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Sophia's POV
Mystic scoffed, "Have you ever done anyone" she asked, "No" I said and she looked at me like a monster. When she was one. Okay maybe I am a monster. Yeah I'm a monster. "Why does everyone think dirty and ask dirty questions?" I asked before walking up to my room.

I was greeted by a DISGUSTING surprise.

I opened the door and saw two complete teenage strangers making out on my bed. I took out a glass shard and stabbed one of them. "I'm shattered, now it's your turn." I said before stabbing the other one and throwing them out my window and the corpses fell on Mystic. "SORRY!!!" I shouted and she got up before making the corpses disappear.

"ITS OKAY!!!" She shouted back and I plopped onto my bed.

I was currently going through a crisis.

Where I question everything.

Like life.

Why do I exist?

Why am I liked?

Why do I have friends?

Why am I such trash?

Okay that last question I have an answer to.

EJ barged in and before I could say anything he covered my mouth. "Mystic wants to kill me so hide me!!!" I threw him into my secret hiding spot and turned him invisible. I flopped onto my bed and checked my social media.

Mystic came barging in.

"Have you seen EJ?!" She yelled, "No, why?" I asked sitting up. "Because he went through my diary!!!" She shouted and I pulled up EJ by the collar and turned him visible.

"Say sorry." I said blankly. "Sorry." He said looking down. "Now Mystic, don't kill him or I'll kill you." I said smiling and they both left my room. BEN came in and as I was gonna change he poured ice cold water with ice on my head. I was completely soaking wet.

"BEEEEEEN!!!!!" I shouted and chased the elf around the house until he went into Shayla's room. Of course he hid with his girlfriend. "OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!!!" I pounded on the door and Shayla opened it and I pushed her and grabbed BEN by the collar and pushed him against a wall.

"Say sorry." I said glaring icey daggers at BEN. "Sophia get off before I kill you!!!" Shayla said and I laughed.

"No." I said before throwing BEN and walking out to change.

I grabbed a bucket of water and poured it on BEN. His pupils turned crimson red. And he chased after me but I took a cup of water and splashed it in his face and he got even more angry so he took out his sword and I took out my now shattered glass sword.

"Get ready to be buried alive." I said to BEN and stabbed him in the chest and Shayla come running out and I stabbed her too. I put their bodies in body bags and took them to the cemetery and buried them alive.

I walked back and left the body bags there. Slender called a meeting, "Where's BEN and Shayla?" He asked as everyone started asking that too and I stayed silent.

Everyone's glare was on me. I got up and walked away and Masky backed me to a wall. "Where are they?" He asked as I was gonna lie but realized I could tell the truth and get this punishment over with. Unfortunately Shayla and BEN walked in covered in dirt and I ducked under Masky and ran to my room. "AHHHH!!!" I ran to my room and changed into a long sleeve black crop top and I kept on my ripped shorts as I slipped on my converse and ran down not looking back.

Welp, not even halfway down the stairs and Masky tackled me.

I tried getting up but I couldn't so I rolled out his grasp only for Toby and Hoodie to grab my arms and Masky and Bloody Painter restrain my legs. "Let... me.....GO!!!" I said struggling. "Not until you tell us what happened." Masky said keeping a tight grip on my leg. Everyone surrounded.

"FINE!!!" I shouted angry. "Let me go and I'll say it" I said through gritted teeth. 'Once you escape jump out the window' bomber said and I nodded. They let me go and I jumped out the window and started running until I bumped into Masky, Toby, Bloody Painter, Hoodie and the rest. I turned around and I was surrounded. I fell to my knees and put both hands up while my head was down and summoned my sacred shadows and stood up as they came next to me and I took out the same sword that I had stabbed BEN and Shayla with.

"COME ANY CLOSER AND I WILL ATTACK!!!" I shouted and BEN and Shayla stepped up. BEN took out his sword and Shayla used her powers. Raven went next to me and so did Jeff. Half the pastas went to me the other half went to BEN and Shayla.

I limp ran to the mansion and fell face first into the mansion and smelt something burning.

It spread everywhere and I ran through the Fire and Sally was in her room so I grabbed her and Smile Dog and the roof had starting falling. The roof above us was gonna fall I put my fire wings as shields and I crouched down.

We were sandwiched by wood.

I didn't care that I was on fire.

My friends lives were more important than mine. I found a way to get out and I jumped out the window with the two in my hands. I landed on my feet and started coughing. I had Sally and Smile pour water on me.

"Sophia, are you okay? You didn't have to do that!" Sally said.

Someone was trapped.

I got back in through the window and saw Grinny so I picked him up and two more people were trapped.

Nina and Jane were sleeping.

I picked both them up and carried them out the fire as I was on fire but it was worse this time. I fell down as soon as we jumped out the bathroom window. "Sophia are you okay?!" Jane asked and I nodded soon. The whole place was back to normal.

"Somebody get me out before I burn this bitch down." I sang as the song Parade by Get Scared played in my head. "Caged, but you can't tame the beast."

I walked into the mansion and set it on fire and left it burning. 'You know why I burned it right bomber?' 'Yeah its because you hate the mansion and you want it to burn' 'yup'

"I burned the mansion to save you. An enemy a very deadly enemy was in there." I said staring at the mansion and everyone noticed I was burning.

BEN and Shayla ran up to me to speak to me, "Shut the fuck up before I burnt the both of you two also." I said holding my hand out.

Everyone surrounded me and asked questions. "STOP FUCKING QUESTIONING ME!!! IF YOU WANT AN ANSWER SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" I shouted breathing heavily.

"I ran into the fire to save Sally and Smile dog first. After that I felt my instincts kick in and Nina and Jane also Grinny cat were trapped in there. So I ran back in and saved them. There you have it now stop asking me questions." I said before walking to a house.

It was Kyle's house.

I knocked on the door and he pushed me in. "Why did you push me?" I asked, "I need to tell you something." He said staring at the window.

"I'm Puppeteers son." He said as Puppeteer appeared. "Wha?" I said shocked. "Yes he is Sophia." Kyle showed me as golden strings came from his fingertips and they wrapped around my arms and legs.

Kyle was controlling me.

- Five min later -

After that he put the strings back and I sat on the table questioning every. single. thing.

"Why did you keep this a secret?" I asked Kyle as he was talking to his 'father'.

My father appeared.

They started growling at each other. (Puppeteer and The Midnight Man are enemies) before they came at each other I got in the middle as my life flashed right before my eyes.

All my sanity is gone (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now