticed too because he pulled me closer to him. I could feel his heat radiating off of him. It felt good. He almost had the envolope of protection over me, even if we weren't physically touching.

" So where do you want to shop? "

" Umm hot topic.. I've been wanting this tee shirt."

He simply nodded. We walked straight over there. I'm glad that hot topic was on the first floor. Elevators aren't exactly my cup of tea. As soon as we reached hot topic, I squeeked in excitement. This store is one of my favorites. It's edgy but I like that. It has a lot of my favorite bands here. We walked in and Harry had a sort of wierd face slapped on him. He stayed by my side as I looked around and around. I looked threw everything. Every shirt possible. I couldn't find it any where. Last time, I came here it was on the first rack. Harry picked up a bunch of shirts, but one seemed to catch his attention. He looked at it and examined every bit of it.

" Who are they? The look sort of emo. His hair is soo long, I mean look at it." He chuckled at the sight of the guy's hair. I couldn't stop myself from laughing at the sound of his laugh. He had the sweetest laugh anyone could have, it's so contagious.

" They are Pierce the Veil. And next time you make fun of his hair, I will cut off your fingers. He is perfect. Vic is just perfection. You should really hear his voice." Harry bursts into laughing as I sass at him with my love for them. I probably sounded stupid but I love them and they are perfect.

" suree they are." You could practically taste the sarcasm in his voice. He rolled his eyes at me as if he thought he could do any better than them.

" Oh and you think you can do better than them? Is this what I am hearing? hmm tell me Harold! " He looked shocked at what came out my mouth. He had the biggest smirk on his voice like he knew exactly what to say.

" Actually, if you must know I'm quite the singer. "

He went on and on about how he could sing. He is quite the conceited one isn't he? But thought out all of I found my self zoning off. I coudn't stop thinking about how beautiful he is. The way his curls are pushed back, the way his dimples pop out as we talk. He has the cutest smile, his teeth are perfectly straight. Oh how I would kill for a smile like that. He stopped talking and we just stared at me. I didn't really know what to say next. I was out of words. Hopefully he didn't think I was staring. Suddenly, Harry breaks into laughter after what feels like an hour death stare. We laughed together for a good ten minutes about absolutely nothing at all. He is so silly, I can't help but blush at the thought of it. We finally stop laughing and go back to the stare.

" Your so cute when you laugh" Harry mumbles under his breath. I have a feeling that he didn't mean to say that. As soon as he realizes I noticed what he said, his cheeks are firing with embarrassment. I pretend not to brush it off just to help his cheeks go back to their normal state. I can't help but smile at his words. No one ever calls me cute..

I continue to search for my shirt. I go through pile after pile until I find the one. It feels amazing. It's like finding a chest of gold. The shirt is a pain black tee shirt with the words " No matter how much I feel like crap, music is always there for me"  Something about this shirt had me on my knees. It's so simple but I just love it. It would be insanly cute with its sleaves rolled up and a pair of jeans. I play around with seeing how it would look best.

" If you roll the sleaves we will be twins." I look up at him and smile. We would really be twins.

I bring the shirt up to the cashier and pay. Me and Harry fight about who should pay. I dont feel comfortable with him paying for me. He has done enough for me by even being my friend. He sure as hell doesn't need to pay for me.

We spend the rest of the day shopping around. He mostly window shopped but he ended up buying a something from a local store. The fact the we spent this day together is just so unreal to me. It's so wierd to think about having someone to hang out with. After all this time alone, I feel foriegn to hang out with someone. But, Harry made it feel like something I've always done. This is perfect to me. We may just have met each other but I will definitly enjoy my entire time with him. I could get used to this. His laugh, his smile, his everything ~


Okay soooo yup I updated. It took me a lot to get this chapter up but you know what it is up now. How are you feeling about them hanging out? hmm is it cute? Tell me what you think! I love you guysss I will try to update tomorrow but im not sure. Tomorrow is sort of busy. I have to get my glasses but i only need them when I can't see so yeaah Im hungry soo imma go.

Byeee guysss i love youuuu mwwaaahh

Thank you for over 800 reads!!!!! This means everything to me. You don't even know like omg!

Anyway byeee babes

Xoxo, samiluvs1d

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