A Blood Boiling Sight

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Kira's POV
I walked out to see Clocky in front of Toby and Callie restraining Toby. "WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!" I started twitching uncontrollably, my left eye was out of control.

"Let Him Go" I said in a dark raspy tone. They dropped him and they were trembling in fear. "Go To HELL!!!!!!"

Raven's POV
I walked out of the kitchen and saw Sophia twitching uncontrollably and she had long claws. "Go To HELL!!!!!!" Was the first thing I heard her scream.

I dropped my glass cup and tea spilt everywhere. Sophia turned and smiled "Hey Raven!!!" She turned back to normal, her hair was back to brown and her eyes still stayed gray.

I noticed she had both her eyes and her skin was in perfect condition. Clocky and Callie were still trembling in fear.

BEN had been standing in the doorway the whole time, Sophia ran up to him in the blink of an eye because of her inhuman speed.

"How much did you see?" "Everything, damn girls are emotionally unstable" I watched the brunette talk to the tall blonde.

"You're short what are you gonna do Twitchy Eye Sophia" she grabbed a pencil and stabbed his eye. "JUST BECAUSE IM SHORT DOESNT MEAN THAT I CANT BE DEADLY YOU ASSHAT!!!!" Slendy walked in and Sophia disappeared like a ghost.

"Raven I need to talk with you in my office" I walked into his office and sat down. "This may be a shocker to you but you're Sophia's sister" 'YAAAYYYYY WOKENBEJIAOAODNNF IM SO EXCITE I CANT EVEN ENGLISH!!!' 'Raven, girl, calm yourself' 'Sophia? Did you know about this?' "Well now I do!' 'Do you have telepathy like Slendy?' 'Yup sis!!'

I hadn't realized I'd been staring at the wall for about thirty minutes and Slendy had been standing in front of me. "Raven are you okay?" I shook my head yes.

"Well you were zoned out for about half an hour and it's past curfew. You're excused Raven" I walked out into my room and flopped onto my warm bed.

Sophia's POV
I hate being an insomniac. "UGHHHHH" Slendy walked into my room. "What's wrong child" "I can't sleep" "Why not" "I'm an insomniac" he nodded and I got up and went to grab my laptop and laid on my bed. I went on YouTube and watched Danisnotonfire.

"Ahahahaahhahaha" I burst out laughing probably wakin up people. I put on the song "I Burn" which was ironic because MY ROOM WAS ON FIRE?!

I shut off my laptop and got up to find part of a chain and fur. "Callie and Clocky, those bitches!!!!" I ran out my room holding my dagger.

"SLENDY WE HAVE A PYRO PROBLEM!!!!" Slendy immediately teleported and Jinxx came with him. She has water powers, "Jinxx put out the fire" she shot the fire with her water.

After Slendy left Jinxx stayed. "Who the hell did this?!" "Callie and Clocky they're sisters and they hate me" "I'm guessing Callie is the one with blonde hair" "Yup"

"Wanna get payback with me on them?" I said smirking at the end. "You sly dog, of course!!!! We darkly laughed. She grabbed her knife and I grabbed my dagger. In my pocket was a liquid to drug them and I had a cloth.

Jinxx had the ropes. Together we were unstoppable.

-Time Skip-

12:30 pm

Kira's POV
We walked down and everyone was on a mission except Callie and Clocky, perfect. As soon as Clocky left I snuck up behind Callie and drugged her. Once Clocky came down I did the same.

-At Their Secret Base-

Jinxx's POV
After I tied the two up I grabbed my whip and Sophia grabbed her dagger. They woke up, "WHERE ARE WE!!!" "Your own personal hell" Sophia said grinning like an insane person.

We're all insane but she was most insane. She teleported behind Callie hold a knife against her neck. "Why did you set my room on fire?" She said with hurt in her voice.

"Please let us go!!! Well explain!!" Callie begged. "Please Sophia spare mercy on us!!!" "Begging for mercy won't help you, nor will it get you anywhere in life!!!!" I whipped Clocky in the leg and she shrieked in pain.

Thank the lord down below we were 11 miles away from the mansion. Sophia stabbed Callie in the thigh and they started crying and screaming. "W-wait till the pastas come" "They don't know where we're at Natalie" I said with anger.

-At the Mansion-

Toby's POV
I haven't seen Callie, Clocky, Sophia or Jinxx in five hours. "Raven do you know where Callie, Clocky, Sophia, and Jinxx are?" She shook her head no. "Everyone's been looking for them"

Jeff and Masky walked in, "Any sign of them yet?" "Nope" "Jeff there's one place we haven't looked" everyone  stared at Nina who walked in.

"Where?" "Our secret base" we all grabbed our weapons and Slendy came with us. We heard a scream and I kicked the door down and the tables have turned.

Instead of Clocky torturing Sophia or Callie torturing Jinxx, it was Sophia torturing Clocky and Jinxx torturing Callie. They are the two most dangerous people we have on our team. Together they're practically undefeatable!!!"


Kira's POV
'Fuck' 'Were screwed' 'So three people can read minds?' 'Yeah me, you and Slendy!!' (Jinxx is the one talking) 'I knew they were gonna check here.' 'Well just run away' 'We will try that first and if it don't work we're screwed!!'

We tried jumping out an 11 foot building. We did this stuff on the roof, "Are you sure about this Jinxx?!" The pastas were closer. "It's a leap of  fate, well do it together" she smiled at me and I smiled back. Our pinkies intertwined and we jumped. (Like they were making a pinkie promise)

We landed on the soft grass and we ran with all our speed to a portal that led to Zalgo's Castle. It was a big mistake we made.

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